Well, this just happened

Well, this just happened.

what am I looking at you autist

'Splain it to me, lil nigga.

is that the shkreli stream?

mfw today

What did he mean by this?

Yes, it's the Shkreli stream, and after we pissed him the fuck off to the point he threatened to point satellites at our houses, we made nice via twitter and he came and spent some time on our site for a while. Good times man.

Did you see the whole stream, user?


rip ci.


I still don't get it. Shkreli watched you play a shitty video game?

I only got a few caps of all of it but I'll post what I've got.

After his last tirade (which we were responsible for) he stopped taking calls and started playing LoL and obsessively checking his Twitter, so I tweeted at him a few times.

Are we going to ignore the fact that he's watching a pirated version of captain america? Fucking jews man.....

is suptv hosted by a frequent Sup Forums user? i used to go on suptv about a year ago.

hoo dis?

Ci is not kill, he is in eurotardland drinking with trannies and pretending he's heterosexual.

he threatened ME. i called in and said he would look like a cute trap and should take hormones, and said people with aids are degenerates and he said "i have your number" and googled it lmao said he was gonna make a website dedicated to me. we then tweeted him the site and he came on and shit posted.

No faggot, we watched him play LoL after he stopped taking phone calls. Apparently he was too anus angered to continue speaking without bursting into flames.

I mean.. we all go on /pole/ from time to time, but not anymore so than the other boards. I think we probably post on Sup Forums more than any of the rest, since we are in fact a movie/tv show stream site.

Who all do you know from there?

the guy who owns the site frequents /his/ and Sup Forums, but some of the mods come here on Sup Forums

I don't appreciate your assumptions, faggot. We only stream licensed blu-ray movies which we purchased through Amazon.com, and with every showing of every movie, we make sure the required percentage goes to the studio that owns the film.

gtfo of here with that shit, trying to imply we're doing something illegal. I should sue you.

who r u

reveal thyself

Were you there today? Or are you this guy:
The guy that owns the site is probably more of a /fa/ggot than anything.

nigga im 2016 i'm the dude who called in and told him he'd make a cute trap and got him to threaten me lol

I will if you'll tell me if you've been on the site recently.. if you have then you know me. If you're one of the original users who left prior to Christmas 2014, then you wouldn't know me.

Yes, I've wasted 1.5 years on that site. And I'm proud of it.

i am its2016cmon u fag

Currentyear what the fuck, did you just stumble across this thread, or did something/someone direct you to it?

The big reveal as to who I am will come after you answer this question. First I need to know if you actually work for Homeland Security.

Although I have a feeling you've already figured out who I am.

someone linked it & ohmite shut up

thanks for posting our ips on Sup Forums btw u idiot

>pirates movie
>neckbeard response
>claims to be famous/notable on pol
>worried about homeland security

Get lost sperg

Another image of the twitter convo on his screen.

The fuck am I even witnessing. I see a low quality image of AIDS man, and some autists jerking off over whose website is more famous. Did I miss anything?

>inb4 ur a feg :) :) :) benis

is pizzabum really a girl


why would you post this shit if it's not readable ...

this is like internet twilight zone...when one of my screens appears on the other and vice versa

suptv 4 lyfe

im curious about that image. i hope they were models and not just sitting their for hours confused why some guy is painting them

I am not Ohmite, although he's a bretty cool dude. Also I got these images from suptv itself, where they are already posted publicly. But thanks for pointing it out, though; now those who didn't notice before have had their attention directed to it.

pic related, it's you irl

The fuck is this cancerous thread.

Who is this, and more importantly how does it pertain to Sup Forums, Faggots, Jews or Niggers?

I didn't post this, but it was from Ohmite's screen.

shrekli is king of niggers, thats how you maple faggot

NOT Sup Forums

>The fuck is this cancerous thread.
>gets trips

Fuck off, Cantada. The grown men are talking.

nice dubs

who the fuck is shkreli

a millionaire elite-level troll

Martin Shrek-elli is about as Sup Forums as it gets. Do you even capitalism?

Oh wait, I forgot.. Sup Forums has never been anything other than pico-Hitlers in Edgeland. It makes the autism of /x/ look like Facebook.

Select all images with a storefront. You have 8 seconds.

>I gotta bump my shitty thread by replying and/or attempting* shitty bangs with everyone

Stick to what you know America. Obesity and failed vassal States.


I'll never understand why a segment of Sup Forums admires a fucking 30 year old children's video game playing wigger jew slav.

If every bank and pharmaceutical company did business like he did, it would probably cause successful communist uprisings all over the world.

Also a based god, worthy of Brevik-level status.

Thanks for bumping my shitty thread, friend. Come to suptv and I will give you a +1 Costanza level bump.

Streamers are cancer, people who watch them are even worse. Get a life.

I like to think of us more as Lupis rather than cancer. Lupis takes far longer, is more tortuous and the meds are more expensive.

By your attitude I'd say someone close to you died of cancer, probably one of your parents. Which is what they deserved for inflicting you on the world, desu.

fuck you ohmite rofl