Hey oldfags, newfag here. What was the old Sup Forums like...

Hey oldfags, newfag here. What was the old Sup Forums like? When I heard of Sup Forums I heard it was a great place full of people who did things like hacking and raiding things like live streams and TV shows, even going as far as suicide. I see none of that here except for people claiming they're gonna kill them selves but never deliver? What was it like back then?
>pic not related

it used to have a really distinctive odour, sharp and tangy. now it smells just like everything else

Does anything interesting still happen around here though?

i miss loic days

There were more bread and sinks and shit.

Oldfag here, pic related

I saw a thread where people posted pictures of their cats a few weeks ago that was pretty sweet

its fucking trash now, all fucked up porn, people bitching about their life and thirsty virgins. i need some memba berries


Noice b8 m8

TBH, I prefer the look of that that he newer look. This may be bias though since I like older things.


>Raids 24/7.
>CP 24/7 (never cared for this).
>Actual random threads.
>Infographic threads.
>Funny threads.

It was shit, but it was better than it is now.


What happened to all the raids and shit? It's logical that people got tired of them, but it seems like the newer members would be into them

b was never good

It wasnt full of underrage kids who only came here because they heard its an edgy site

I came here of rumors that it was a good time, but you're probably right

You got those backwards, faggot

how new are you

>It wasnt full of underrage kids who only came here because they heard its an edgy site
kek, its been like that ever since internet hate machine. I've bene here since summer so I know

now we have more burnt out oldfucks which is nice