What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Sargon of Akkad? Is he based?

What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Sargon of Akkad? Is he based?

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Nope. Just an anti feminist.

Cuckold of Akkad

>What are Sup Forums's thoughts on me? Am i based?

Literal cuck

No, he's in the same camp as sh0eonhead and the other youtube philosophers that bitch for hours about the safest topics ever.
>Here's 350 videos talking about why feminism sux xD

I like him tbph.

Pick one
His friends are better desu

The man does his research.

He's pretty lame. He just plays a video for a few seconds and stops it to comment and then repeats, it's the easiest thing to do and if you watch a couple of his videos you'll be able to predict exactly what he's going to say because he's not nearly as smart as he thinks he is or wants you to believe he is. There's not an original thought brewing in his head.

just another douchebag attention whore streamer.

As a side note what do you guys think of based Bill Whittle? Is he red pilled?

No, Sargon. You are not based. You're left-libertarian, while we're all right-totalitarian.

He's like the anti-SJW version of the "I fucking love science" crowd.

Faggot cuck who shits on his own fanbase.

>multiple reply post
Attention seeking faggot is a leaf, what a surprise

>i fucking love science

is that a thing? is that the actual name for those channels?

do you want a (you) too?

He actually organized Sumerian Astrology.
What is your sign Sup Forums?. I am aquarius.
>inb4 muh rationalism
>inb4 b-but newspaper horocope is retarded

What about him makes him a cuck?

>safest topics ever

How is calling out Islam and the whole rape debacle safe? People died for this.


Anons think he is raising his "wife's kid" alongside his other kid.

Cuckold of Blackdad
Cuntberg of Baghdad

Pretty good emperor, he showed those sumerian fags whose boss

Fucking leaf can't form own opinion about a youtuber.

Mods delete these shill threads please.

The only guy on Youtube worth a shit is

This is what I'm using from now on. Best way of articulating it yet.

>Sargon of Cuckkad

He's pretty good at sitting on the fence and telling both sides how shtoopid he thinks they are.

I think he's alright. His TWIS series is God-tier.

He's ok. The more popular he gets the more he sanitizes what he says. Its an occupational hazard, but it's still disappointing.

Would have a beer with him and will be upset when he gets hung on the day of the rope.

No, they're called pop-sci channels.

when he makes arguments it sounds like he's smelling his own farts.

other than that he's ok

>gets called out for his shit
>I'm 1/4 black and jewish lol stormies btfo go home

Hes a parrot like Thunderfoot.

rare flag.

He's just a reddit-tier "anti-SJW" who attacks low-hanging fruit and doesn't have anything insightful to say.

fedora youtube atheist

>Don't talk to me or my wife's daughter ever again

>Sup Forums is one guy

He's ok but not redpiled.

Just not-bluepilled.

Did you see his debate with MillennialWoes? He's pretty bluepilled on the issue of race

>constantly spouts "collectivism is bad"
>instantly labels every non-liberal who disagrees with him or calls him a cuck as alt-right

The end of that stream you really see his true colors.

Anti femminist, anti SJW, anti Regressive Left. Anti BLM, Gamer Gater, Pro Free Speech, Pro Merit,
What the fuck is wrong with that/pol/
Oh wait I forgot . Hates Stormfags.

He's a cuck who is scared of taking the redpill on race because he himself is a mongrel.

That and he's just a SJW who knows how to appeal to the resurgence of the "Right"

He's not good at debating at all. It's been like this since gg at least
He needs to stick to his presentations, that's the best he can do

You forgot
>Pro immigration
>Pro cuckoldry
>Pro welfare
>Pro EU
>Anti white

Hes a cuck coward who only talks shit when its "safe" and "popular".

You can tell he wants to say more but simply wont because hes too scared of the blowback.

Typical bongistani pussy.

He's entry level. A good person to show to a normie on your process of redpilling them. Be careful though, as they might turn into the pretentious intellectual kind of Socialist by watching him. Make sure to casually throw in some things that contradict what he says, so that they are skeptical of him too.

As for Sargon himself, he just seems like an SJW who hates women.