So Sup Forums what are the best pills to OD on and how can i get them?

So Sup Forums what are the best pills to OD on and how can i get them?

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Like any sleeping pills so i won't be awake for it

step 1: buy a bunch of etizolam online
step 2: take like 10-20mg on zero tolerance
step 3: wash down with 6-7 shots of alcohol
step 4: fall asleep and never wake up

Can any other anons back this up? Want to try but not too sure about it

Not another user but I'm definitely not sure on the lethal dosages. I just know that high doses of benzodiazepines (or thienos) mixed with alcohol is a perfect recipe for arrested respiration for extended periods, essentially meaning you'll stop breathing while you're sleeping. Nice thing about benzos is, you can get quite a bit into your system before shit starts hitting the fan. Also you don't want to be found by a family member or anyone else - if they find you like that and take you to the ER, they may be able to resuscitate you at the risk of having permanent brain damage.

tbh OP if you really wanna die just go carbon monoxide poisoning - much more efficient and a lot more sure that you'll actually pass.

oh yeah, and don't do it etc. etc. you have so much to live for etc. etc.

What would be the best way through carbon monoxide then? Without a car

Stop being such a massive faggot and just /wrist if you want to do it instead of coming on here

Brad delp style, 4 charcoal grills lit in the bathroom and lock the door

I'm planning to use paracetamol

NO. FUCK NO. Paracetamol overdose doesn't kill you it just causes liver failure, and you'll die 48-96 hours later from that in the most painful way possible

I will be drugged and wont feel anything

Fuck pills. Pills are unpredictable. Go down to local party store and say you're throwing a party and need a tank of helium. Will be semi-expensive but what do you care, you're going to be dead? Buy cpap mask and tubing from chemist and hook up to helium tank. Adjust air flow so it is gentle, as to not burst your lungs (extremely painful way to die). Put on your favourite music and hook up cpap mask. You will pass out in less than 1 minute, and be dead in 3 minutes. The brain can't recognise helium as a poison and doesn't recognise the lack of oxygen before you pass out. Death is painfree, quick and difficult to reverse so there is very little chance of resuscitation. I have it all setup at home for new years eve. Good luck user

This OP.

I don't think you get it. Whatever you drug yourself up on won't take away the pain until you die, just 4-6 hours. You won't die for several days on paracetamol. Just buy over the counter extra-strong pain relief (codeine) and do a cwe to get rid of the paracetamol. Down 2-3 packets worth (any more and you'll throw it up) and drink some vodka to wash it down. You should stop breathing and experience very little pain.

> I have it all setup at home for new years eve.
Wait a second. Don't you want your grave to say you died in 2018??? Just wait till after new years day mate so your grave says you died a higher year.

kek trust me paracetamol is a terrible idea. Liver failure is excruciatingly painful and there's no opiate in the world that would help dull that pain (fent maybe lol)

this is the best method. You might experience some panic right before you pass out, but it won't be anything compared to the anxiety behind pulling a trigger or throwing yourself off of a building.

Take all the pills you can find. You´ll make it eventually

Dont OD. Do us a favor and publically tell the truth about the holocaust and (((them))). You'll be dead in a week.

Opiates and Vodka

Helium is nowadays mixed 80/20 with air
>Whatever you drug yourself up on won't take away the pain until you die, just 4-6 hours.
>Liver failure is excruciatingly painful and there's no opiate in the world that would help dull that pain (fent maybe lol)
How do you know that?

>The initial symptoms of liver failure are often ones that can be due to any number or conditions. Because of this, liver failure may be initially difficult to diagnose. Early symptoms include:

Loss of appetite

>However, as liver failure progresses, the symptoms become more serious, requiring urgent care. These symptoms include:

Bleeding easily
Swollen abdomen
Mental disorientation or confusion (known as hepatic encephalopathy)

>Acute liver failure often causes complications, including:

Excessive fluid in the brain (cerebral edema). Too much fluid causes pressure to build up in your brain.
Bleeding and bleeding disorders. A failing liver cannot make enough clotting factors, which help blood to clot. Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract is common with this condition. It may be difficult to control.
Infections. People with acute liver failure are more likely to develop infections, particularly in the blood and in the respiratory and urinary tracts.
Kidney failure. Kidney failure often occurs after following liver failure, especially if you had an acetaminophen overdose, which damages both your liver and your kidneys.


You want to buy drugs that depress the central nervous system. There are benzodiazepines, barbiturates, opiates and alcohol.

Do not try to overdose on any other drugs. You will survive with horrible pain.

Look up how to use the darknet, you can buy every drug imaginable there.

Personally, I would go with a combination of alprazolam (Xanax), heroin and alcohol. That should do the trick.

Take around 20 mg alprazolam oral and mix that with a lot of alcohol, preferably something like vodka. Then snort a lot of heroin, I am thinking 500 mg without tolerance.

If you can prepare a shot of heroin to go into your vein, that would be optimal, but on the Xanax and alcohol I doubt you would be able to find a vein and hit. If you miss, that'd be sad.

Now wait for everything to kick in.

The heroin should be noticable first, you will feel euphoric and slowly start nodding, meaning you will basically fall asleep.

You shouldn't feel anything.

Also, I do not support that you do this, I hope you don't have to follow through.

By the way, in total that will cost around 70 bucks. Maybe a bit more. Buy quality shit.

Buy a pure helium tank from a gas supplier OP. Don't buy party helium from a corner store. Praxair is a good place to look.

Ok, acute liver failure sounds terrible, but I have no idea how else can I kill myself. I can not obtain any other drugs, guns are out of question, only habnging seems good but i don;t live alone so i don't see myself doing that

see You just have to make sure you buy a tank of pure helium from a supplier meant for industrial or science purposes, not party suppliers. Death should come within an hour, so if you do it overnight whoever you live with will wake up in the morning to find you dead peacefully wherever you decided to do it.

don't do it we love you.
Seriously though OP, don't go taking your life. If you've gotten to the point where you can no longer stomach living, maybe it's time to do something crazy with your life that you wouldn't have ever imagined doing, whether that be leaving your home and your family to live on your own and make it on your own, or going backpacking across your country and trying to make a living for yourself. Idk, just trying to make suggestions I guess.

It's not like a higher score type of thing. I just have chosen that to be my last day