What does Sup Forums think of /r/the_donald?
What does Sup Forums think of /r/the_donald?
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Let's just ignore them
failing experiment
Cultural appropriation
most succesful Sup Forums colony since /u/Great_Ape_Niggy gave us /r/coontown
They are the ones that brought all that Milo shit here. Fucking degenerates.
Pretty fucking gay. Just like everything on reddit.
You have to back
apparently the mods were fags and let sjw/jews take it over
these are the only right answers.
fucking plebbitors like OP need to go back
They brought all that trump shit here.
I think the mods is are antiDon. Actually, I don't think that, I know it.
Sup Forums colony so funny as hell
Reddit's Sup Forums, basically fagtopia.
A succesful re-location of the fellow Sup Forumsacks from coontown
Fucking retarded and needs to stop being spoken about on here.
pretty shit like every aspect of that website
>get banned for saying oy vey
what a shoah
r/aww is pretty based tho
Nice off topic thread. Enjoy your stay in the pokey op
They were brought Carl the Cuck on a platter, and the neocon mod is hiding him.
/r/Mr_Trump is my go to place now
Even the seemingly good subreddits are trash when you consider that Redditors take them over and turn them into hayman attacks.
>go to place
go there now and never come back
Fuck off nigger, if it weren't for faggots like him, /r/The_Donald would have never been the failed colony that it is today.
read that back to yourself
those were the days
I'm not a faggot, so I stay away from plebbit
This has basically been our Sup Forums subreddit since last year. Many of us are from /r/The_Donald and regularly post in Trump General threads.
Jcm267 is paid agitation. He boasts in private that he ruined Sup Forums and cucked /r/the_donald.
You have to go back.
Imagine if The_Donald and Sup Forums were doctors and they and to get a child(lefties) to take his medicine(red pill).
The_Donald would be like "here you go child, it's going to make you feel better", "look it's not bad, yum, medicine"
Whereas Sup Forums would be like "take the motherfucking medicine you fucking jew kike nigger" then proceeds with a medicine waterboarding.
Funny thing is that this is probably a serious post.
You guys made my normie little brother say "cuck" out loud today.
Fuck off. You pretend to be better than the rest of Reddit but you still heavily moderate. Suck a dick. Free speech or bust.
hurr durr they share the exact same beliefs as me except they type in a different website than this one.
Have you considered that there are some faggots on Sup Forums and some based people on reddit.
You can't keep seeing things in black and white mate...... with your immigration policies I can't wait until your shitty island can only see black
Go fuck yourself
No they didn't
milo's been lurking on Sup Forums since gamergate, which is where he got his start.
fuckin reddit newfags
people literally falling for a meme fetish
namefags are garbage and will always be garbage
Lyin Z wants to promote unity. Bring minorities and Bern victims together and understand thier POV.
Redditors are the same as niggers. No good ones. Fuck off straya
Yeah you can fuck off too. That shitty sub is filled with false flag attacks, literal unabashed racism, and calls for a nazi society with no free speech. It's purpose is to make Trump look ridiculous but you babbies don't realize it.
Oh so he went to Sup Forumseddit and then came here. Wow im sure the Sup Forumsedditors had nothing to do with him being shilled here.
It divides and conquers reddit.
Wrong. /r/Mr_Trump is just /r/The_Donald from 5 months ago, before the Donald mods dold their accounts to Hillary's online people.
Cool ID breh.
I'm sick of redditors thinking they are welcome here. Seriously fuck off.
I think it's hilarious /r/S4P spent so much time and effort trying to subvert Sup Forums, while pushing their #feelthebern meme, only to have it blow up in their faces with /r/the_donald making the front page of their beloved progressive website every day.
I don't go much on reddit anymore but it seemed like a Sup Forums-friendly place until the case of moderator coup hit that subreddit. Even if that subreddit is redpilled to an extent, the cucked moderators and incompetent administrators make it not worth going to reddit (just two reasons alone) for my daily dosage of Trump content.
>implying there's something wrong with waterboarding
even Sup Forums is super cucked these days you don't need to guess what my opinion of fucking plebtown is going to be
oy vey why did they shut your thread down?
/r/mr_trump is better
it's great. you don't win hearts and minds by being an edgy faggot. you do it with dank memes that appeal to the masses. at the end of the day Donald Trump's cultural war on SJWs will be his most important legacy.