Doesn't this movie fly in the face of all your beliefs?
I ALWAYS see people on here say how Jews run Hollywood and are using their power to promote race mixing, immigration and tolerance of other people's beliefs. Yet here is a movie that is clearly anti-immigration and hard right and Hollywood is backing it with $400 million in advertisements.
The movie is made in Finland. It doesn't cowtow to Jewish Hollywood
Julian Davis
>Doesn't this movie fly in the face of all your beliefs?
Stop pretending everyone on Sup Forums believes the same shit about Jews. Personally I just laugh at the Jew memes because the board is called Politically Incorrect and they're funny.
Most of the bigoted anti-Jew content comes from Europeans who have swallowed so much Muslim cum that they hate Jews now. They would hate Muslims as well, but the 26 year old "refugee" high school freshman they adopted might tell the government and they could get thrown in jail. Most Stormfags are either with the government or white trash blowing off steam after watching cuckold porn.
The majority of us just don't care about Jews.
Nolan Watson
Sony is the studio behind the film. They are also behind ghostbusters and I see complaints about that shit all the time. If they're Jew propagandists why make Angry Birds?
Isaac Hall
It's all over the board 24/7 it really seems like a majority opinion.
Dummy dumdum. This movie wasn't made by Jewish Hollywood, you retarded nigger.
Liam Baker
>The majority of us just don't care about Jews. >Us Good goy, trust your greatest ally
Anthony Clark
this is true The majority of Sup Forums are lurkers Lurkers who laugh at Sup Forums memes, not take them seriously
Nolan Martinez
>It's all over the board 24/7 it really seems like a majority opinion.
There is usually cuckold porn on Sup Forums, but I highly doubt people on here enjoy that shit. It's basically spam and people trying to get a laugh.
>Nah, you're just a bitch
Fantastic insight, wigger.
Ayden Sullivan
Bullshit Sony is the studio.
Julian Miller
>/nupol/ actually claiming Jews don't run Hollywood It isn't even a conspiracy. Jews will freely admit they dominate the motion picture and television industry. Next you're going to tell me the diamond trade isn't 100% certified kosher.
Jose Sullivan
Good goy, there's no Jewish conspiracy, nobody actually believes it.
John Jenkins
>Technologically superior civilization use persuasive words to fool a naive culture to give up their children. Naive culture wised up quick and kicked ass.
What are you talking about? It's commie as fuck
Noah Morgan
I'm not arguing the fact that a large amount of Jews working in Hollywood. I'm saying that there is no ridiculous conspiracy that they are trying to push a race mixing agenda. The only reason there are so many black people in movies is because if they don't put enough they get complained to and called racist.
Jayden Stewart
You need to fucking leave.
Thomas Parker
uhu explains all the cuck porn they push right? oohhh wait noo it doesnt.
Daniel Rogers
>The only reason there are so many black people in movies is because if they don't put enough they get complained to and called racist. You're arguing against conjecture with more conjecture.
Ryder Howard
yes, japanese studio very jewish. they both start with j, CONFIRMED.
Zachary Evans
When did I say Jews didn't run Hollywood? I'm talking about all the absurd Jew conspiracies on Sup Forums. The merchant meme and stuff is hilarious. However, most of the info posted on here in regards to conspiracies are retarded.
If Jews cared any less about you they'd be your parents.
Thomas Robinson
Lol. Blacks don't get enough Oscars and people lose their minds and protest the shit out of Hollywood. Gee I wonder why black people get So many leading roles even though blackness doesn't fit the character.
Camden Bell
Jews always play both sides, when an opinion becomes popular they jump on that dick and ride it for every shekel its worth. Abosolute whores who see immigration is unpopular and love creating new brands to shill. Pushing all things to the extreme conclusion is the only repetitive one pony trick they know. Kike sand niggers tried to claim they invented hummus and even steal all that level of "glory" from muzzy sand niggers. Kikes will steal anything and dickride the fuck out their new "invention", shameless kike hypocrites are shameless.
Ethan Hill
>You need to fucking leave.
You need to stop watching black guys fuck white women and surfing Stormfront.
Sorry, but some of us don't give a shit about Jews.
Ayden Walker
>Hamnesty International >Coexist bumper sticker
Sony has American companies that are drastically different than the Japanese parent company.
Aaron Stewart
>The majority of us don't care about Jews
Then I strongly suggest you do a little more research.
I'm half Jewish btw. In Jewish publications my fellow tribesmen openly brag about controlling the news media, Hollywood, and Wall Street. Let that sink in. I'm a Jew and I'm telling you that Jews brag about their dominance in important instruments of public policy. When non-Jews do it they cry antisemitism.
But whatever, if you don't feel like doing the research, by all means continue believing whatever you like.
Liam Martin
The fact that it is the only example of being a non-hollywood movie kinda proves the jew point.
plus, like, historically, hollywood was founded by jews. like, thats what actually happened. in real life.
Jack Williams
Fucking really you're this delusional? You're jumping through hoops to make this fit your worldview. JEWS ARE LIBERAL BUT ONLY SOMETIMES!!
Andrew Thomas
there are groups of Jews, European politicians and billionaires routinely calling for the end of whiteness, i mean yeah that could also be reasons especial if you look how porn changed over the last 3 years.
Julian Powell
Nice post, you should've thrown in a 'Sup Forums is satire' for maximum shilling effect. If anyone browses Sup Forums and believes the Jews aren't up to something is a naive newfag
There is just too many coincidences to ignore
Cooper Harris
>genuinely believing this
Yep im sure the fatcat jews care about a bunch of whiny niggers and thats why they put them in movies. Im sure thats why they pair white actresses with black actors on the regular too. Yep they just feel bad
Ryder Morris
You mean to tell me they make a redpilled angry birds movie but no one can fund based Mel studio?
Jaxson Brooks
Isaiah Jenkins
>When did I say Jews didn't run Hollywood? Well you're in a thread talking about how a movie that Hollywood would never have made actually ended up getting made and you went on a rant about how there are no Jewish conspiracies so is it really that hard to see how someone could draw that conclusion? Your post was at best tangential to the point because the movie wasn't actually made by Hollywood.
That's a relatively recent phenomenon. I don't really want to try and chase down exactly how it got to that state in this thread because it's just going to end up being conjecture in the end.
Nicholas Johnson
It's not a matter of feeling bad. It's a matter of maximizing profit. People protest, profit goes down. People don't protest, profits go up.
Ethan Sullivan
Thank you cunts for fighting the good fight
John Allen
Democrats are actually more anti Semitic than Republicans. Especially blacks and latinos
Jack Miller
>people protest, profits go down
Yea not really. If anything it brings more attention to the product and causes buzz. By your logic trump wouldnt be the nominee
Jesus, this site is shit and the same stuff you're saying Jews do. I'm betting you're white trash just judging by the link.
>my fellow tribesmen
Now you're obviously just cosplaying as an oven dodger.
I never said Jews cannot get away with certain things nor that they never cried anti-Semitism. However, a lot of that is because we promote white guilt among our own citizens. When we stop that everything will get better.
John Wright
Nope - at least the movie part of Sony got bought by Hollywood years back.
The chairman of Sony Pictures is Tom Rothman. Sound Japanese to you? And I'll save you time; yes, he's Jewish.
Nathan Jackson
hey i'm jeff
Bentley Thomas
Go listen to a Milo podcast and then gas yourself afterwards you fucking kike.
Juan Mitchell
What's the name of the website that test how Jewish a film is?
Isaac King
I don't even think race-mixing and all that shit is their end game. They're sowing the seeds of discord. We were a homogeneous society and came so far, advanced so much, and then they started spreading multiculturalism and tolerance and diversity, undermining our culture and values. Isn't it telling that our elections come down to damn near 50/50? They've split this nation right down the middle, and we'll consume ourselves soon enough.
That's the end game. The end of the first world.
Ethan Russell
and the Italian Mob doesnt look like a bunch of birdfaced, khazar, kikes.
and the Russian Mob doesnt look like a bunch of birdfaced, khazar, kikes.
and the Israeli Mob doesnt look like a bunch of birdfaced, khazar, kikes.
and the leadership of the biker gangs doesnt look like a bunch of birdfaced, khazar, kikes.
and the leadership of the jailhouse doesnt look like a bunch of birdfaced, khazar, kikes.
and the masonic banksters in England raping gentile kids on the Isle of Man dont look like a bunch of birdfaced, khazar, kikes.
and the saudi big nosed ethnocratic royalty doesnt look like a bunch of birdfaced, khazar, kikes.
Ryder Hill
My entire point is that this movie does not fit that mould in the least and it's being funded with $400 million in advertising. I thinks that's a larger ad budget than any other movie in history.
If you want to maximize the cultural impact of a movie as much as possible, expose it to as many people as possible and that's what they seem to be doing.
Would you like me to explain what the "ethno" part means, you moron?
>the occidental observer is shit
Each article is sourced and the contributors have impressive academic credentials.
>I'm betting you're white trash
Nice anti-white meme. I do appreciate that you've resorted to name-calling instead of actually trying to understand my position or offer a substantive argument; it makes everyone else ITT more sympathetic to me and makes you look pathetic.
>we promote white guilt among our citizens
Gee, I wonder who's pushing white self-hatred? The ADL? The SPLC? Hollywood? Academia? Now which ethnoreligious group is wildly overrepresented in these? HMM...
Aiden Davis
You really don't even have to look that deep. Once you start seeing it its everywhere. Just look at a CNN broadcast. It will be a gay or minority host (maybe) and 8/10 of the "analysts" will be tribesman. The rest will be angry black commies.
They will put on a white 5 star retired general to talk about Syria next to a nobody jewish woman writer for the daily beast, with no credentials whatsoever, to debate.
The only thing is, although we know they see everyone else as goyim and have been conditioned this way since chabad as kids, everyone else just sees a jewish person as exactly like the rest of us. Truly. They don't even see a difference. If they do, its just like a person happening to be catholic or whatever. Regular people don't see a big zionist agenda at all.
Nolan Foster
Saying "Jews run Hollywood" isn't a conspiracy.
>Go listen to a Milo podcast and then gas yourself afterwards you fucking kike.
The "he has individual thought and is therefore a kike" meme. How cute.
However, gassing myself would be a bad idea because my tax dollars keep you and your obese wife alive long enough to keep huffing spray paint in a sock.
Angel Young
You claim to be up on Jewish conspiracies, but you buy into the biggest one of all.
You're not a separate ethnicity because a large portion are one religion. That is as retarded as people who think you can be "racist" to Muslims.
Ian Edwards
>Saying "Jews run Hollywood" isn't a conspiracy. Yes I'm aware of that fact, it was a major part of the point I was making. The other part being that your tirade was almost entirely unrelated to the subject at hand if the intent you're claiming is true.
Colton Stewart
It was made by an independent studio so it wasn't crafted by Jews. Jews just picked it up to make the money.
This guy is right.
Zachary Hughes
So now you're claiming that Jews aren't a unique ethnicity?
"For Jewish populations of the diaspora, the genetic composition of Ashkenazi, Sephardi, and Mizrahi Jewish populations show a predominant amount of shared Middle Eastern ancestry. According to Behar, the most parsimonious explanation for this shared Middle Eastern ancestry is that it is "consistent with the historical formulation of the Jewish people as descending from ancient Hebrew and Israelite residents of the Levant" and "the dispersion of the people of ancient Israel throughout the Old World".[17] North African, Italian and others of Iberian origin show variable frequencies of admixture with non-Jewish historical host populations among the maternal lines. In the case of Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews (in particular Moroccan Jews), who are apparently closely related, the non-Jewish component is mainly southern European.[18] The studies show that the Bene Israel and Black Cochin Jews of India, Beta Israel of Ethiopia, and a portion of the Lemba people of southern Africa, while more closely resembling the local populations of their native countries, have some ancient Jewish descent.[13][19][20][21]"
I hope you can infer from the above that DNA testing is frequently conducted to confirm Jewish ancestry. So yes, to be Jewish is to belong to a distinct ethnicity, whether or not you buy into the Khazar Theory.
You clearly know next to nothing about the Jewish question. Do yourself a favor and read up on it before getting into these arguments on Sup Forums, where a lot of us do actually know a good deal about the subject. I suggest Dr. Kevin MacDonald's works.
Ah, I was talking about the conspiracy theories that always imply the Jews are running every single aspect of western life.
The "every time" meme is usually pretty accurate and would be the best example of Sup Forums being accurate about Jews. The rest of it is pretty absurd.
Thomas Stewart
Parker Ross
But the audience member determines the message they get from a particular movie. Ask Sup Forums what the moral of American History X was and they'll tell you that niggers are gonna nig so you might as well be a skinhead. Ask a leftist and they'll tell you that hate begets hate.
I guarantee that Sup Forums and the Trump supporters of America will take away an entirely different message from Angry Birds than the leftists will. If you point out the shit we've learned here they'll just get uncomfortable, maybe angry, and will call for the creators to be ostracized from the film industry and perhaps even have every last reel of film burned.
Carson Jones
A prime example of a kike using the repetitive propaganda emotional manipulation of gaslighting. Then the half truth disinformation response that suggests I said all jews are is like this kike is answering someone else or didnt even read my shit... are you a paid ADL shill or a hasbara "birthright israel" zionazi volunteer? is "correct the record" funding you kike?
there are kikes on both sides of every issue, acting holier than thou at every gentile who passes by... and when there is a shekel to be made they say whatever is needed claiming they always said it.
If later questioned about the change they gaslight everyone who will listen and cry "antisemitism" while desperately searching for gentiles to criticize for believing and supporting and discussing those same beliefs they too clearly held the day before.
Angel Gutierrez
>So now you're claiming that Jews aren't a unique ethnicity?
Yes, they want you to think that so they can claim discrimination in certain cases. That is like implying there are no Jewish converts or that a non-Jew doesn't have to convert to marry a Jew.
You just Jewed yourself into believing a lie by a religion.
>This guys a regular Edgelord J. Sheklestein
You have to go back the trailer park.
Wyatt Kelly
If thats true then how is it possible that fidel castro and ted cruz (castro for certain) are both part of the undercover marrano jew sect from the spanish islands?
Is it just tradition instead of ethnicity? Ted looks pretty merchanty desu
Bentley Bailey
if they are not an ethnicity, if jew is just a religion, why does Israel sterilize it Ethopian jewish nigger cousins? but not its overbreeding ratfaced kikel khazar puppymill sluts?
Brandon Stewart
If there are Jews on both sides of every issue how can there be any agenda at all?
Brody Peterson
>If thats true then how is it possible that fidel castro and ted cruz (castro for certain) are both part of the undercover marrano jew sect from the spanish islands?
Elijah Watson
So you are side-stepping and going ad hom? Well played, you faggot
Fidel Castro is literally jewish
Newfag please go back to
Sebastian Martinez
This is the crux of the term "ethnoreligious." There was an original Israelite ethnicity whose descendants (though they retain only trace amounts of the original genetic markers) can still be found today. This explains the genetic similarities between Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews, who have blended with their host populations, but still retain some similarities.
It is also true that people who have no Jewish blood convert to the religion of Judaism. Again, "ethnoreligious group."
Jews, who by and large will use whichever line of reasoning suits their present situation, will sometimes lean on the ethnicity and sometimes the religious aspect. The term "antisemite" itself is an obfuscation, because there are certainly Semites who are not Jewish.
A lot of the confusion here is intentional. A Jew will sometimes claim to be white, sometimes claim to be ethnically distinct from whites, and sometimes underline the religious aspect. Duplicity is second nature to most Juden.
If Cruz is a cryptojew that would explain SO much.
Nathan Kelly
This movie was not made by hollywood. It was produced by a Finnish game company and the funding was all independently procured. Sony marketed and distributed it because they saw it as a quick buck, but they had no say on the creative side of it.
Blake Jackson
cause playing both side is their fucking specialty for a silk road trade route millenia... left is george soros, right is sheldon adelson, big nose dope dealers in china cover that commie base, big nose coquistador cia installed in south america to secure the socialist coke supply, murrano crypto triad claw provocateurs like hitler to push fascist extremes and make paleo conservative look like shit once provocateured... many useful idiots set up being "joiners" in endless manufactured controlled oppositions pushed to extremes of their favorite ideologies
Zachary White
angy birds the movie
Andrew Morales
he is gaslighting...its all these kikes have left...
just keep playing tgat same note until someone hands you a better idea kikes
Jayden Johnson
Both left and right wing is controlled by the Jews, guys Alex Jones and rebel media are paid to provoke and polarise us.
Justin Howard
And the Jews are behind it all?
Brody Clark
No, jews LOVE having shit like this in movies and shows to rub it in everyones
Hudson Hughes
If anything it's confirmed our suspicious that the Jews are running an anti-white propaganda campaign in Hollywood.
Xavier Jackson
>ethnoreligious group
This is where I keep hitting a brick wall. Ethnoreligious means a large portion will share the same religion. However, in the case of those Jews there are a ton of non-Jews that have the same genetics from that time period and location.
Let us say for instance that there is a town of 100 people and they are all Christian. Those people and their genetics cannot be determined as "Christian" genetics, If a guy leaves that town, impregnates a non-Christian woman the child is not half Christian.
Jews just claim it's an ethnicity so nobody will leave Judaism.
Gabriel Stewart
They both descend from the tiny islands where the spanish jews fled. Castro is a self-proclaimed jew. Even netanyahu claims castro "has a deep understanding of jewish history"
Did you hear Trumps "conspiracy" about Cruz's dad being an operative involved with the CIA?
I'm not saying cruz is for certain, but the pieces really fit. Of course wolf blitzer & mark levin will call bullshit, but its legit enough for a US presidential candidate to talk about it on the campaign trail.
Jacob Stewart
You need to read up on your Jewry. The Jews that "promote race mixing, immigration and tolerance" are liberal, globalist, Diaspora Jews. Jews with close ties to Israel (Zionists) tend to swing differently and usually fall on the Neoconservative side of the political map.
Both are present in Hollywood. The Zionists are the ones that push movies that have stereotypical Muslim terrorist villains.
Camden Torres
So you're saying some Jews have different opinions than others?
Brayden Baker
Yes but they they mostly agree that screwing over the goyim takes priority over infighting.
Jack Cox
Good. Because they all need to die.
Jaxson Lewis
They disagree but they agree. Ok.
Brayden Young
>making shekels by creating tensions with the other races you don't know how this works do you goy..
Carson Sullivan
Angry birds wasn't funded with hollywood money
Joseph Gomez
The Jews always regret it when it's too late.
Xavier Cox
sony is just a distributor dude, sheesh. learn how to hollywood.
there are producers, production studios, and distributors.
Julian Turner
>Stop pretending everyone on Sup Forums believes the same shit
> The majority of us just don't care about Jews.
Anthony Jones
>Produced and written by: John {{{{{Cohen}}}}}} >Released by: Sony Pictures US
kek, okay
Caleb Cooper
>a entire group of people on the right >millions of people >make a movie for them >it sells like hotcakes
Cameron Scott
A little bit of column a, and a little bit of column b. Some Jews are in the business just to make money. They'd probably genuflect to Hitler for $1000. Others are there to promote diversity and degenerative behavior.
Really, what I'm saying is that it depends on the Jew.