I love how Americans on social and American media is outraged over a Chinese commercial and are demanding they change and stop being racist.
Got some news for you; China has always been racist as fuck to anyone not Chinese ALWAYS. And the people and media telling China what to do and how to act is just absurd. You don't even live in China, you should care about this or think your voice should be taken serisously.
>The commercial had apparently aired for months in China, without generating much debate, until a flicker of online discontent was picked up by a local English-language website.
And once again no one cared until it goes viral.
Carson Nguyen
>SJWs thinking China gives a shit about their virtue signaling on twitter.
That is a stupid fucking product advertisement, but an excellent public service announcement.
Brody Garcia
Go to the comments. There is a black woman who said she's not offended because it's from China and they have a difference sense of humor than the US...then the rest of the comments are ripping her apart and people saying she hates the own color of her skin. Jesus.
White people always trying to get offended by things that dont relate to them.
Samuel Ramirez
>put nigger into washing machine >asian guy comes out how is that even racist? It's not like a white guy came out
Nathaniel Perry
Why does Twitter care about this? This is a country thousands of miles away. How is this affecting them? So these justice warriors will call out China for making a black hole but doesn't say anything about Muslim suicide bombers?
Zachary Wright
>Why does Twitter care about this?
Virtue signalling. Nothing more.
> How is this affecting them?
It isn't. They just gotta look like morally superior people.
>So these justice warriors will call out China for making a black hole but doesn't say anything about Muslim suicide bombers?
Yep. Muslims are much higher up on the oppression scale than the Chinese are so it's okay to talk shit about them.
Leo Jackson
>that Soldier from tf2 yell
Ryan Watson
This and I'm glad china gets to see how retarded our apronstring youth are for being offended.
Gabriel Peterson
It was a joke, you know how I can tell? The black actor did the commercial. If it was really as racist as people are saying the actor wouldn't have done it. He knows it's a harmless joke
James Cooper
Blacks are just entitled whiny bitches
We need to stop being over backwards for these subhumans and let them rot in Africa
Adam Brooks
>"China must be sensitive to OUR racial issues!" >"China should feel bad for being ignorant about OUR culture!" >"I don't care if this is an advertisement aired only in China! It offends ME!" >proceeds to force their own culture and ideals on another country over a bullshit ad that is not even intended to be racist, and was literally ripped off an Italian ad in which a white man was turned black >proceeds to think China should change for them >proceeds to be just as ignorant about China >proceeds to not care about issues that might be sensitive to Chinese, because muh free speech >implying these niggas aren't even more racist
Of course, Sup Forums doesn't care since Sup Forums is even more racist, but I hope you can at least appreciate the hypocrisy.
Cooper Wright
>yfw the best male they could find to display chinese superiority is an effeminate beta trans mongoloid
Christian Murphy
Fuck these niggers I hate them
But there are still self loathing faggots that I know who still think niggers are genetically better than us
These sjw should keep complaining on twitter because we can hear that lol
Colton Lewis
SJW believe that the world is shaped by words. It's only natural for them to want to control speech and expression.
They're very blind to their own totalitarianism since it's not the right wing kind, which usually involved a cult of the leader, display of strength and discipline. Left wing totalitarianism is more about mind control.
In all seriousness: As Americans, whether you are black, white, or are apart of any other ethnic group, it is rather inappropriate to care—even in the slightest, regarding some random CHINESE advertisement. Like really? It's China. Who cares. You're only undermining your own intelligence when you give this ad acknowledgement. You're empowering the ad by being offended by it.
I say this as a black man myself.
Thomas Stewart
Chinese/Asian in general love to insult others for any small flaws; ranging from skin's darkness, educations, jobs, friends, singing ability, weight. Stupid whities
Camden Scott
>Fuck these niggers I hate them Yeah, we all hate them.
Jackson Taylor
>2016 >white
Bentley Walker
>demand that chinks stop being racist >remain quiet when mudslimes rape women I don't know what to make of this.
Hudson Fisher
saved. about time someone brought this up in picture form. Multiculturalism fucking sucks.
Lincoln Kelly
>CNN Why the fuck is this worth reporting on a major news network? It is just a dumb commercial from a foreign country that you are reading western values into.
"If you don't understand why it's racist, then you're a racist"
Please China take over the world and let Americans burn please
Jason James
Because no one knew about it
Oliver Martin
Why do SJWs want to export their ideology all over the world? Isn't that an example of the very cultural insensitivity they so often speak out against? Race relations are different in different part of the world. Attacking the values, traditions and cultural norms of others countries is tantamount to an attempt at cultural totalitarianism, whereby the only cultural norms that can be accepted are anglocentric ones.
Daniel Powell
>Yfw if it was a white man going in and coming out black, the media would applaud it for being "progressive", and all the SJWs would go on Twitter saying they are now life-time customers of said product
We need a new world war. Complacency grows degeneracy.
Lucas Kelly
All those comments >small dick jokes >yellow. Piss colour >chinks WEW. looks like SJWs don't even believe their own ideology
Nicholas Hughes
You're apparently a white foreigner in China. But that doesn't matter. We all hate niggers.
Grayson James
>sjw mad >stop the racism!!!!! >calling Chinese chinks and small dicks to make the joke I don't think they even believe in their ideology tho
Christian Howard
She clearly opened the machine too soon, she needs a longer cycle to get her dingy whiter.
Cameron Jones
How about we make an ad for an oven that turns whites into blacks [spoiler]ash[/spoiler] and they'll be in the back of the oven before we know it!