Can you photoshop my wife to be slimmer Sup Forums ?

Can you photoshop my wife to be slimmer Sup Forums ?

Yes, I can.


can you photoshop out my receding hairline while you are at it?

Sorry, but there are things that can not be done. This is one of the few. Photoshop would crash.

well can you make my son less of a faggot then?

Your wife is the one on the far right? I’ll see what I can do.

sorry Sup Forumsro, don't have a screen big enough

What terrible genetics.

It was a lot of work. hope you like it.


Sell him

Best I could do man, sorry

Put her on a treadmill, there’s a start

Put her on a treadmill, there’s a start loool

Considering the look of his parents, the kid can considers himself quite lucky.


There just isn't enough photoshop to do that.

inb4 le epic photoshop battle


Time to tell your kid about the birds and the beast.

fucking kek


Photoshop insufficient

Requires Photofactory

pls dont teach your kid your eatingbehavior thanks

How you can see that and even imagine the word "slim"? Someone please 'shop Slim eating the child and furniture.



Wow this works surprisingly well

I'd eat myself to death if i was married to you too.

Fuckin great

Thin enough?

There you go OP, fixed. You're welcome.

i did my best for you

This works. Kind of hides the fat face.

Nice one

He said slimmer not swimmer