My brothers and I got into a debate on heather or not Global warming is real. I said that while it is probably real, it is also likely exaggerated - am I a dumbass?
Red pill me on Global Warming, Sup Forums
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It's real. All of it.
It's so people can pat themselves on the back while using cars and other electronics. Most theses people are so dense they are against nuclear fission/soon to be fusion. The main problem is over population but that's too tough of a problem for liblols to deal with.
Real. We can move to Greenland and settle it.
Alternative energy is a good idea to stop the Jews.
>implying Jews don't just brand any energy to sell
>am I a dumbass?
Know how everyone is freaking out about a couple millions immigrants, at the moment?
What do you think happens when there is a global drought and coasts begin disappearing? There will be global hunger. Global refugee crises.
It will get much, much worse. It is massively under-exaggerated. It was a present danger in the 90s. It is now an inevitability.
Do you know what extinction debt is? The world is wholly fucked. The problem is unbelievably massive, and it simply hasn't caught up to us, yet. But it is far, far beyond being solvable.
Did you all know that Milo claims (I say claim because I haven't looked it up) that he worked on the original global warming plan that was presented to the UN? He says he quit because he was being told to cook the books, but I think he would say whatever he could to be on the conservative side of an argument. He says it in his Joe Rogan interview.
>world is overpopulated
>we must have more children for muh white race
Stormweenies aren't exactly known for their intelligence.
>33 years-old
>worked on the original global warming plan presented to the UN
He lied.
I can't find anything on it, but he says in the interview he was on the floor. Weird thing to lie about, but honestly I think the guy is a hack. Really smart, charismatic, conveys his points well, but I think he's an opportunist who will do or say whatever buys him more time in the spotlight.
He's lying because the original UN global warming plan was formulated in 1988. He was five years old.
You don't need any sources. He was five. He was not part of it. He is lying.
The world is overpopulated thanks the mudskins and their 20 children per couple
Whites make up less than 15% of the earths populace, but you are not going to breed so that shaniqua can shit put a few more kids?
Global warming's effects are always 10 years away no matter what year it is. A truly amazing phenomenon.
That is an absurd and stupid thing to say, and your only source for it is yellow journalism and the misrepresentation of science a decade ago, or a decade before that. The science has been fairly consistent, since the seventies. It has also been wildly misrepresented, since the seventies (no: there was never a belief in "global cooling." There was some speculation about what greenhouse effects could cause and the possibility of a feedback loop that increased cloud cover and theoretically caused massive cooling. It was disproven fairly quickly, and never particularly supported even by the people who released it. It was also misreported, which is why you think it was ever a theory).
Cool story. I look forward to you repeating it in another 10 years.
how do we solve the white problem?
The Earth is warming because of humans in general but not how you think. As humans we generate a lot of heat no matter what we do we are generating heat. Add 7 billion people to that equation of just heat and the Earth is bound to get warmer. Add every single electrical machine they use such as computers, phones, ovens, refrigerators, house heating it all adds up to global warming because we have so much wasted heat/energy. The easy counter would be to make Thermo generators which convert thermal energy into electrical plain and simple. Despite this, mostly what the Jews are telling us about smog and shit is not the main cause of this heat.
Fucking Aussies not just shitting up Sup Forums but shitting up the atmosphere to.
keep in mind that general consensus is not factual evidence of global warming
Whites are superior to Niggers in every conseivable way. I wonder why every successful nation of the last 2000 years have been white and Asian?
The solution is to eradicate all Niggers, Sand Niggers, and the Jews
>Global warming is a religion, their model-builders - who they refer to as scientists - are their priesthood and pic related is a hundred of their failed prophecies.
True or not. Government likes it because it gives them license to take further control of our lives.
That is all the reason I need to dismiss it out of hand.
theres a hole in the o zone layer and we need to spray clouds to keep the o zone layer safe and everyone needs to go green and buy green to save the earth. we really just need to save the earth because CO2 is going to kill the planet because of humans, its all your fault really. i hope you understand. the planet is doomed as CO2 accumulates and never goes away. fast forward 30 minutes from now, now imagine earth turning into mars due to too much CO2. it will happen in 30 minutes. now you understand that we must GO GREEN. also smoking salvia helps you understand.
Real? Yes. Though the models have been consistently wrong.
It's real, but the only way to stop it is to return to a pre industrial age. Which will never happen. So we might as well just continue living as we have been.
It's a financial scam of epic proportions. If there was actually a problem we would just cap and not trade on made up bullshit. There are people getting paid millions in India burning cow shot as a way to make up carbon credits to trade. It's so fucking stupid.
If the sea levels are supposed to rise so much why aren't we building new inland cities to prepare and at the same time stimulating the economy? Or any number of other things that actually make sense? Because it's a financial scam and a ton of retards are falling for cooked numbers and 24/7 propoganda. Falling for the save the children meme.
Climate Specialists all rely on funding to keep being paid big
If theres no problems then theres no reason for more studies
So there will always be some big issue thats abouts to bring DOOM to us all, from ozone layers abouts to go and flash boil us all, to El NiƱo panic, to Omg water world soon stalker.
I understand now. Thanks, user
Smog has thinned the ozone layer which lets in more radiation from the sun, which adds on to global temperature.
I'm more concerned about ocean acidification than anything else