>nigger robs and then assaults 9 year old asian girl in a convenience store (slams redbull in her face, knocking out teeth) >white employees/by standers freak out and tackle & restrain them >niggers outside take notice and help out their nigga (stab the white guys) >nigger gets away but gets caught 1hr later
I know I have low standards, but I wanna fuck that big ass
Luke King
Second post, best post!
Evan Russell
We're already awake. We've been Trump's biggest supporters on Sup Forums since last year, and our numbers are growing.
Good to see another fellow redditor here.
Hunter Brown
fuck you
Connor Fisher
Too much ass.
Ryan Jones
Adrian Powell
>linking Reddit >Posting porn
You are the cancer
Carson Hernandez
Outside niggers were accomplices.
Calling it.
William Peterson
Haha yeah I used to live in that fucking shithole of a desert. Got out as soon as possible
Dominic Parker
Please tell me there's CCTV footage
Noah Nelson
Jayden Watson
Your such a fucking pussy. I bet you are a fucking neck beard who has never set foot in any building related to government.
Asher Wilson
Pic is literally OP from Reddit. >neckbeard meme is real
Grayson Johnson
That guy doesn't look remotely like a neckbeard
Ian Parker
It really doesn't matter how much Reddit wakes up because the truth will always be censored, the mods will always shill, and the admins will always help dox and brigade.
Carson Flores
He's not a neckbeard but he shouldn't have played power ranger. The guy got jumped trying to play hero and got his wallet and phone stolen from him by a bunch of niggers (as usual).
Caleb Perry
How the fuck can you stand that website?
These fucking cucks with their racism of lowered expectation is so fucking grating. "De black man dindu nuffin society is to blame".
Yeah because blacks are all retards and we just can't expect anything from them. Oh wait, isn't that raycis?
Cooper Richardson
Liam Ramirez
I swear to god, Sup Forums is the only board where you can just straight up post reddit threads and nobody will give you shit for it. And then you have this shit All of you should fucking kill yourselves.
Carter Anderson
kek get the fuck out faggot
>b-but i moderate r/th-the_donald
you redditors are just like niggers, there are no good niggers and there are no good redditors. fuck outta my indonesian papercraft forum
Gavin Lopez
Which is exactly why I'm curious to why it's on the le reddit front page.
Justin Phillips
Is there a link to a legit news source?
If not... Fuck off retard. How in the fucking fuck am I to use reddit fuckery as propaganda elsewhere?
David Gomez
Brandon Lee
Are you retarded?
Cooper Hernandez
I miss /r/coontown
Ethan Ross
This, this, this
Landon Perez
Do you know they censored /r/European?
Connor Wood
Cool. No one cares. Go back.
Parker Lee
Dominic Ward
Not surprised, i stopped going to leddit after coontown got shut down.
Ayden Roberts
faggot fuck redditor out now
Joseph Perez
>call people with guns to solve the problem
Josiah Smith
That reminds me of seeing the retards at their special lunch table laughing at each other every time one of them would take a sip of milk.
Chase Cook
a tip of m'Redditgold to the gentlementleman with le jokes! xDxDxD
Gavin Fisher
He looks like a pretty tough guy, I mean he did get stabbed 5 times and was still able to mace the guy who attacked him.
Evan Ramirez
well, it is still reddit
Jaxson Hughes
holy shit I'm sick of you fucking reddittards shitting up this site, every time there's a wave of immigration the quality of this site drops considerable
the fact that Sup Forums doesn't shit on you faggots the same way the rest of this site does shows that half of you probably immigrated within the past 2 years and still post on r/whateverthefuck
also >reddit is waking up
these threads have been around for 5 years fuck off
don't even care if mad/autistic
Robert Hall
kill yourself tripfag scum
Lucas Johnson
this is why i dont help anyone but my own family
Adam Rogers
You can't stop us. POL is Reddit territory now. Our epic Pepes are spreading.
Jaxon Gray
>tfw we will never have such a huge Sup Forums niggerhatred colony >250 THOUSAND bona-fide niggerhaters Too bad it got co-opted and became "haha you're fine if you don't act like a mo key xD" and merchant pictures were bannable, etc.
Either way, I kept my /r/coontown shortcut on my phone from before the deletion in remembrance of it.
Luis Jones
It's a delicate dance keeping censorship at a conspiracy level.
Jaxon Baker
Ayden Baker
Too bad voat version of coontown didnt take off. People posted there for a few days and then nothing.
Jaxson Cox
Stay mad losers :^)
Nicholas Bailey
These posts can't be serious. No one is this cucked in the head by the jew media.
Caleb Gonzalez
i hate asses where the crack has been shaped where the fold creases. its like how your toes get creases from wearing shoes too often, its fucking sick. i bet you can feel the creased skin rubbing past your cock if you stuck it in there and i bet its HARD
Sebastian Howard
Michael Mitchell
I love it
Angel Hernandez
Whats the girls name? sauce please. The image search wasn't successful.
Zachary Johnson
Is this supposed to turn me on?
Luis Robinson
I thank Sup Forums so much for existing
I think this picture alone is enough to prove Reddit is 100% cancer and pol should ban any suspicious redditor within 5 seconds
Seriously. They're just like niggers on the Internet. Wherever they go, they ruin the place eternally
Matthew Garcia
Hudson Cook
I want to spread her but cheeks and feel the warmth in between them
Camden Taylor
Charles Rivera
If you aren't "macing" niggers the proper way, then don't even bother.
Colton Nelson
Dude just sauce the image to a name so we can sage this shit thread already. Mistake #1 Was having your image be more interesting than your content.
Hudson Long
Go start a convo with one, their mental gymnastics will have you ripping your pubic hair out, It's unbelievable...
Brody Evans
thats the best picture you could find? that mace looks pathetic
Ethan Wood
Canadian for Trump? The Flaming Puppet you have not good enough for you?
Kayden Young
Lol so many of the comments are beyond cucked. We're so fucked. Muh racism...
Jayden Thomas
This is real life not a vidya game that you actually believe is real, sad.
Jayden King
Enjoy not voting while Trump loses by a landslide.
If you are non white you are never guilty of anything.
Isaiah Flores
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...
Ayden Wilson
>shouldnt have tried >do nothing >just like a cuck
fuck off leaf, the grown ups are talking
Juan Reyes
>tfw im in palmdale
Isaac Wilson
It can pass for a back scratcher if you're questioned by police and is sturdy enough to do some damage.
Elijah Peterson
I posted the one time I was attacked by niggers.
Adam Gonzalez
Are you kidding? That thing would crush a man's skull with a single hit.
Charles Taylor
I get that 7/11 is a store chain and 911 is emergency number, so what is 211?
Brayden Evans
Blacks are idiots. Statistically niggers commit more violent crimes than white, but want equal treatment. Statistically a lion will be more aggressive and do more damage than a house cat, but no problem treating them different.
Ryder Gray
same here senpai
Alexander James
I hate these people so much.
Ian Baker
>reddit is waking up Leftys don't wake up. They embrace the enemy and let it sodomize their children and their wife.
Xavier Butler
Police code for robbery in progress
Kevin Mitchell
Police code for robbery.
>roger roger, we got a 211 in progress at the quickie mart, suspects are niggers.
Ian White
>mfw im leaving palmdale in a month to Washington and be with my people in the mountains and rain >hope you make it user
Connor Long
Police code for armed robbery in California.
It's usage spread through the rest of the country through rap.
William Wood
>tfw colonization leddit like muslims are colonizing yurop
William Phillips
That's really the heart of the issue.
What's that Marcus Aurlieus quote about looking at things as they are in themselves, their motivations, what they do, in what they consist? Hannibal Lector paraphrases it in Silence of the Lambs.
Anyway, progressives in their hearts are traitors. They constitute a fifth column. They have betrayed their own kind for a little social approval and comfort.
Owen King
William Baker
top kek m8 >trying this hard
Adrian Reed
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...
Zachary Parker
They are trash that won't last. Survival of the fittest means they won't continue. An evolutionary blip that's inconsequential in the big picture.
Jace Bennett
>GUYS FUCK NIGGERS RIGHT HAHAH >REDDIT LOL >WE ARE SO REDPILLL!! >proceeds to post ass, the ultimate blue pill ass fetishism is a nigger meme funded by kikes, you cannot be red pilled and fetishize ass at the same time
Andrew Rodriguez
Thanks user.. I'm just in a bit of a rut. I got to get out.
Aaron Murphy
welcome to Sup Forums but I /believe you /belong with the /btards
Michael Cruz
>REAL intellectual discussion
Jordan Phillips
>well played, sir They actually say this. Holy shit. I thought that was made up to mock fedoras. They are the neckbeard fedora stereotype.
Jonathan Ortiz
He is an aussie
They all act like Sup Forumstards
It is their default state
Nicholas Torres
Tight assed white boy detected
Shut the fuck up
Cameron Ward
>Italian one was clearly a joke >But the Chinese one was racist. Fucking cunts.
Tyler Parker
we're gonna make it man!
Jordan White
dat ass doe, better sign of whether a woman is fit for reproduction
fat ass+child bearing hips=better than droopy fat sacks in mid 30s
>plus all those blue countries got small dicks statistically ayyyy lmao