Hello friends

Hello friends,

I was born clairvoyant and am middle aged now, with very powerful abilities developed throughout my life.

I've been 100% correct about every single prediction I make every year regarding everything from my personal life and family, friends, strangers, and global events.

I will share my predictions, please store this information, so you can watch it all unfold as truth.

Here we go:

September 3, 2016 - Bill Clinton will be hospitalized for "pneumonia", and he will pass away 19 days later.

November 12, 2016 - Vladimir Putin will release documents proving without a shadow of a doubt that the U.S., under Obama, is willfully and knowingly training and working with Islamic terrorists, including ISIS.

December 7, 2016 - anonymous FBI leaks will make it's way to the general public demonstrating all evidence to impeach Mrs. Clinton, and the Obama administration's refusal to indict. Many FBI agents resign.

January 5, 2017 - Hillary R. Clinton is arrested on charges in regards to fraudulent activities relating to the Clinton Foundation.

January 7, 2017 - Hillary R. Clinton is found dead from a self inflicted gun shot wound to the head.

January 20, 2017 - Donald J Trump is sworn is as the next president of the United States of America

February 1, 2017 - Mexico agrees to pay all costs for building a border wall, which will include shopping plazas and hotels, which will benefit the Mexican economy, as well as making illegal immigration impossible through the Mexican border.

March 18, 2017 - Bernie Sanders is found dead of natural causes. A bird will fly on top of his coffin at his funeral. Trump will honor him with a statue in Israel.

April 13, 2007 - Trump ends world hunger and creates the most prosperous global economy ever imagined, sparking a new technological era, including space travel and first alien contact.

May 11, 2017 - Donald J Trump Jr becomes first human being to achieve immortality.


Other urls found in this thread:


I will believe in you because that sounds pretty good tbqh

>April 13, 2007 - Trump ends world hunger and creates the most prosperous global economy ever imagined, sparking a new technological era, including space travel and first alien contact.
That's impressive for 9 years ago

My predictions have never been wrong in all my life

Are you the fraufu cumdumpster in the pic?

Dark Meme Wizard here

Chump will be revealed as a closet homo who hate fucks wymen. Lewandoski is his long time secret lover.

And you Neanderthal never learn!!

>Dark Meme Wizard here


I know you are lying but I want to believe you.

What a glorious future we have to look forward to. Thanks, Chinhee the psychic lady.


Thanks for all that, we'll keep checking. Got a website?

you lost me at immortality

Asians are the niggers of the East.


she left out

August 14, 2040 - Trump invents time travel

And you a very annoying pest!


I think it's meant to be metaphorically, as in he accomplishes something that makes him remembered for all human history

Not sure what he does, but he will be important and for first time accomplish soemthing never done before

Are you joking? Whites and Asians are the high-IQ master races of this planet, pic related.

What happens with the Muslim problem? Do the civilized races finally expel them from western society? Does oil become obsolete and the arab world reverts back to nomadic camel traders?

Inquiring minds want to know!

Trump and Putin join forces to solve this problem, but I can't go into any more detail

I am very spirtiauly tired now, so sorry friend.

Not clairvoyant enough to know TITS OR GTFO

please, go back to Sup Forums once you are 18+ years old

>I am very spirtiauly tired now

Aren't we all...

Please predict something for me, too. Will I ever get laid?

Yes, you will find true love, marriage, and a very happy life with 3 beautiful children.

Coming from a whore I could blind with dental floss...

Shit, that sounds like hell, I'm too used to being alone. Still, thanks.

>January 7, 2017 - Hillary R. Clinton is found dead from a self inflicted gun shot wound to the head.

I always figured she would just flee to a foreign country with no extradition laws. I can only assume the Clintons already have a mansion in some tropical third-world paradise as their "getaway plan".

Although I would love to see her wearing an orange prison jumpsuit...

You will be very happy, that is until you molest your first daughter.

You will then be arrested and sent to prison for 30 years for child sodomy and rape.

You will die a violent death being raped by Blacks.

Ooh, that's more like it.

Do you have any predictions about the future of white people in South Africa?


A super virus will wipe out the majority of the Black population on Earth

Whites will take back South Africa, because most Blacks will die from this ebola-like super bug resistant to any drugs and only kills Blacks like sickle celled anemia does.

Will nz ever annex it's former Australian territory?

You sure as hell aren't clairvoyant but damn I wish you were. Top tier predictions f-am

So I bunch of the unrealistic things that alt-rightwingers wish would happen are all going to happen simultaneously?

Guess those "hopes and prayers" paid off after all.

The detectives working the case to find you will eventually track you down and stop you from hurting any more children.

You will escape to Guatemala, where you will become a world famous luchador masked wrestler named, "La Sombra de la Noche".

You will marry a very large fat but rich woman related to a drug cartel boss, and be very rich and pay for many child sex slaves from Russia and Japan

Eventually, you will be killed by syphilis at the age of 87

>until you molest your first daughter

Prediction confirmed.

It seems that NZ will in fact be taken over by Australia and will become an Australian state, where all Muslims refugees and aboriginals are sent to camps all over NZ

>You will escape to Guatemala, where you will become a world famous luchador masked wrestler named, "La Sombra de la Noche".


Sounds credible. Since your are chinese n shit, I believe you.

>January 5, 2017 - Hillary R. Clinton is arrested on charges in regards to fraudulent activities relating to the Clinton Foundation.
This would be a hell of a birthday present for me. :D

Thank you for the data, friend! :^)

Capped for shits n giggles.

We can handle the abos and muzzies but what happens with the emus?
Also does my son get to be an air force pilot?

That sounds fucking amazing lol