73 delegates to go until Bernouts lose their shit.
73 delegates to go until Bernouts lose their shit
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We've known for months it was going to end in Cali
The Great Berncuck Chimpouts of 2016 begin on June 7
not that i'm a bernie supporter, but all the delegates are going to just the two of them.
depending on how things turn out, it could still be a toss-up until the convention.
>""""""Democratic"""""" party
>Uses superdelegates, purposefully in place to stop democratic movements
Explain this, leftist cucks.
democracy needs to be tapered sometimes
>but all the delegates are going to just the two of them.
Duh? Hillary will have more.
>depending on how things turn out, it could still be a toss-up until the convention.
If Hillary drops dead before the convention, maybe. Even then they still might cuck Bernie. It's never going to fucking happen.
The problem is she might not get the nomination with pledged delegates alone, so it'll go to the convention. Of course, chances are she'll win that as well, but it probably won't be so easy.
The RNC is just as corrupt.
Yup, Hillary will win Commiefornia by a narrow margin, just like the others, the Democratic Party will not let Sanders win the nomination screen cap this.
You don't screencap something obvious
If that was true then Yeb would have won the nom
We're lucky there was no super delegate bullshit
>tfw June 7 is my birthday
This is the best birthday present I could have wished for.
why do you think they were so butthurt when trump pulled out of the debate? its because trump basically destroyed sanders' last hope at getting back into the race. not only that, he basically called him a loser who is not worth his time. ouch.
Now, I don't think anybody would argue that superdelegates are democratic
But you can't say undemocratic methods are unique to the democratic party
Every primary and cockass is proportional in the Dem primary
Justify how winner take all is democratic, especially If the person doesn't get above 50%
LOL. The fact trump got the nomination just proves you're a moron. The RNC doesn't have super delegates you dumb fuck.
Keep drinking the clinton kool-aid though, cuck.
Bernouts are going to keep up hope until the convention. They are rabid in believing the super delegates will all switch to Bernie due to his UUUUUUUGEEEEEE MOMENTUM
They completely ignore super delegates.
They're actually planning on having a million berncuck sit in at the convention to scream and shout to get bernie the nom.
Chocolate Milk will be sullied on Sup Forums in the future
Screencap this.
They are pretty corrupt, but I wouldn't say just as corrupt. They do a lot of shitty things in their process, as we saw just recently, but they stop short of super delegates. I think they would have them if they could, but their base would be harder to get SDs by. The democratic base is programmed to be subjects, so they will pretty much accept whatever blatant nonsense you put on their plate. The RNC just has to be a little more clever at how they do it, which is still a problem for sure.
It will end in New Jersey mate
Trump is playing monopoly when everyone else is playing connect 4.
Trump knew 'dropping out' of the meme debate would cause bad press for a couple days, but ultimately he knew the mere notion that bernie would get to share the big stage instead of shillary would cause chaos in the DNC. fucking brilliant.
>the tendies and piss jugs will fly into mummies face when he loses Screencap this.
Who are they going to vote for when Hernie gets btfo? Will they vote Trump in spite?
Technically not. The Superdelegates vote doesn't count until the convention at the end of July.
Classic bernout tears, so salty
kek subtract the non-DNC shills and Bernie is actually ahead.
Love what a corrupt shithead Crooked Hillary is.
How does that prove that he's a moron? The Republican establishment has been trying to push for a populist ever since 2012.
There's 3 opinions on this.
Largest - Writing in Bernie or stay home
Small - Voting Trump to spite Hilary
Smallest - Swallow their pride and vote Hilary just to get a democrat in office
if there are any flag collectors here then make sure to collect this flag if no then you should get started with this one because its really rare
>Clinton: 12,989,134 votes
>Sanders: 9,957,889 votes
Would you people stop pretending that it's undemocratic of the Democratic Party to give the nomination to the candidate that's won millions more votes?
? is not a rare flag. It happens when a mod moves a thread to Sup Forums. It happens pretty often because mods like to fuck /k/
they're all full of shit
like 80%+ of the idiot berners will fall in line and vote blue just like virtually every other election
the ones who "stay home" or "vote trump" are either fictional, or wouldn't have voted to begin with if bernie wasn't around, so are largely irrelevant, just like their shit-tier candidate
>id: gOdOOaOH
okay orgasmon
>It's never going to fucking happen.
This. They'll just put Biden in, since he actually stands a chance in the public eye.
To play Nate Silver, Bernie's support really does have a ceiling; AKA "The Number of Actual Voters Retarded Enough to Accept Socialism".
You have to take into account that both parties have always had a hard time in getting young people to give a fuck and vote.
That's why I believe Bernie was a DNC plant to enfranchise the youth to register and give a shit about voting - It's just that he backfired and succeeded only in completely polarizing the Democratic party.
I can't wait they have been insufferable faggots.
What will the peaceful Bernie supporters do once their messiah loses? Maybe just set a few fires, flip a few cars? They are peaceful, you know.
There's going to be """peaceful""" protests following the convention up until probably 6 months after Trump gets elected.
Also be sure to look forward to hearing during Trumps/Hilary presidency "If Bernie had won we would all be living in a socialist paradise! Everything would be PERFECT! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT"
hoping for mass suicide
I hope they just totally lose their shit and go insane and fuck up the Democrat's convention. Oh man I'd be rock hard if Clinton starts talking at the convention and Bernouts start screaming from the audience and whatnot.
Damn, if only Bernie had a debate to gain additional support.
Really makes you think, doesn't it?
Where did Trump learn how to be a master level troll?