American women.
American women
Gross, what is wrong with americans? They either fat, retarded, or slutty. Why can't they just be normal?
wtf I hate trump now
Our women aren't much better senpai.
Was prolly white bitches who brought small pox to America.
whats the matter, americano?
Women need to be slaughtered.
Contemplating suicide right now, why is my life so shit
This is what happens when you allow your people's national pride and religion to be destroyed by multiculturalism. The only thing left for people to bond over is pushing the envelopes of depravity.
He has a big cock, I can tell by just looking at him(he's black).
He got triggered, so he's clearly an insecure bitch.
But mostly its your flag that's wrong.
>t. Autist who's never been to a party
You're not marrying the bitch. She's fucking meat. Who cares if she kisses some nog as long as she'll suck your dick before passing out wasted.
Can't really blame them tho, no white girl can resist the BBC
If you go to that part in the video you can see they don't even want to kiss him. It looks like they are repulsed by it.
That being said, who cares, they're whores.
Who the fuck are these people? why should i care? you sad cunt
Nigga i don't care who they kiss, i'm just suicidal cause my own life is so shit and cause i never go to parties
I'm appalled you don't recognize your own sister.
White girls do love to kiss black guys at parties tho
If you're black, then you should definitely go to parties. It's like a white pussy buffet for black guys
>being black
Wow i wish i was black
Being black has its downsides (eg institutionalized racism) but you pull mad white pussy
But i'm not black i'm a sandnigger ):
of course the white pussy is mad.
It's being pulled by a black assailant.
Preach it gurl
The beta cuck hosting the party makes me cringe. He's compromising his own place of living just so degenerates will acknowledge his existence. Absolutely pathetic.
No worries. Bestiality porn now gets B& so your shitposting is weak af now, Chang Liu.
Then Europe's more your scene. Girls over there love Arab dick
SJW Nu Male: The Post
You're right, you can tell they really don't...
But they still say, "I love black boysss!" and do it
They're brainwashed into virtue signaling. Also, they're whores.
This is so degenerate but fuck me I just wanna go to a rowdy house party in America and fuck sluts. Every girl in that video was so fucking hot and that dopey American accent is such a turn on
American women are worse than ours.
I have been in several places in America and i have seen much more black man-white woman couples than in my country
Having failed at obeying rule one, avoid the groid, they probably did it to avoid the chimp out. They honestly look repulsed. Who cares tho since they are whores.
>mfw americans posting ITT will eventually marry these women someday
It's a shame for you that no women like men that look like this.
Australian "women"
>most of these whores are white women
There's always one. He bought the alcohol.
I hope they all got alcohol poisoning and died
I like to think its some redpilled stormfront neckbeard that posts this shit to further radicalize Sup Forums.
Anyone on Sup Forums getting married. Funny shit.
I don't care if I'm a degenerate. How do I get girls like this in my crew? I want to get sucked off at all times of the day wtf. Do I just need to get rich?
who is this cum quat
If you're asking that question then it's already set in stone that you will never even have a woman acknowledge your pathetic existence.
Niggers can't hold their dick in their pants when they see superior master race women infront of them. They'll go crazy and say anything to win them over.
Forever cucked by the superior genes
>"This program will achieve its objective, the Third World War, which will surpass in destruction all previous contests. Israel, of course, will remain neutral, and when both sides are devastated and exhausted, we will arbitrate, sending our Control Commissions into all of the wrecked countries. This war will end for all time our struggle against gentiles. We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generations of white children are being born. Our Control Commissions will, in the interests of peace and wiping out inter-racial tensions, forbid whites to mate with whites. The white women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with the white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy, will become only a memory."
And we don't even have many black in Australia. Strictly speaking, it is not our problem.
>implying Iran won't nuke israel in extinction
Ask and you shall receive:
this is the future liberals chose for your children
>webm related
What most people do not understand is that women are by nature very prone to exhibit what the French philosopher René Girard called "mimetic desire". Basically, they desire certain things because other women desire it, or because it has become socially acceptable, or even socially expected, that they desire it.
That's the thing with black men in the United States by now. Even disconsidering the fact that their biology commands them to mate with aggressive and dominant alpha males, as black men tend to be, white women flock to the arms and kisses of black lotharios because it has become social suicide to not do so. You can blame the Jews or whoever you want, but the fact is that people consider women who never surrendered their prime teenage pussy to a black man "racist", and no one (except you Sup Forums permavirgins, of course) wants to be considered racist nowadays. The price for admission in polite society, for a white woman, is ritual humiliatio before the big black cock.
And they pay it willingly.
>European tweens
Seems like an average party in Finland, except its missing the god fucking awful Finnish Reggae music.
I wonder who could be behind this
I am not a cuckold fetishist. I am an historian. And my studies have led me to the conclusion that race-mixing between "barbarian" males and civilized women predate conquest of civilized people by the "barbarians".
See what happened at Rome during the decades before it's final conquest, men of foreign origins bred with native Italian female stock, as can be seen from the biographies of the "magistri militum", such as Flavius Aetius and Stilicho, who were mostly the sons of such unions, and also from the biography of Roman women such as Galla Placidia and Justa Honoria, who fervently desired to be married off to stronger barbarians such as Ataulf, King of the Visigoths or Attila the Hun.
The same process right now is seen in the United States. Black men punch way above their demographic weight, they have de facto control over the streets in mostly American cities, and this political domination is both predated and consolidated by the ritual humiliation of the entire white race through their one-sided conquest of white females.
Trust me, I derive no pleasure from this, I believe that humanity would be far better off if white men restablished the patriarchy, took back control over their own women and closed the interracial breeding grounds, but history shows that this will not happen. The white man will keep up being humiliated, seeing his wife and daughter leave him for Tyrone's cock in the ghetto while his son is getting beaten up by Jamal at high school. That's the way it goes, white men have become weak, and weakness invites conquest by stronger arms. History has shown it.
This is the consequence of feminism
Jew subversion has been about subversion and complete reversal of social norms, depravity and degeneracy becoming the mainstream
If you can't control your women, your society is doomed
Literally ITT
>d religion
>The same process right now is seen in the United States. Black men punch way above their demographic weight, they have de facto control over the streets in mostly American cities, and this political domination is both predated and consolidated by the ritual humiliation of the entire white race through their one-sided conquest of white females.
You're giving blacks way too much credit, Pablo. The only reason why blacks are in this position of 'power' to begin with is because of the parasitical Jews who freed them from their chains. The desegregation and civil rights movements were led by Jews, the Open Immigration Act of 1965, which opened America's border's to unrestricted mass non-White immigration, was written and was passed into law by Jews.
Blacks, and all non-Whites for that matter, are nothing more that pawns of international Jewry; they use these pawns as battering rams to destabilize the west and bring down the cultural and racial hegemony of the White race so they can dominate.
which state are you in m8 so i can come stomp your lefty head in
You ignore the fact that sometimes the "pawns" are able to turn against their former masters. I do not deny that Jews instrumentalized blacks for their own political benefit, as the "armed wing" of Jewish cultural power, it could be said, but now Blacks have become the true masters and Jews must also pay tribute to them in women and goods.
Again, this is not a new historical phenomenom either. History is littered with the tales of "pawns" being brought by some group to fight their wars, and then turning against their former employers and assuming power themselves: the Normans in Ireland, who were invited by the king of Leinster Diarmait Mac Murchada, and in Sicily, are an example, other examples are the Turkic empires in the Islamic world. Turks began as slaves to Arab caliphs and emirs, before becoming rulers as sultans of the Muslim world themselves.
My beautiful white wife and former childhood sweetheart left me last year and married a nigger. This after all we had been through together. Fucking nigger get everything now. First they took our country, then they took away our jobs through their affirmative action, and now they're taking our wives. If I was not a Christian I would kill myself. I am seriously considering leaving SA for Australia or New Zealand in order to start a new life a regain some dignity.
is this real
nice rape
Blacks will never conquer anything outside of some cheap, loose pussy.
>Turks began as slaves to Arab caliphs and emirs, before becoming rulers as sultans of the Muslim world themselves.
You're forgetting the fact that, through abortions and gang violence, the Black population in America has stagnated for the last couple of decades. The racial groups that threaten America are the Hispanics and the rapidly growing Asian population. Also, unlike the Turks and various other people's through history, blacks lack the intelligence, organization, and disciple to usurp their host. Room temperature IQ Negroes pose no threat to America.
Turkic peoples were never a majority in the countries they ruled either. It's very easy to rule as a dominant minority.
>blacks lack the intelligence, organization, and disciple to usurp their host
I disagree. Blacks lack the intelligence, organization and discipline to build a decent society after they take control, but taking power is quite easy when you are the arbiters of political and cultural legitimacy, and they have done it in most American metropolitan areas.
Why do women in all the other white countries love race mixing so much?
Our women get a terrible reputation from visitors but that's mostly due to australian women yelling racial epithets and mocking the accents of foreigners.
Why on earth would a white woman ever say something like "I like black boys"? There's no reason for it.
>American women.
who's parents are to poor to move away from the ghetto, to a nice all white state.
>B-but they didn't even want to do it.
That doesn't make it better, that means they would do sexual things with niggers because they feel they can't say no. That's voluntarily degrading yourself with a nigger just because you think it would be racist not to.
Absolutely repulsive behavior.
Explain the cuck with the camera saying "you missed one" and directing the nigger to kiss the other girl...
>Why on earth would a white woman ever say something like "I like black boys"?
peer pressure
mainstreaming black culture (hip hop, etc) to make blacks look cool
social engineering
women are more prone to psychological manipulation and brainwashing
American culture is the most degenerate thing on the planet
It corrupts anyone within one generation and even has a long distance effect via modern media corrupting people in other parts of the world
>just one minute in
>nigs already chimping out
why they always do this
Oh look. It's Jew in Muslim america. Sage in all fields
They are so degenerate, the worst part is that you export this worldwide.
I go to party in my med school and every fucking year it is grosser and grosser.
After two years of that I felt so dirty and degenerate that I stopped to go there totally.
What is happening there ? Describe it to me
It's the left wing politicians as well as the media (especially MTV). Blacks are portrayed as strong, suave and as having super sexy dance moves therefore white women as well as girls love music, fun and party lifestyles. The leftists politicians have taught white women not to care about the future because it's the government's job to secure their future through welfare.
but taking power is quite easy when you are the arbiters of political and cultural legitimacy, and they have done it in most American metropolitan areas.
Blacks will have to compete with the growing mestizo population, and unlike altruistic Whites who do everything humanely possible to cater to the Negroes every whim, mestizos are brutal and don't give a rats ass about 'muh slavery' and 'muh reparations'. In the state of California, Blacks are being force to leave their homes because they are being harassed and outright murdered by the local mestizo gangs. Blacks will be unable to deal with the limitless mestizo hordes streaming into the US, and as a result will lose their place as the token minority when the mestizos become a minority.
>litterally muh dick
Chill it Zica head
>become a
Fuck niggers
Everybody fuck everybody in a field, people consume alcohol and drug until passing out, the whole place looks like a gypsie camp after one night.
Last time I went:
>I got a girl in my tent
>fucked her
>next morning I woke
>I have her vomit on my back
>the smell is awful
>"air is poison, go out fast or you will die"
>t. my abdomen
>see my brother totally intoxicated, no trouser nor boxer
>he is playing with his penis next to the girl he apparently slept with
>he seems to have a good time considering how he is laughing
>mfw my brother looks like a 70 IQ nigger
>hear a guy yelling like a possessed behind me
>it is one of my friend walking among the camp with his big sausage out of his zipper singing a bawdy song
>go vomit in a bush
>my body hurts so much
>the bus will not take us until another day
>there is only beer for breakfast
in canada the same shit that happens like in the video but most parties have white girls and white guys. I used to go to these things now im ashamed that I was part of all that degeneracy. Some people might think it looks fun but you regret everything later.
God you're such a fucking degenerate, Pierre.
Thank god I never drank alcohol my whole life
>t. 23 years old
Nothing wrong with drinking just dont get wasted. Also, no need to get drunk.