>fiscally conservative but socially liberal
Fiscally conservative but socially liberal
Where the fuck is his chin?
kek. Seems about right!
I'm socially liberal and fiscally liberal. Just please don't throw me in with those dumbass SJWs, I try to avoid identity politics where-ever possible, it is a cancer.
>He doesn't understand Tribalism
>He doesn't know tribalism is inseparable from politics
>Muh identity politics s.ss.hould be avoided
Stay away from politics all together then fag.
>literally classical liberalism
burgers really know jackshit about politics
>fiscally and socially individualist
Fiscally liberal and socially conservative
ello Sargon
>fiscally conservative but socially liberal
and mentally retarded
Identity politics will never be agreed upon or meet any factual conclusion. The blacks are a small minority and yet white guilt gives them the biggest platform, and then the right has a large base but their assumptions are built on intellectually bankrupt junk science. I'd rather just stay out of this shit altogether, literally no point.
Lol? Sargon puts out an anti feminist video every week.
This. Only way to be.
>implying classical liberals foresaw any of the degeneracy of the modern day
I've always wondered what the classical liberals of the 18th and early 19th century would think in modern times. Not that it really matters.
>Fiscally liberal but socially conservative
Libertarianism with strict border/population control is the perfect philosophy.
kill it with fire
in most of the world, classical and national liberalism is the only kind of liberalism there is, only a few countries actually have that socialist/marxist liberalism faggotery (mainly anglos)
>best countries in the world have socialist/marxism parties.
That debate made me lose any tiny fragment of respect I had left for lolbertarians.
>tfw fiscally liberal but socially conservative
>A bunch of countries literally about to collapse
you describe my father. The typical sucessful normie who wants the governement to to restrain spending and be rich, but doesnt give a shit about people penies and baginas
What would hitler have thought about single mothers and welfare nigs though? Its difficult to believe 1930s germany would have supported that type of bullshit
Put them all to work in the countries public projects, and get those titties feeding kids again
detested them
Hitler was very much of the opinion that the state should help people, but only those worthy of help
Single mums and Nigs aren't not worthy
i didn't say other countries don't have socialist/marxist parties, you twit, just that they are called "socialists" and/or "marxists" not fucking "liberals", which actually makes some sense
your socialists are just stealth-cucking you, using the good name of liberalism