Why are trump supporters weaboo faggots?

Why are trump supporters weaboo faggots?

Wow really makes you think huh?

Why are brown boys like you allowed to post on this site?

Fun fact- that was taken at a counter protest. Don't believe me? Reverse image search it. They're a parody.

Frustrated betas with no money look up to a frustrated beta with money. Really makes you think.

We're not. Only the faggots are.

Trump supporters = anime masturbators


made me think...

As a group they look better than any bernie supporters ive seen though desu


Can we at least give this guy credit for wearing two hats simultaneously? That's gold.

Don't bring your shitty reddit humor here.

So this is what weebs look like irl, atleast they leave their caves.

The white looking ones look like jews to me.

I'm now voting for Hillary.

If you want a real answer, its because everybody from all walks of life love Trump.

>no MAGA allowed

Went to Anaheim. Some dude had a Based Trump Maga shirt on. Would have asked if he was from here but I had my normie friend with me.

Probably was.

I would say he's definitely from here.

no wonder they don't allow custom signs at rallies anymore

They're actually better than the cringey fucks I expected.