Who are you calling a Manlet?
Tall scrawny faggots BTFO
Who are you calling a Manlet?
Tall scrawny faggots BTFO
>who are you calling a manlet?
there is literally no fucking reason to ask that question in a """"btfo conversation""""
you dumb piece of shit
Lanklet detected
Post height Sup Forums.
5'8" here. Feels good not to be a millennium
yum yum here I come your women little boi
Joke's on you leaf. My gf claims to only like darker guys now
>in Sweden
Holy shit your life must be literal suffering
i'm 6'2" and i felt like a small man in sweden when i spent a summer there
5'8" here also, soon, my brother.. they have underestimated our superior centers of gravity
6'4" 225lbs
Go fuck yourself manlet
>be 6'2 straight white male
>regular medical check up
>turns out I am actually 6'3
Life is good
I'm an albino nigger with 100% Sub-Saharan African, I am also a Muslim.
I'd say I cared, but with my life style and the lack of people in my life, I really don't.
6'2" is truly the perfect height.
6' here. Feels good not being a short shit, but tall girls are one of my fetishes that will never happen.
Buy a dress.
Embrace your destiny as a trap for you will never be a man.
I wouldn't even accept a girl that short to be honest.
im 6'2 and most of my friends are taller than me
oh sweden
Sucks desu. It's king of the manlets no matter what anyone says. I feel so inadequate. Thankfully my junk is huge.
I thought you Fijians were all the size of leprechauns or something
>MAGA id
jesus christ meme magic is real
I don't know if you're joking, or not, but I hear you.
Being a short man, I don't have much pick in regards to women, but I don't like short women myself, so by the off chance that a woman's interested in me I always reject.
>father 5'8
>mother 5'3
>end up right in the middle
Manlets and womanlets shouldn't breed.
>Tall scrawny faggots BTFO
Except I have better reach and can pelt his lips at my range.
Also he cant really get any locks on me, I can slip out and turn them around on him, he may be stronger but I have better leverage.
Only thing the nig has going for him is the law will side with him unless he attacks a cop then they will shoot him, and a dozen friends that will kick me in the head when I ground and pound the dumb ape.
are you unattractive, poor. fat, balding as well?
Wow that is weird im 6.1 and I love shorties.
Like 5.1 or even shorter.
I don't see myself as tall, I think a shorter female feels better in bed too. The height ratio, makes sexual positions more comfy.
6.1 250 pounds, muscles and shit, look like a swat guy. Love me a 5 foot female, stocky with big boobs, around 150-180 pounds. (Maybe bigger/heavier if they are literally a great catch.)
youre probably thinking of other melanesians who are shorter on average such as papua new guineans
>The people of Fiji are larger – much larger in some cases, as in the province of Nadroga where even the women are nearly 180 centimeters (6 ft) tall.
in fact, were the first oceanic country to have a person on the list of tallest people. Kaliova Seleiwau is 7 foot 8
to give you perspective, in this pic the shortest person you see is 5 foot 10
Unattractive? No, I'm constantly getting approached, just by women I don't find attractive.
Poor? I'm a student, working a minimum wage job, so yes.
Fat? No, I workout 5 days a week
Balding? No, my hair doesn't stop growing. No balding in the family either.
I can't stand them, to me, they're not visually or sexually appealing in the slightest. That's all I attract though, women my height or shorter, which sucks.
I prefer women 5'8"-6'2", long legs are a huge turn on for me. I constantly get teased by friends when they find out about my tastes.
I generally get shot down by every tall girl I approach, which is understandable. I'll keep trying though.
Go to Japan and meet tiny cuties and wife one. I did.
Mind your , I have gone out with taller girls. One was Italian/ Croatian and a full head taller, which can be weird.
I'm 6.2 and i finally lost my virginity about 3 ago. I'm 24 and she was 19. Standing infront of me her head reached me stomach. Her height was perfect for sex. Easy to reach and kiss and holding her felt Great.
I'm just so happy i won't die a Virgin. Happened in a second, went from saying goodbye after driving her home from a party to straight on sex. I admitted earlier that i was a virgin and i jokingly asked in the car to see her tits. Anf then to ask about tasting them and then straighton the pavement outside my car to full on sex. No condom or any time to prepare but she told me not to worry as she was on pills.
honest advice:
Either have leg surgery to lengthen them
have your legs removed under the knee and wear adjustable prosthetics to boost height
5'7.5" here
At college, height doesn't bother me. When I'm at work at a grocery store, every older person seems like 6'0+
whites are so tall.
As much as I enjoy Asian women, next to White women, I honestly don't know how I'd feel about marrying one. As much as Sup Forums likes to rag on race mixing, I do agree that each race should stick to its own, especially when it comes to having children.
What kind of shitty woman would want to marry outside of her own race? Regardless, it is advice and I appreciate the thought Aussie cunt.
I've looked into leg lengthening surgery, and for the amount of money, pain and very few inches you gain from it, just seems like a stupid idea.
Same with removing my legs altogether. My body is actually quite well proportioned, outside of being short, every piece of the puzzle seems to fit together. I'd rather not willingly destroy it.
if you're under 20, pay for HGH therapy
Too late for me then, I'm 22.
Appreciate the notion though, thanks Americlap.
All I can say is get muscular, look into menswear, and wear tailored colorful outfits and look well groomed
if you have a good aesthetic, you can pull of being short.
wear socks though
no one can pull of being short, diego, stop deluding yourself. measure the rope and get the stool already, no one wants you in the gene pool.
t. 190 cm rich norwegian
Why are you such a beta?
Your Viking ancestors must be cringing in Valhalla.
Putin is 5'7", cuckboy
manlet detected
refugee detected
6'0 here, thank god he gave me superior burger genes
In a country full of easy pussy I kinda think its a double edged sword since I cant filter retards from the actual decent people
M-me too
I stopped watching Dexter when this guy died, best fucking character on the show.
Suprise, muthafucka
You belong on /r9k/. I'm sure you go there already with how neurotic you sound. "I'm short, how am I supposed to get a girl? Well I don't want a short girl, I want an average height girl for my unaverage height self! Is that too much to ask? I'm not gonna go for an Asian, she would be a race traiting whore if she got with me!" The barriers you've set for yourself along with your situation has inevitably set you up for failure. There are all kinds of body types with short girls, so if its strictly a height thing that you can't get over how do you expect girls to get over height if you can't?
What ze fuck did you just fucking say about me, you verdammter Jude? I'll have you know I graduated top of mein class in ze Hitlerjugend, and I've been involved in numerous secret Gestapo raids in Berlin, and I have over 300 confirmed executions. I am trained in gorilla gassing and I am ze top sniper in ze entire Wehrmacht. You are nothing to me but just another race traitor. I will wipe you ze fuck out with precision ze likes of which has never been seen before on this Reich, mark mein fucking words. You think you can get away with saying zat scheiße to me over ze Internet? Think again, arschloch. As vee speak I am contacting mein secret network of spies across Deutschland and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for ze storm, blödel. Ze storm zat wipes out ze pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and zat's just with mein machinenpistole. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed kampf, but I have access to ze entire arsenal of ze Wehrmacht forces and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable arsch off ze face of ze Reich, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy blitzkrieg your little "clever" kommentar was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying ze price, you verdammter dummkopf. I will shit Zyklon B all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Why did they kill that guy in the show? He was awesome.
Any way im 187cm not sure how that translates into pounds and quarts and what not
>Leg lengthening surgery
Kek don't listen to that mong. It is a stupid idea. It takes over a year to fully recover, the pain will be excruciating, and you'll only gain 2 inches the most.
Just take care of yourself and you'll eventually run into girls that are into short guys. Just play the cute role