The balls on lambright!
The balls on lambright!
Wayne Lambright seems literally autistic
I made fun of him on twitter and he thought I was actually supporting him so now he follows me
Wayne stop shilling yourself it's embarrassing
What's embarrassing is you not shilling yourself. You don't believe in yourself, OK I get it. You're not a natural leader.
>so now he follows me
I don't follow you. You're on mute.
Absolutely BASED.
Now I see why they call you the face of Sup Forums. You have my vote sir!
Wayne as a journalist that gets my shit posted on here constantly I can say man you're hilarious but you'll never go beyond Sup Forums
I emailed him pretending to be a CIA agent after him lol the man responded like 60 times
I'm teaching you all something.
First they laugh at you.
Than they listen to you.
Than you rule the world.
I have done this before. This is not my first attempt at doing something this bombastic. I'm a master at what I do. Im in this for the long haul.
I have close friends in the top ten most wealthy families in the world. top 10. Im being tested also. Just wait and see.
Trump will also die in August, I suspect. Not from me, from natural causes. I'll fill that void. If you watch my videos from last summer I predicted this. When it happens you'll see I know something you all don't. Im ahead of you in this race. I'm not asking you to catchup. You can't. I'm just bragging. I also don't need your support. I here just to give you an update.
Oh really, why don't you post my response jackass liar.
>Trump will also die in August, I suspect.
Better read Your punk ass just got TOLD.
Ps nice dubs Wayne.
He works for some type of shill agency, you moron.
Youre not Wayne, if you are post it on twitter.
Wayne, stop linking to Sup Forums
I just went to Wayne's account but don't see anything. Are you the OP? Nice proxy. You're samfagging like a master.
Wayne, I'm not here to argue. Just quit doing it. You removed like several tweets right now.
Wayne Lambright has NEVER punched anyone in the face. Would never punch anyone in the face.
Mod's, shut it down. Lambright is finish with you bitch's tonight.
If you don't shut it down. I'll just post photos all night.
all night long!
How about videos about blacks?
Red flowers
Political landscape.
Join me.
Where I live.