Rednecks are what's wrong with America. They are white-nigger welfare queens who believe that they're somehow entitled to jobs because they're white and they're "from here."
Is there literally a group more pathetic?
Rednecks are what's wrong with America. They are white-nigger welfare queens who believe that they're somehow entitled to jobs because they're white and they're "from here."
Is there literally a group more pathetic?
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>they're somehow entitled to jobs because they're "from here."
bait post
>Is there literally a group more pathetic?
Sup Forums shitposters
How is this untrue?
If you're less professional and less skilled, but demand more money than Pablo, why do you believe you're entitled to a job?
But ultimately if you're a redneck, the beaners are just an excuse for why you don't have a job, so that you can continue to live your welfare queen lifestyle off sweet SNAP benefits and Unemployment, while living in your house or trailer that was handed down to you by your grandparents.
shhh goyim you're angering trump's voter base
>Is there literally a group more pathetic?
Yes, the actual niggers.
Redneck here.Ama
At least they have the excuse of being enslaved just 6 generations of offspring ago.
Rednecks think they were slave owners when really they are mostly descendants of poor, bottom barrel Irish and Scottish people.
>At least they have the excuse of being enslaved just 6 generations of offspring ago.
How is that an excuse, you goddamn cuck?
It takes Asians one generation, but Asian culture focuses on hard work and success, while nigger culture focuses on twerking, gibsmedats, and drugs.
have you fucked your sister before
If Rednecks are whats wrong with America, then you wouldn't mind it if we left, right?
Where do you live?
When was the last time you had a job? What was it?
Do you live on your family's property?
How do you feel about Donald Trump?
>implying irish and scots aren't the OG blacks of europe
Anybody have that map that shows it's Democrats who receive the majority of welfare in every region?
Nah just played with her tits.
>Is there literally a group more pathetic?
Yes. Mexicans and niggers.
>m-m-muh slavery
The niggers sold their own children into slavery for shiny beads and bits of metal you fucking moron.
no because it doesn't exist
here posting some graphs demonstrating the distribution of government and social welfare in the united states
>being enslaved just 6 generations of offspring ago.
2 generations ago my poppop was born in Kentucky and grew up during the depression poor as fuck. he did pretty well for his family and offspring
We need to burn the South and rebuild a new one.
>To the sea!
>Is there literally a group more pathetic?
The one that commits 60% of the violent crime despite being 6% of the population.
The same one that has a median IQ of 85
The same one that is responsible for 33% of all rape, despite STILL being 6% of the population.
Sums up the libertarian view point.
You're confusing what I said.
Yes, the red states receive the most welfare, but it's Democrats in red states that are getting the welfare, and keep demanding it.
Do you even know what "redneck" means ? Oh , brother , you have gone off the path.
Couldn't agree more
Sup Forums will defend the south even though they're the reason niggers are in America. No slavery=no niggers. They also had to nerve to fuck those chimps too and make interspecific hybrids.
You see, you are confusing white people and Rednecks.
Rednecks are not white people, they are Rednecks.
You must not be a student of history , ser shekel kikelstein.
How do you know they are less skilled? You're just talking out of your ass. Mexicans work for less. You think third world labor is better? Houses burn down because of contractors hiring illegals to do electrical work and other shit they are not trained to do.
Illegal labor isn't quality labor, niggers do better work. I've worked on sites with illegals and they are borderline retarded and drunk 24/7.
Have fun losing every election to the Dems then, Yankee numbskull.
>they're the reason niggers are in America
That's the British and Dutch, also a handful of wealthy Jews who owned ships.
Another who would infest a country before nuking it !
Tennessee here, rednecks are the worst. If you've ever had to live with them you know they're just slightly less violent niggers. They suck. They're dirty, they're poor, and they're stupid.
Not an argument.
Also, you still haven't addressed:
South weren't the only ones who had slaves. I swear some of you barely have a grade school education.
Have you ever seen a redneck work? Ever seen a mexican work?
One of them works their ass off, one of them is comically slow as fuck at everything they do in life. Which one would you hire?
>companies hire mexicans because americans are less skilled
>companies hire mexicans because they ask for less wages
That's ridiculous. Companies hire illegal immigrants because they don't have to pay for taxes or insurance. Paying minimum wage to an illegal costs less than paying minimum wage to an American citizen.
You live in Tennessee and you can't tell the difference between white trash and red necks. Red necks are farmers and ranchers and shit. Red neck means sun burned neck from working outside. You're talking about trailer trash like your mom and father uncle.
And they're Trump cucks.
I'm one of your "rednecks". I really wonder if you know where that word comes from. In any case, I have had work taken from me because taco niggers work for about 1/3 of the cost. They can do that because they will pack 3 families to a trailer. And yeah, I believe that I deserve work because this is my home country and some illegal shitstain moving in and taking that work is bullshit. So until you have it happen to you, you will never understand how humiliating and degrading it feels. So fuck you.
So the south never had a slavery based economy? So they didn't breed niggers to created larger workforces? Pre civil war southerners were basically neets and niggers were their spambots. Thank goodness we ended slavery before southerners created too many spambots. We'd be Brazil
>trump cucks
No such thing. Cucks only apply to Bernouts and Hillshills.
But I'm a Bernie supporter.
I'd never hire an illegal to do anything, you have no clue how shitty workers they are. They can mow a yard like a beast but that's about it. At least Jamal brings you a tax break for being black. Paco just gets you sued 5 years down the road when the house you build collapses and kills someone. I'd rather have quality over speed. You probably consider ikea quality cause you're a cuck so whatever bro.
Rednecks aren't too bad as long as they don't fall into the white trash, drug addict category. Those that don't tend to be farmers, factory workers, mechanics. etc. Some rednecks are white trash but not all white trash are rednecks.
White trash are literally nigger tier and will blast music at all hours of the night while getting high on meth; they will also steal your shit.
If someone is working off minimum wage, they are not getting insurance.
And illegals still pay social security and medicare, they just use fake SSNs so it's actually free money for the government that gets counted towards the federal debt because lel federal debt is also unaccounted for revenues.
>I'm a Bernie supporter
ohhh boy
Probably a tranny kek.
>Pre civil war southerners were basically neets and niggers were their spambots.
That was only for a handful of luxury item exporting gentry. You can't run a nation on cotton, tobacco, and sugar. The rest was maintained by independent farmers and workers. You're basically arguing pic related now.
It's funny, you libs/Yankees think you're so smart just because of your position, yet 80% of you on Sup Forums argue like 12-year-olds with no relevant data to back yourself up.
That's a meme. How can you prove they pay taxes when they are undocumented kek. You're so stupid you can't even come to this conclusion yourself
Fuck Sherman. He was a butcher and a war criminal.
Nice statistics you've got on those totally undocumented residents.
Illegals are mostly welfare queens that get a free ride. Sure some of them work but most get benefits, often more than citizens and to add insult to injury they don't pay taxes either. They're not here legally and therefore deserve nothing. Who are they to think they deserve a better life if they can't put togrther their documents, refuse to integrate, and come here legally like the rest of us? Seriously fuck these mexiscum. They're the pathetic ones.
And before you call me a redneck I'm actually a spic, I just really fucking hate illegals and they all need to be deported, fucking animals the whole lot of them.
Those few exporting gentry are responsible for our current crime, disease, and poverty problems. Notice the longer a country waited to end slavery the more niggers it ended up with. Brazil and Cuba ended slavery last. They now have nogs everywhere
i'd say it's accurate for a person to except a country they're from to be one that has their best interests
i think they are correct that the government should ensure the employment of american citizens instead of random wetbacks.
so yea, fuck off pathetic wetback. you have to go back
You gave yourself away, shill.
>what are state and local taxes
A simple Google search would have answered your question.
Rural Southern White here.
Sup Forums confirmed Redneck heaven
What is your opinion on california
>scorched earth policy
So revolutionary! Northern Military Genius!
Rural Texan white here
Also, the British Empire intentionally-structured the southern states to be agrarian, while New York and the other northern states were made to be manufacturing centers and ports.
The British first established slave plantations in the US is what is now North/South Carolina. They had used all available land on Barbados for sugar cane plantations, so they made their Carolinas to be rice plantations to provide food for the slaves. From there, it spread southward, whitch Georgia and Alabama becoming slave states as well.
So basically, the South was destined to be agrarian slave states due to an equivalent of what we call zoning laws today. Combine that with the effects of the Civil War and the Resconstruction, and the South became cucked.
>force states to be slave/farmer areas
>attack slave economy
>engage in massive war with them
>intentionally rob them of capital foudnations during Reconstruction, absorbing their resources into Northern corporations and government entities
>flood them with niggers
>flood them with Mexicans
>"LOL, why do you guys suck? LOL, Democrats in your states take the most welfare. Try harder, LOL."
I just don't agree with Trump on issues concerning health care, military spending, and public services. And Clinton us a fucking mess. Who else do I have?
>who believe that they're somehow entitled to jobs because they're white and they're "from here."
Who would've thunk that people wouldn't want to be looked over for a job in the same country their ancestors founded and fought for.
Redneck =/= Dixie
say the goddamn word libcuck
They forced themselves across a line and are here ILLEGALLY
if you go from the US and just emigrate into another country, YOU GET JAIL WITHOUT A PASSPORT, VISA, OR OTHER PAPERGODDAMN WORK
Idk about that user, most of the white people I know are only 2bd and 3rd generation Americans.
There can be rednecks in upstate new York and Maine but never southerners.
>entitled to jobs
Mexicans hop the border and are taking jobs that should go to US citizens. There's a reason why labor unions existed in the past. It was to ensure that labor workers get payed a fair wage and are ensured favorable working conditions.
Since pablo is willing to work for far less than the average American there is no way that a citizen can compete without giving up all that was fought for in the past.
When "rednecks" complain about this to politicians, cucks like you cry that they are just "entitled".
yeah this, taconiggers do shit half assed, it doesn't matter how hard they seem to work if they do a piss poor job.
This is why some labor unions are supporting Trump this election season.
Another factor is Democrats are so autistic about their "green" shit that they are trying to shut-down the oil and coal industries; thus shitting on their corresponding labor unions.
They generally cut corners and they're forgetful. I had a family coast house and these beans made a deck for it before we owned it. They used nails and as the wood warps from humidity the nails pop out. Apparently they went half way with nails and figured it out then just kept going. Had to get all the wood planks replaced.
>What is your opinion on california
Met some good people from there.
Beautiful land ruined by liberals.
South Texas here, aka beaner land. Not originally from this part of Texas.
Not an argument.
Also, you've yet to address your spanking here:
Yeah sure, only like a 1/4 of the farmers were slavers, but they were the most influential.
I mean, those were our major exports, and we were major world suppliers.
Isn't a Virginian quoted saying they don't even need an army because 'cotton is king'?
I mean, slaves were practically half of some states populations. It was kind of a big thing. And trust me, you absolutely can run a nation off exports. Many have.
Texas hill country predominantly white
Leftists have pure contempt for rural working class whites. The vitriol they have for these people and the deliberate efforts they take to harm them is telling of leftists and their whole advocates of the poor routine.
I shouldn't even say leftists because this phenomenon isn't just isolated to leftists. It's isolated to the cosmopolitan caste which happens to be majority leftist.
As they should. it's better to deal with this now before the political climate gets worse and people actively start shooting beaners.
On thing that always pisses me off about democrats is the hypocrisy of wanting a higher minimum wage yet praising the practice of illegals being paid less than minimum wage.
it shows that they really don't view illegals as human beings as they say, they just want feel good points.
Somebody had the build the infrastructure, and grow the food crops.
They hate them so much to claim that they don't exist or that their experience is easy and privileged no matter what compared to any experience of a minority
>they just want feel good points
I honestly believe that many higher-ups in the Democrat party just want Mexican votes; all else be damned. It's not like they have to actually live around them. (pic related)
Oh sure, slaves didn't make the infrastructure. I do think their labor was pretty important to America's economy, however. I mean, it made us a shitload of money.
But saying that slaves did everything and the average Southern just sat on their ass is very disingenuous.
I would agree. The average southerner worked. Didn't have slaves. Food likely grown on a farm with few or no slaves.
But, I do think it is fair to say that slavery helped greatly in building this empire.
You (903) brah?
Jesus, it's a fucking word you dumb faggots. I'm arguing against illegals anyways. Quit throwing a hissy fit. God damn.
Agreed. White trash are just as bad as niggers. Those degenerates need to be stoned
How dare they think that government is by and for the people.
Don't they know it's current year?
Rednecks are the front line grunts for the next race war
They are essential, but definitely shouldn't be running the show