Wow, really makes you think

Wow, really makes you think

Other urls found in this thread:

Rape is social construct

Oy vey! If you don't let the migrants rape your girls, you're a racist Islamphope. People need to stop with hate speech and work out their problems through gang rape, we need to progress as a society.

This is not real... I want them all hung by their necks.

>Shame on you for not integrating with Muslim gang rape culture! You can learn a thing or two if you go on a gang rape with them, you know

so are they raping migrant women and children in this case or actual Germans?

they are not used to nordic drinking culture

wow this really is shocking
i can't believe those germans allowed themselves to be raped!

they are literally raping the native population, aka the germans

Don't you guys ever get tired of posting the same shit over and over and over again for years on end?

why are german women and children going to the camps then?

Really makes you think

Yeah, like how little source this has op.


Anyone who objects to being raped will be arrested for islamophobia.

Not even shocking, this shit's expected now


We have many new visitors, maybe they will enrich their mind with rape.

How can BTFO even recover.

found the butthurt muslim

Camps in Germany never seem to work out.

Wow really makes you think ....


an example ofdiversity enriching our culture

Are they German or Muslim women and children?

If the latter i don't give a shit

Was it a boy scout or a girl scout camp?


I beg to differ!

Muzzies are cunts.
I'm glad I live in a 100% white town. (pic)

its real, but they rape their own kind in these camps
you can hear stories about mothers who sell their daughters for some money. its their own culture anyway and the camp itself is like a muslim micro-state

>I'm glad I live in a 100% white town. (pic)
For now.

>but they rape their own kind in these camps
I like how I'm so far gone with caring about these fucking subhumans that I instantly don't care if i find out they're just raping their own kind

What did you just say? I couldn't hear you over the sound of your pathetic defeat and suicide

its not rape under sharia law :^)

> suicide

He didn't commit suicide he just went to live in his South American white country paradise

We wouldn't want to be racist and oppress their raping of their own people under their own culturally diverse laws, now would we?

>For now.

Nah, they are allergic to the cold, mate. Islamic cunts keep to the cities.

This shit always makes me feel bad, because im Arab and not Muslim. But im always associated with these barbarians when i step out of my house.


We could have worked together to eradicate the jew

historic enemies united

nice dubs bud also, that fucking road is the bane of my everyday life. I seem to see a lot of North Yorkshire peeps and Cumbrians on this board.

10/10 slags mate

You're not even wrong.

Running away from your failures of a country to a non-white country seems to be the true neet way.

Just wear a cross necklace. Or wear a t-shirt with graphics for: local brewery, BBQ festival, local football or basketball team. Wear boat shoes. Just look like a normal American dude and people will quickly sort you into a different category.

i do dress like a normal american. but i also look like a retarded bootleg Khal Drogo, and there aint no hidin dat.

Rape is okay.
Prove me wrong. Protip: You can't.

Protip: these are the people the real Muslims are trying to escape from. Fucking morons.


wow! I cant even! this is a racist trigger term for these Sun enhanced Neo-Germans

Fixed for you Nigel

Protip: The real muslims stayed behind and died for their country against terrorists. These cowards are trying to live the European highlife. They're scum.

Uh, no.

The real Muslims are following the calls to war by colonizing Europe with the goal of conquering and subjecting it to Islam.

It genuinely doesn't get more Muslim than trying to conquer Europe. Unless you're saying Suleiman I wasn't a true Muslim

I know you're clouded by hate but 97% of the victims of these attacks are "peaceful"(relative to the alternative) Muslims.

These Muslims are essentially, with the US's strategic support, the front line against ISIS and other terrorist groups.

To the non radicalized Muslims of the middle east, these guys are heroes. Akin to how Americans feel about the US Military.

While i im not a muslim(Arab though), you gotta feel a little bad that these people are the victim of a fucked up representation of their own religion.

Also these migrants are widely considered cowards and traitors to their countries. The way they are behaving in Europe was exactly how they behaved in the Middle East. These migrants were the type of muslims, that formed all the stereotypes of stoning, wife beating, pedophilia, goat fucking, etc.

I've been in this thread 20 minutes and don't see any rape.


>scripture is a stereotype
>following scripture is radical
I hope a trigger happy inbred ices you, Mehmet.

>you gotta feel a little bad that these people are the victim

No, you fucking people have invaded and tried to fucking take us over every century for the last thousand years. Why would I feel bad about how you guys look like war-mongering assholes now, still?

I don't feel bad at all, we need to ban Islam from the West entirely.

Quite the number you pulled out your ass, there, halal-burger saracen.
>US's strategic support
Is that what you call sticking your nose in other peoples business, invading countries, in order to "liberate" them?

gl with your goal of building militias, only for them to turn against you or making them scapegoats for your future plans of colonizing more countries with resources and building strategic bases around russia

>No, you fucking people have invaded and tried to fucking take us over every century

Let us not act like this isn't the nature of every human, and civilization.

Let us also not act like America is not guilty of the same exact thing, but at a much higher level, and through clever tactics (like Proxy wars).

And look, im not defending Muslims, im just speaking as a peace seeking non-Muslim Arab. But the idea that the most followed religion on the planet is being judged by the deplorable actions of a vocal statistical minority, is absurd.

Islam has a lot of reformation it needs to do, and quick. Muslims have proved time and time again how inept they are at making these changes. But progress is being made slowly but surely. Such as Egypt drafting a plan to ban veils and burqas in public.>
>we need to ban Islam from the West entirely
and we both know that isnt going to happen. So all that we can do is watch Islam slug its way to the modern world. And hopefully the west can prop-up some positive Muslims, in order to hasten the reformation.

WTF i hate thinking now

That's it. İ am now a #muslimmissile

I pulled it from my memory which i shouldn't have. Also, there is no way of telling whether these muslims were moderate or not. My mistake. But it is still very obvious that the biggest victims of ISIS is Muslims, not only through the destruction of their homes, but through the destruction of their global reputation (or whatever was left of it).