>Islamic State calls for attacks on the West during Ramadan



>Nato commander: Isis ‘spreading like cancer’ among refugees


>CBRN substances have been carried undetected into the European Union

>Paris...Washington DC, London, And Rome were specifically mentioned, as well as targets in Belgium


>Tests of the uranium seized confirmed that it was high-grade material that could be used in a nuclear bomb.


>jihadists are also said to be recruiting foreign experts to help them develop nerve gas.


>Hospitals and emergency services across France have been supplied with the antidote to Sarin...and other nerve gas chemicals for the first time.


>The ISIS laptop contains a 19-page document in Arabic on how to develop biological weapons...


>ISIS supporters have posted...messages warning of the countdown “till the zero hour”


>"They want something that happens everywhere at the same time"


Other urls found in this thread:


Hahaaa, but terrorism is illegal and Islam is a religion of peace. It's impossible for such nonsense to happen

It's alright, I have my M1911.


>using guns against nukes and/or nerve gas

>not having a gun when Muhammad and friends start shooting a place up

What the hell is Ramadan? Should I avoid staying at their hotels? Why are they targeting inns?

really makes you think.... wow

I am now a #cruzmissle

Looking at gas masks.

I know the old us issue ones are ragged on about the straps melting.

Seen a czech ine for cheap nut seems to be for tear gas and not nbc.

Israeli, eh. They will sell the fucked up junk and not give a shit.

German and etc etc all have a center filter. Makes shooting tough.

Can't wait. Haven't had a good happening in a while.

So the Canadian doctor wasn't wrong after all is what you're telling me???

read the links in the OP

if you're in a major city, when they attack they aren't just going to use guns

they're going to use WMDs

I own guns, but I wouldn't stay in DC or NYC right now if you paid me a billion dollars

Islam is a religion of peace, they wouldn't want to upset their place as the replacement of western society.

This thread again? Wasn't it supposed to be in early May because of May Day or what ever

Islam is a religion of peace, they wouldn't want to upset their place as the replacement of western society.

That's what the Canadian doctor who lives in Edmonton told us.

Islam is a religion of peace,they wouldn't want to upset their place as the replacement of western society

May Day was a possibility, but it was never a certainty.

An attack is inevitable, it is just a matter of time

now ISIS is telling followers in the West to attack during Ramadan. I'd take them at their word

I seriously doubt they have the capability or intelligence. The most I can see are suicide bombings in large areas.

Who's this Canadian doctor?

Who cares, nothing I can do about it. Its not my job to worry about such things. Its the world our masters chose for us to live in.

Ummm excuse me? Extremist Muslims would obviously be extremely peaceful, duhhh, check your fucking racism at the door, you cisgendered shitlord..

I'm going to go right down to my local mosque and apologise to them on your behalf.

>mfw some faggot actually spent money on the "mayday" warnings
>99% chance nothing will happen just like the other 500 happening predictions

Quit roleplaying you stupid faggots.

>I make a thread about this the day when that new ad pops up
>Barely any replies, just get shit talked to by a fucking Australian for not having a proxy

your bot is showing

He was making all the May Day threads telling people to stock potassium iodide pills and bottled water. He lives in Edmonton. Last we heard from him he said he was going on vacation to Nunavut (no Wi-Fi) or something until July 7th to "get away"... Interestingly just after Ramadan.

Im a legit Singaporean.Its supposed to be satrical m8.

Attacks are inevitable. However ISIS wants to make people believe they are more ubiquitous than in reality.

We have had these scares every few months for close to a year now. I doubt ISIS could undertake something in the mold of a Tet Offensive on Western Countries.

I could be wrong, but I am certainly not concerned enough to change my daily behavior over this.

Inb4 nothing happens....
As always

Makes me glad I live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.

I would be much more afraid in Europe honestly. Europe just doesn't seem to take security as seriously. You just have neighborhoods full of jihadis, not to mention refugees all over the place.

Sadly i have to agree... i NEED another happening...

I cant even remember the last attack, was it the Bataclan or Brussels??

you are right, we are not occupied by a police force.

I remember that time the italyfag pretended that he was going to assassinate the pope and wasted 5 hours of time

>they're going to use WMDs
Implying sand-niggers have the intelligence to pull some of this shit off.

Nice try though.

I wish he actually went through with that shit. The world would have been a better place on that day.

>it's another "European thinks America is a police state" episode

I am glad that Australia does not have a black market full of ex-Soviet/Yugoslav military grade weapons like Europe.

>"They want something that happens everywhere at the same time"
Everyone should know that this is how ISIS's been conquering every city in the middle east. Their soldiers moved in as peaceful refugees, then, when their numbers were critical, they started to carry out terrorist attacks and at the height of panic, ISIS marched in and conquered the place.

I've been saying it for a while that the whole refugee crisis is ISIS itself, relocating from the middle east but nobody fucking listens.

ISIS hits here and there in the west to make us believe they can be anywhere at anytime and make us freak out.

Paris was probably the best they could do.

Ever been up north?

>Implying Israel or America won't give them WMD's

>implying sand niggers have the intelligence to fly 2 planes into the WTC



Kill me

is it beginning?


They only drop threats when they're suffering a major setback in the ME. Which has been happening a lot recently

They are trying tho, it is only a matter of time.

>tfw when your not a westerncuck
Feels good man. :)

Literally who cares the most dangerous shit to come with the invaders is aids and Ebola

Living in a kebab free rural zone. I now have Ramadan marked down on my calendar, this is gone back to back happenings like nothing we've seen before.

ISIS have already learned that multiple small attacks are much more effective than one big one so I expect this is the form it will take.

So I'm supposed to be flying through Seattle, Portland and LAX soon......not staying, but layovers.

..........Am I fucked?

Let it happen, the West deserves the bombing. It deserves bloodshed and if they still refuse to say what's wrong they all deserve death sentence..
Lefties should be imprisoned.

you're thinking about the Ramada Inn dumbass.

We're talking about that flying lizard Godzilla fights

nah its just taunt


They're a pretty pissweak group when it comes to the west. If they try it on in the States they might take out 20 people max before getting shot. In Europe maybe a 100 or so before blowing themselves up.

one month no food no drink from dawn to sunset. they're weak during that time and also more crazy because we're all feeding ourselves like nothing happened

>Lefties should be imprisoned
They should be publicly executed after everyone sees what nightmare they invited to our lands.

>isis is going to carry out mumbai style biological/nuclear attacks during the MONTH of ramadan

try thinking about what you're typing before you do. they don't have the capability to do that. don't get me wrong, an entire month of global terrorism is about the closest we can get to a full happening, but it's just not realistic.

A mass coordinated attack where thousands die would herald in a big ass happening.

Of course while Europeans all over the place die, cucks will shout over their screams 'Not all Muslims are like this.'

Why the fuck Belgium let this shit to happen? Are they have an alliance to ISIS or something? They literally covered up ISIS stealing nuclear wastes from their power plants

It'll be France or Spain, those are the easiest targets security wise that guarantee the most media coverage and also fit the ISIS narrative.

They have a special hard on for Spain, being they claim it's rightfully Islamic or some bullshit. There won't be bombings more like a hundred pube beards taking hostages either at a beach resort, or storming Barcelona and taking over political buildings (It will fail, but not until after many weeks of drama being played out with inferior police doing nothing while politicians attempt to negotiate as ISIS maniacs execute hostages daily). Spain has the second worst police force in all of EU in terms of incompetence/corruption and even outright tipping off jihadi pube beards to investigations catalannewsagency.com/politics/item/spanish-police-to-have-warned-alleged-jihadists-they-were-being-watched-by-catalan-police

France is next with worst security forces/reaction time, remember that twice terrorists were able to take their time shooting people in broad daylight for hours without being challenged and even some escaped capture through numerous "roadblocks" that were next to worthless.

read the links. our intelligence establishment is taking them seriously. european governments are taking them seriously

how many millions of muslims flooded into europe recently? how many of them are terrorists?

and they're waiting for something coordinated. well, they just issued instructions to fighters in the West. I wouldn't get too comfy if I were you, especially if I were in a major/capital city

It's true. The response to Paris is enough to show you that. French people should have been up in arms over it but instead they became submissive and sang hippie songs and preached diversity.

I wish there would be happening in funland, since our minister of interior was first like everything is under control we know who is coming to finland no terrorists you racists.
Then ok we know there are 200+ possible terrorist in funland among the shitskins, but funlanders are the biggest safety risk in funland.
Now ok we have lost 2.5k mudslimes from rapefugee centers and we have no idea where they are, but we should not monitor the asylumseekers you damn racist redneck white men.
People in here are really steamed in funland atm, according to even a doctored survey 51% of people want the coverment to resign for their actions during the last year.
So nice happening would bring out the inner mongolian in us and magnificient horse archery ensue.

how the fuck do you find out that someone is trying to get nukes, bioweapons, the ark of the covenant, and not fucking who or where they are? how do you come by the information? does some fucking bond villain who sells fucking Sarin gas occasionaly call up the US and tell them ISIS just placed an order?

it's all fucking bullshit scare tactics

Safe in Montana, no asians here

read the links. they've been supplied with nuclear material from Russians. they've received help from Iraqi and Libyan chemical/biological weapons scientists

the threat is real

They'd probably target Moscow or Volgograd/Rostov as well, seeing Russian involvement in Syria.

I'm still spending money. turn off your adblock

May Day was always a possibility, but I also said it could happen at any time

Arent they not supposed to fight in the holy month?

>no Wi-Fi





Too much security, more likely targeting Russian tourists in Turkey or France instead.

They have to go big then. I'm talking pulling off multiple successful hijackings like they did on 9/11 and then going full derka on a target.

>trolled softly

Putin's doing some good work down there Rusbro. I honestly don't see why our countries have to be at odds with one another all because of Asad.

Joint American Russian kebab removal force when?

>infiltrate an entire civilization (the west)
>destroy it from within

We didn't even destroy ourselves, we just let someone else come in and pull the trigger for us.
>mfw nothing will happen like always, or some """major""" attack where ~100 people die and everyone loses their shit for 2 weeks



>The group recruited followers under the pretense of opening a Dawah office, an Islamic missionary center.

They pull one more attack on Western soil and Dachau is re-opened for business.

nah, there's a breaking point; a turning point

when plausible deniability goes out the window, and it's martial law nationwide indefinitely, the left will have finally lost

>have summer vacation to Europe this year
>going through multiple Mediterranean countries with known IS infiltration
>it's 2 weeks after Ramadan ends

Not sure if I should be relieved or concerned.

Basically in any middle eastern country, Ramadan is one month where nobody is allowed to eat, drink, smoke, dip, chew gum, or really put anything in your mouth while the sun is up. Families usually have very large dinners. I'm not sure about punishments for all countries, but when I was in Kuwait, the first offense was a fine and the second offense was imprisonment until the end of Ramadan.

Pray for peace, prepare for war.

Crusade when?

Belgian police recovered surveillance footage of a senior nuclear official in the home of ISIS ringleader Mohamed Bakkali, 2 employees of a Belgian nuclear plant fled to Syria to join ISIS, and a nuke plant security guard was killed by ISIS derkas in order to gain access to the facility to do who knows what but they got killed before they had a chance.

Wouldn't write them off so fast.



type 'Belgium nuclear ISIS' into google news

>All Belgians to be given iodine pills for nuclear safety




>The Vulnerability of Nuclear Facilities to Cyber Attack



> anonymouscondervative.com

Does anyone have a list of Canadian citys they would target?

Living in butt fuck nowhere Wisconsin FEELS SAFE MAN

It is clear now that IS would know a decent amount about the security of Belgium's nuclear reactors. It would still be a long way before they could turn that knowledge into an attack.

Handing out Iodine pills suggests that security forces are at least aware of the threat. I would back them to be able to intervene before ISIS could carry out an attack with (if they were able to) stolen nuclear material.

from what I've read ISIS is in every major Western capital city. that would include Ottawa

I would leave Toronto too

hell, I live in Colorado Springs, and I'm thinking about taking a vacation for the beginning of Ramadan

I live in a small city with 60k people in southern Alberta, will I be fine there?

>tfw Nuclear power plants are all around and inside my state
>Not one fucking safe route out if it blows up due to the jet stream
... Fuck, I didn't have much to live for anyway but Rad poisoning sucks.

Why would Isis want to target canada? Canada is virtually helping islamisation at this point.

G-guys it's seriously h-happening this time. We were wrong the other 100 times but this time it actually is happening! You b-better not go to any major cities for atleast one month. R-right guys?

there have been thefts in many of our hospitals, here is a partial but relevant list of what was stolen:
-Hazmat suits
-laptop with the names and address of the families of the people who were hurt on 11/13
-various hazardous material

We also had a military depot broken into 6 or so months ago, FAMAS, amo, guns and grenades were stolen.

France will host the Football European competition two weeks from now, ramadan starts 1 week and 1 day from now.

There will be special fan zones packed with people.

during ramadan

in Paris

with our police force and army spread thin to contain riots across the territory

with potential gas shortage and massive strikes looming over our head.