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he looks perfectly fine for a 40-year-old

Looks like a stereotypical comic book writer to me.

Was listening to their first demo last night. He sounds so young.


It's amazing what weight does to a person's face. He looks fine, but no where near emo heartthrob like he used to.

now his dank meme tweets make sense, no one normal is actually that funny

yeah, whenever someone overweight loses weight they look like a completely different person

My Caramel Romance


He's becoming Billy Corgan

hes actually talented though

i saw him recently at a comic book signing. i tagged along with some friends and im in a picture with him but i didnt say a word.


gained a bit of weight and grew a beard
he hasn't aged all that much since 2004

he was already 90s billy reincarnated
now we just wait for the next doppelganger to spring forth from the aether

Wow, what a fucking prick you are

is that a guitar strap on him?

this picture is making me feel new feelings in my belly

I read somewhere he just gets fat when he's not touring and then gets in shape again when he is

Who is that?

he always had a fat guy face i don't know what you're talking about

is this that weird satanist guy

I don't get it, this is him on his album from 2014, he looked good just 3 years ago

I wanna give him a big hug.

>there's actual people on this board who don't know who he is
I feel lost.

He's from a pop band you fucking idiot not an obscure noise duo.

Get over yourself

It's because he is famous that I don't get how he isn't recognised.

i have no clue who this man is. he would be extraordinarily handsome if he lost weight in his face.

feelsbad i am suffering from the exact same issue.

He's looking like Post malone without all his "bling" and "jewelry" if post was slightly less fat, and didn't braid his hair like an unwashed desert rat.