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Nigger kid climbs into gorilla exhibit at Cincinnati Zoo
He was looking for his father
>Niggers breaking into prison
Come home lil' nigger
I bet the mother doesn't even apologise to the zoo for her ineptitude resulting in the death of a 17yo endangered gorilla. The selfish cunt will probably ask for cash.
Is it reasonable that a four-year-old can get into the gorilla enclosure unassisted?
Read the youtube comments on that video! Nice work
There are some cases animals has taken better care of human babies as their own child than that nigger's mother.
Nigger welfare queens using their children as pons in the ghetto lottery.
Why are you being racist, Sup Forums?
A nigger found his lost father, but the father got shot for child abuse.
maybe because an endangered animal was killed, everyone knows the negress will have at least 3 more children
Holy fuck, it's always the same with niggers! They didn't give him enough fried chicken, so he went after some sick, filthy bushmeat, pushing whoever into killing the gorilla for him.
Fucking niggers just completely by-the-book nigging!
He just finna to get home
Kid's managed to get his first kill before first grade.
>Gorilla comes to America
>gets shot
How do we know this is a black kid. I mean I basically expect it to be but can't see shit in that thumbnail.
>can't see shit in that thumbnail
Look near the gorilla.
Look at this cuck.
fuck off
Wow, you people are truly sickening, putting an animal's life above an innocent kid who knew no better. Thankfully you only say this because of anonymity on this site. You all didn't do anything when Milo got shut down at DePaul University. You're limited to your internet cesspool.
I think both the niglet AND the gorilla should have been shot, preferably with a single bullet. What now?
This guy is onto something. I think that little thing is actually a baby gorilla, we need a bigger image to be sure.
looked like a huge pile of shit
Little nigs visit the gorilla exhibits all the time
dafuq. Couldn't they have tranquilized the gorilla?
It even looked like it was being nice to the kid on the video I saw.
4-year olds have no self agency. Anywhere they go is the fault of the caretaker
A 5 year old would know better. That kid knew full well what he was doing was wrong. I hope that kids Mom has to pay tons in damages. Maybe even have the kid taken away by protective services because she clearly can't manage to keep an eye on her spawn.
The one time my mom lost track of me as a kid, she was doing everything to find me. She taught me that if I got lost how to handle myself and boundaries.
fuck my man
all memes aside it was just sad
I'm going to need you to build a wall around my sides to keep those bad boys in place
lel, what cute little niglets, trolling their nigress mother.
why don't shoot nigger offspring and say it was accident and you were aiming for gorilla?
So will anyone other than Sup Forums be pissed they killed a gorilla?
When will PETA or any of those fags that protested Cecil the lion's killing bring attention to this death?
Disgusting. Why should the animal be killed if it didn't do anything wrong?
I can understand how shooting the gorilla was the only means to safely extract the child, but watching the video, the gorilla was not afraid of the child, and wasn't acting aggressively.
I'm sure someone with balls could have just approached the gorilla and picked up the child.
I agree.
The gorilla is an endangered species.
Niggers are not.
Oh my god.
>gorilla protects niglet
>get shot
litterally dindu nuffin
So they shot a gorilla to save another gorilla?
Lmao, that gorilla would have been less of a threat to society if released than the average teenage nigger.They shot the wrong monkey.
They said it was throwing the kid around.
They couldn't tranq it because the kid was still at risk
RIP in peace Magilla
Gone to soon
Are you serious? They killed the gorilla? WTF? That's fucking infuriating.
Dumb bitch probably helped the little shit get in there on purpose so see can sue.
It's not the gorilla's fault some stupid mother dropped her kid in there. They should have tranquillised it and hoped for the best.
He wasn't though, he was being gentle with the kid
And here
They could have, but didn't because the zookeepers didnt know shit about gorillas and just assumed that the tranquilizer might have made the gorilla violent instead of scared. So they decided to shoot it instead, which could have lead to the same thing if they didn't get a kill shot. Might have even hit the kid for all we know. I think they should have tranqed it and it would have been fine.
One and done
Why is this news worthy?
Haha I didn't see that. But in all seriousness I'm glad the kid is fine. Liberals are angry the gorilla was killed but don't realize the video was edited because at one point the gorilla drags the kid through the water. I also heard he tossed him against a wall.
Same shit happened here but it's a white kid and the kid fractured his fucking skull.
That's the edited video you dumb shit.
That's the edited video you dumb shit.
In the video the head zookeeper makes it pretty clear that the kid was never actually harmed by the gorilla.
I think the gorilla picked the kid up and took him to another part of the exhibit because of all the people screaming and some idiots interpreted it as the gorilla "dragging" the kid.
anyway, in my view the gorilla's life is more valuable considering it was a male of a critically endangered subspecies of gorilla that was almost at breeding age, and zookeepers had planned to breed him.
show me the unedited version samefag
>when you suck at proxies
Of course they would say that :-) ever heard of something called a lawsuit?
dat gorilla dindu nuffin he a gud boi
The video clearly cuts to another scene. Read the YouTube comments.
Eso mijo
>be gorilla
>get captured
>put on display like a puppet
>live in a cage
>can never taste freedom again
>some dumb nigger jumps into my cage
>get shot for it
How did a gorilla get into the nigger enclosure?
Two fucking jokes in one, top job.
shut the fuck up you nigger loving cuck, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Sad story. Gorilla almost made nigglet good.
you are welcome to come legally
>Be black
>Nigger breaks into your home
>Authorities shoot and kill you
Typical american police work. Always shooting the wrong nigger.
This, Also why no tranquilizer?
Press F to pay your repects
So? The gorilla is still worth more to mankind, ecosystems and biodiversity than a nigger.
Until the gooks want to make fuck drugs out of niggers or ash trays out oif their hands, niggers'll keep breeding faster than rats.
tl;dr: Gorillas are nice, niggers are not.
They said shooting it was the safer option or something along those lines
He was bout to turn his life around ;_;
He genuinely dindu nuffin.
video while he gets dismembered?
i'd rather my taxes tend to endangered species than nigger welfare cheques. where should i move?
What the Fuck, no. ;_;
did i get this right? the gorilla got shot for not killing the monkey?
>black child breaks into your home
>take him in and agree to raise him
>the boy, never having known his real father turns to you and wraps his arms around you
>he calls you papa
>you hear a frightening beast in the distance screeching
>that muh boy he in dere mama luv u chile!
>do everything you can to protect the poor boy
>he in dere he in dere muh boi in dere
>the screams are getting louder
>all you know is you have to protect the boy from this wild beast
>hear a loud bang
>everything starts to fade to white
>papa no!
>use last ounce of strength to try to shelter the boy with your arm
>it's ok it's ok errythang finna be ok chile mumma luv you!
>all you can hear is that terrible screeching coming closer
>die knowing you failed to protect the boy
I find pics with that in the filename all the time when I do google image searches so he has an alibi.
Someone cap this.
white people are the real niggers
anyone else remember with that white kid in the 80s (i think it was 87) fell into a gorilla exhibit and was knocked out? how the gorilla stood guarding the kid? yeah this proves even gorillas hate niggers!
Lel I read it in the newspaper here and the first thing I was thinking is that the probability of it being a nigger kid falling into the nigger pit was very high.
>Nigger kid climbs into gorilla exhibit at Cincinnati Zoo
Why not leave the kid in his natural habitat then?
fucking BANTZ