I wasn't sure who to talk about this with, but I figured this would be the best place.
I got beat up by 4 nogs on my way home earlier
ask me anything
I wasn't sure who to talk about this with, but I figured this would be the best place.
I got beat up by 4 nogs on my way home earlier
ask me anything
You're not Bam Magrera. You're a phony. A BIG FAT PHONY
is that you in the pic? really stupid facial expression
obviously im not going to post my own face, but it will look as bad as that soon enough. as a concilation a good friend of my died in a car accident
p.s. obviously americans are unfazed by nog behaviour, in fact i would say it's encoruaged. good for you guys
We're allowed to have guns and other weapons more deadly than a plastic spork so nogs really aren't an issue.
Can you report it or will that be a hate crime?
He's in the UK so he has to apologize to the poor nogs for bruising their knuckles and offer financial and sexual compensation.
>tfw you realize the based bro members of Jackass all are unmarried and single and don't have kids
>implying Knoxville doesn't have kids out there somewhere
How did it happen?where?tell us you cuck.how did you not notice 4 black guys closing up on you.never releax no matter what.you don goof
Bam go home
Knoxville got his tubes tied on a dare
Most women worth anything probably doesn't look too favorably on a guy who's globally known for shoving shit up his butt or punching his friends in the balls
Look how Bam has been married and divorced twice.
>implying he didn't donate sperm
I bet I could beat you up too.
>Knoxville married Melanie Lynn Cates on May 15, 1995. They have a daughter, Madison (born 1996).
Bam really looks like his father now.
>On August 18, 2009, Knoxville announced that he and his girlfriend Naomi Nelson were expecting a baby.[17] Nelson gave birth to a son, Rocko Akira Clapp, on December 20, 2009 in Los Angeles.[18] Knoxville and Nelson married on September 24, 2010.[19] Nelson gave birth to a daughter, Arlo Lemoyne Yoko Clapp, on October 6, 2011, in Los Angeles.[20]
So three children.
Not an argument.
You Bam Magera?
>Rocko Akira Clapp
>Arlo Lemoyne Yoko Clapp
>Arial lemon yoko clap
Retarded names, now this is jackass.
i'm not even british, just visiting for the weekend
alright bern cuck
hate crime
was walking past a corner store with my mate. turned backwards to find my friend, "made eyes at this guy senpai" kept walking didnt think any of it. and then caught a fist to the side of my head. turned around in confusion, got punched in my nose twice, fell backwards, got my knee stamped on, kicked in the back of my head then in my face. thankfully it was a busy area so others quickly jumped in and pulled me away but the guys got away
Damn, Bam Margera looks like a crack head these days.
>even once
Sounds like you learned a valuable lesson today
Nogs mostly kill each other in in Nogland. Who cares? Only retards tht go to the ghetto are ever effected.
Nothing out of the ordinary there.
no guns
wasn;t in the ghetto. in a very populated area in town right next to a taxi stand
on further checking it seems my nose is broken, and since i dont have health care in this country i cant get it set straight
>Rocko Akira Clapp
>Arlo Lemoyne Yoko Clapp
OK OP ILL HUMOR YOU, what happened ?
>turned backwards to find my friend, "made eyes at this guy senpai"
can you speak english
Can't believe they didn't ripped your ring right out of your nose.
he looks like the average degenerate moron that you find in small east coast cities. my town is just crawling with that loser face
sorry I'll elaborate. I turned around and caught someone's gaze, and his response was "are you making eyes at me f a m?" meaning "why are you looking at me"
You should always cross the street when a group of niggers are approaching.
Is this a serious post? Like do you actually think thats a picture of OP and you don't know who it is?
I got jumped when I was 17. It bothered me at the time but so many people get jumped it's almost normal. I'm lucky to be alive and I've been packing heat ever since I was 21 and celebrate everytime a cop on nigger murder is sensationalized the media.
Do you have insurance at all? Most insurers will.cover incidents that happen overseas.
no. have phoned the hospital and they said they cant do anything for me anyway cause they dont treat broken noses. at least now i've gone from having an ugly nose from both sides, now it looks cool from one side but even worse from the other
Just fix it yourself, you fucking ninny.
Those fucking names
in 24 years i've never broken a bone. im sorry i dont know how to fix my nose
'k I see you want to work through your feelings. Do you hate all niggers now? Did your mind rush to find reasons to feel compassion for them? Do you go over and over thinking of the signs you missed, and What You Should Have Done?
Sorry user, whoever you are.
... thinking of getting martial arts training?
Call the cops or you can try to find them and run them over with a car
Call the cops and have them run them over with the squad car.
>ask me anything
Why were you in an area that had black people? I avoid them at all costs. I'm not even a stormfag or anything. Just a guy who likes getting to keep all his shit.
>checked ID
>confirmed brit
so how was that dose of healthy 'multiculturalism,' m8?
You know how you keep niggs at bay? Eat tons of celery so they won't go near you. Celery contains androstenone and niggers won't go near anything with the pheromone on it
They might as well have named them Koolaidisha, Cellphoniqua, and De'qavious.
He's not in America ;)