Family shit

Trying to find the right board for this.

>Have 2 boys
>Oldest lives with me
>haven't seen youngest in 2 months, she moved out of state.
>Miss him a lot. Torn up inside.

I get to see him late June though. How can I get him back and reunite the family?

Feels bad man.

I recommending ending your life, OP.

Drink bleach and reach out to her to meet your son.
Alternatively, if you left on bad terms, find him on social media and contact him that way. If he's too young for that contact mutual friends or step-family that doesn't hate you, faggot.


Yeah I've thought about that but they are 5 and 7 so I figure they need me to show them the fishing and shooting ropes and all of that. Maybe when they get older I might.

you failed as a man of the household OP
you need to better the lives of yourself and your eldest IMMEDIATELY
and then prove that scornful bitch wrong about the decision you enabled her with

Make new family with younger prettier wife. Keep older son as first mate in the new ship.

at least you have you have your 2 dat bois

this could also be an option but I would encourage the former option
it is more onerous and if rectified, would be a benefit to society


I want to get married and start a family, but I have yet to meet 2 people with a successful one.

At least the age of waifus draws nearer every day.

This is good advice. Thanks I will try, I already have a gf who is a lot better and is a good candidate for a stepmom


Well I was with my ex for 11 years but people change ya know?

I just really miss my son so don't expect anything to be a cakewalk

Seems to me that's just what being married nowadays is like, you get married, have a couple of fun years, maybe a kid or two, then it somehow goes wrong and by then the divorce is inevitable.

The strong, happy family our parents led us to believe we could attain is nothing more than a dream.

Have you tried explaining to your ex that boys and girls without their biological father in their life goes through epigentic changes?

Those without a regular father figure around, hit puberty a year earlier then their peers in studies done where other factors were considered.

They are also more promiscuous, have a harder time with long term relationships AND generally less responsible, long term thinkers.

Just google the studies of epigentic changes from single mothers and point out/show her. She may not listen at first, but that little buzzing slither of rational thought will always be at the back of her mind. Slowly redirecting her maternal instincts for her childern, back to you.

Yea. Its worth it though if you can stomach the heartache.

Thanks leaf. You guys are ok after all. I'll do some looking into that.

kill your self and take as many non whites with you as you can you will be a martyr and go to the hall of heroes

cuck and melinda gates foundation
>women, not even once

Also, it has to be a related male. A steady stepdad could teach them good character, but they'd have to overcome the genetic changes that only your, or close relative, hormone profile could stop.

Killing myself is actually great advice if I didn't have my oldest boy. I'm sure other dads who have had their children taken from them can relate. Literally there is no worse pain.

I have a lot going for me professionally and such but it just seems meaningless compared to that. I'd give it all up in a heartbeat.

>mom is crazy, tried to od on antidepressants. Is a total space case now.
>dad plays video games all day. Wont bathe. Wont grocery shop. Wont spend money to repair his house. I end up doing it all.
>sister is a bitch that has been attendong college for 8 years and no degree lol. Gets neetbux and free healthcare
>sister ruined my fun in every group I joined
>rest of family is out of state, mom's side are secretly feeding a drug addiction while pretending to be upstanding individuals.
>dad's side barely speak to me ever
>had a daughter at age 15 with a school administrator
>have seen her 3 times total
>her grandparents refuse child support so they can deny visitation rights
>Im the bad guy, black sheep and not one good word is said about me from my own family

The thanks I get for busting my ass, taking care of a manchild, dealing with family drama, etc etc.

Only reaaon I havent blown my brains out is I am watching, waiting for them to fall to the level they place me.

Thats awful. Not seeing your child is something that will harden you to anything if you resist blowing your brains out.

If you've made it this far, you're a better man than I am.

With my luck of the devil, Id only become a paraplegic vegetable and have to deal with bad caretakers and my family still being shit.

At this point I dont give a fuck. Already took everything they can from me. What more can they do to me? Lock me up? Lol. Sure. Wouldnt change much anyway.

I'm sure at some point I won't give a fuck either. I'm still in the early stages of grief I guess.

Respect to you for making it this long.

Don't be an hero OP, you have to keep going for your kids, if your elder son finds you it will probably fuck him up for life

hang in there brother. You are due for some good things to happen. I will be praying for you.

>Parents divorced
>Living with single mother
>Haven't seen father in months
>Dad got jewed in the divorce
>Visiting him late June
There is hope for you, OP. Your son may yet grow to be a real man and fight the good fight.

Divorce destroys children, the damage is already done . As hard as it is to come to grips with, you failed as a man

Im trying, thanks. Pray for OP. He has a chance, I dont have one in hell.

You have a much better chance at getting things working for you. Dont give up on your son. The mother probably telling him all kinds of stupid shit. Without you counteracting it, he will grow up to believe her.

School admin? Was she hot?

we all deserve to have other people wish for good things to happen to us. Even if it's complete strangers. I've been through some real tough spots over the past few months since i lost my business but I am coming back and things are getting better. Though I don't know much about you, pls remember that you have people in your corner too.

you know what to do op, these are quads right here