How can I get a redpilled GF?
Are there any alt-right, traditionalist, nationalist, reactionary etc grills on here?
I have had girlfriends in the past but I want one I can discuss mass immigration, race, and culture with.
How can I get a redpilled GF?
Are there any alt-right, traditionalist, nationalist, reactionary etc grills on here?
I have had girlfriends in the past but I want one I can discuss mass immigration, race, and culture with.
Stop being a faggot
You obviously saw the thread the alleged "femanon" posted earlier and are pathetically shilling for a gf
Look up gene wars r vs K reproductive strategies, and use that to identify quality women to start a family with. Pretty hard in a nation of rabbits though.
>Look up gene wars r vs K reproductive strategies
Literal pseudo science, I wish it were true and that simple, but the entire thing is made up.
This. Be a strong, honorable white man who goes to church and you will end up with the kind of woman you are describing.
As long as your attractive women will believe anything you believe.
Stop being retarded. This RvK thing is complete horseshit that just buys into people's biases.
Southern women
It's true at an empirical, biological level within the homo sapien species.
date me
Wow the first thing I thought to post was stop being a faggot and here it is
fpbp really makes u thibk..
you don't just find red pilled women, unless they've already been broken in by a red pilled man (used goods)
Women are naturally emotional reasoners so will lean towards liberal ideas, but they are also weak willed.
You find a nice girl and then you train her to be redpilled, it's the only way
A lot of baby cannons simply get their views form the guys they date. Just find one, use your dick to own it, then tell it what to think. His her if she disagrees.
>a way to classify different reproductive strategies is false
Mind blowing, tell me more.
Enjoy your fat superstitious baby factory that won't fuck you except to breed. She won't fuck niggers at least but the baggage aint worth it
it's real but it's not what alt righters think it is. Liberals are arguably more k selected given they have low birth rates and lower test levels
You don't.
You find an average girl, have pleasant conversations (let her be emotional though, its just how some women argue) and she either accepts it, leading to marriage, or you go your separate ways.
Reminder that less than 12% of women are those man hating dykes. You have a 9/10 chance to marry a normal, well adjusted female.
Why do you want a woman to "discuss mass immigration, race and culture" with? What are you, some sort of faggot?
Her mouth is for gagging on cock, not discussing politics with your faggot ass. Faggot.
If a woman respects you she will do whatever you say.
>gf was basically pot smoking liberal
>now she is more racist than I am
weird feeling desu
1. become rich
2. don't be exceptionally ugly or creepy
3. date literally anyone you want
Hi c: