Truly a candidate that gives a fuck about normal Americans
I wish our country wasent filled with dumbass trailer park trash hicks That vote against their own economic interests
Truly a candidate that gives a fuck about normal Americans
I wish our country wasent filled with dumbass trailer park trash hicks That vote against their own economic interests
That's it!
>I wish our country wasent filled with dumbass trailer park trash hicks That vote against their own economic interests
I don't think many trailer park residents vote Hillary.
Go eat a vegemite sandwich you faggot
Sanders is financially illiterate, lol. I also don't like how he bends over for SJWs. Finally, voting for Sanders would be voting against my own interests (not feeling that >50% tax rate and yes, it would be between income + payroll taxes and capital gains). He's not even honest. He pulls the same bullshit every other politician does by blaming all of the US' problems on a scapegoat (the wealthy, particularly, Wall Street).
I agree op my I don't have enough money to pay my rent that's due tomorrow but I just donated $27 to bernie so the dream can come true
Do it
>economic interests
fuck off nigger slime
brb sammich
>I vote drumpf
>gives a fuck about normal Americans
>wants to raise taxes for normal Americans by at least 10%
>wants to destroy corporations with taxes and policies which will inadvertently destroy small businesses as well
Please educate yourself, faggot.
>Bernie wants universal healthcare and free college
>Drumpf wants to drain all the money on a wall
>A parasite that wants to leech the wealth of others has the Dracula vote
Color me surprised
Nice phony Jewish stereotype, faggot.
Bernie Sanders is kookier than Ron Paul
Bernie Sanders is the Bernie Madoff of political ideas
When you're looking at taxes that are ~50% higher than current, yeah, I'd vote for just about anybody before Sanders. That doesn't even take into account all of his other severe defects. I'm just happy he has no chance of making it to the general election. For someone who claims to speak for the people, he sure isn't able to get anywhere near the popular vote.
> drumpf
The left is so bad with memes.
My own interest isn't the destruction of the white race
>This is what passes for an argument among gypsies.
the memer has arrived ;^)
Sanders wants to increase taxes on everyone so that LeShawnda can sit at home all day and so that any Tom, Dick, or Sally, can go to college for 6 years to study art. It's a net loss for the middle class and above. On top of this, you'll see a lot of the wealthy leaving the US, so good luck paying for all of that bullshit.
>I have private insurance that is a much much better quality insurance than medicaid.
>I already paid off my student loans.
Please, tell me more about how Bernie Sanders' policies will have no positive affect on me, and how he doesn't give a shit about me because I don't depend on government handouts?
No he doesn't you hick shit. He wants to tax the corporations that drain your wallet so he can give you universal healthcare. Now tell me why hasn't Drumpf gone to the debate against Bernie? I'll tell why. His economical plan is all "LET'S BUILD A WALL LMAO" fucking stupid
I don't really agree with policies but I'm glad you guys in the US are paying attention to him because it brings to light the problems with your political system.
his policies*
Ceausescu would be proud of you, son.
Fucking Christ is this still in style? Kill yourself, you have no say in our country's politics.
>I wish our country wasent filled with dumbass trailer park trash hicks
Learn to write past a 3rd grade level, then you may maybe be allowed to talk about politics.
Oh I cant wait for the next time some chump praises venezuela near me
t. Albertan. And yes, they are unaware enough for that to happen.
mmm, looks tasty!
I do believe he actually does care and is not an outright corporate shill. That doesn't mean his socialist policies won't end up fucking over normal Americans.
>That vote against their own economic interests
the only ones who's economic interests would be benefited by bernie kikelord sanders are government bureaucrats
fuck off
Is that what triggers you the most? You jumped on that but never said anything about my arguments. You are literally politically retarded. Please don't vote, you're driving your country to shit.
Dear God. It's blacker than most Negroes.
Too late. I already did, and Trump won Indiana because of me. ;)
Bernie kikelord? He is going to tax the kikes you cretin. Your beloved Drumpf's daughter is a kike herself.
Apparently New York City are a bunch of trailer park white trash hicks.
If you really want Sanders to win then you have to join the campaign to get Hillary Clinton indicted by the feds.
The Clinton campaign has become increasingly nervous about the ongoing email investigation. It's time we helped push things in the right direction.
The fact that the Obama administration has not yet pressed criminal charges against Clinton is a stain on his presidency and a sign of obvious corruption. It's time to call them out on this hypocrisy and demand justice!
Pressure the Obama Admin, FBI and the DOJ to press charges against Clinton.
All public and social media outlets that represent these organizations. It's especially important that we do this in public forum such as Face/Book, Twatter, etc
twatter - potus - President Obama
twatter - thejusticedept - Justice Department
twatter - lorettalynch - DOJ Head Loretta Lynch
twatter - FBI twatter
face/book/potus/ - Obama Face/Book
face/book/DOJ/ - Department of Justice
whitehouse(dot)gov / contact - White House Contact Page
-There is more than enough evidence for indictment
-Gen. Petraeus was charged for doing much less
-Clinton put our safety as a nation in serious jeopardy
-Obama's failure to act is a stain on his administration
-Loretta Lynch's failure to act is an obvious sign of corruption and collusion
-The American people are hurt by the lack of justice
I hope bernie sanders watches a BLM protestor fuck his wife in bernies sportscar he bought with all of his teenager donators money. After he struggles the whole time to get his decrepid disfunctional penis up, the diversion of the cold blooded new blood from his heart will cause he to croak. After he writhes in pain in the ground I hope the nigger films it and puts in on WURLSTAR.
>Cares about normal Americans
>I wish our country wasn't filled with dumbass trailer park trash hicks
We see the type of hate mongers Bernie Sanders attracts to his campaign. No thank you.
The great majority of welfare-recipients in red states are Democrats.
Also, fuck-off Reddit.
Nice meme. Donald actually watched his daughter being fucked by a jew.
It's because no one can listen to that kooky ass Jew ramble on for more than 10 minutes without trying to kill themselves.
To eat or not to eat?
Query: should billionaires vote in their economic interest?
>He wants to tax the corporations that drain your wallet so he can give you universal healthcare.
That's not true. First of all, corporations don't drain people's wallets, and second of all my family's money comes from a private company. I'll gladly educate you on this, how exactly do corporations 'drain my wallet'? Be specific and don't just regurgitate glittering generalities like Sanders and the other poorly informed populists do (ie. "the game is rigged," "Wall Street is hurting you," etc.).
> Now tell me why hasn't Drumpf gone to the debate against Bernie?
Because he doesn't take Sanders seriously. Nobody except for ignorant 20somethings take him seriously. Not to mention it's against party rules to have a debate outside of the officially sanctioned debates. That may not hurt Sanders because it isn't like he's going to get the nomination, but Trump actually has something to lose. If Trump were to debate him, all Trump would need to do is call sanders out on his generalities. Ask him to explain and give specific examples and Sanders would crumble. The only reason Clinton hasn't done this is because she wants to appeal to Sanders supporters in the general election.
Anti-Bernie thread? Anti-Bernie thread.
Kikes write the tax laws, you fucking faggot. Stick to Romanian politics.
You're speaking of Trump right?
But but but, Ron Paul was just a trailer trash hick. hurrrr
lol, caring what the Left says, or, thinks after 2008. We only care about killing them as the traitors they are.
Listen here you mentally disabled idiot. If you don't know how a corporation works, how it grows and kills the competition this way being able to skyrocket the prices, how it turns civilians into economical slaves, I've wasted all my time on you. Please proceed to kill yourself.
He actually gets more money from outsiders than Trump, lol. I mean, both of them aren't even approaching Clinton levels, but he definitely isn't the "not for sale" candidate he would have you believe.
"Bernie doesnt want to tax you to hell so Lawshanda can go to college for 15 years under my dollar then go to work at Mcdonalds or be a welfare queen and birth babies"
sure buddy, Bernie is the most dangerous person in history to America.
o fug
No one here is going to help you Reddit.
>romanian economics
That explains why you live in such a shithole.
Spotted the Hill Shill.
>Listen here
I believe this individual is angry.
> Listen here you mentally disabled idiot. If you don't know how a corporation works, how it grows and kills the competition this way being able to skyrocket the prices
I'm willing to try and educate you, but you need to give me something. Explain. I know how corporations work, but I suspect you don't. Don't dance around the question, I'm looking for specifics, here. Typical ad hominem fallacies with glittering generalities propaganda that makes a populist a populist.
> Please proceed to kill yourself.
Why would I? The only candidate I really don't want has no shot at winning.
Apologies for the poor quality
Trump will instead tax you to build a wall and neither Lawshanda or you will go to college but will turn into illiterate retards. Let's be real here, Trump has no chance in any other country on Earth other than America. Says quite something about you.
It's okay, you're doing a good job. Better dead than red.
Not an argument.
Trump actually supports a progressive tax (rich pay more) and eliminating tax loopholes. He supports increasing tariffs and improving trade deal negotiations, in order to help native businesses and labor improve and reap more wealth. He also supports state-based government healthcare like what Romney passed in Massachusetts. Obamacare is shit that doesn't work well for the middle-class, and is liable to massive corruption and inefficiency due to the huge network of bureaucrats needed to maintain it.
Maybe you should try actually reading Trump's positions, you dirty Gypsy:
Also, watch these videos that shit on all of your misconceptions:
>Trump will instead tax you to build a wall
Have you read Trump's tax plan?
> Lawshanda or you will go to college but will turn into illiterate retards
Pot meet kettle. Romania isn't exactly known for it's top tier universities, and this is pretty evident from speaking with you.
>Let's be real here, Trump has no chance in any other country on Earth other than America. Says quite something about you.
Considering how we're the most powerful country on earth, it says a lot.
>I wish our country wasent filled with dumbass trailer park trash hicks That vote against their own economic interests
Black trash isn't voting for him either.
As a person from Gypsy origins i find this offensive.
This diety cunt would be the squab that drinks from the well all day while washing his armpits in it.
life rule #1: never trust a jew
>Trump will instead tax you to build a wall
The wall will actually be paid for by tariffs on Mexican corporations.
Also, the wall will be less than 1% of the US's annual budget. (see chart)
total estimated price for building: 12 billion dollars
total estimated upkeep: 750 million dollars
>total amount spent on Medicare and Social Security: over 2 trillion dollars
It's a fucking drop in an ocean, gypsy.
You're a fucking dumbass.
Honestly, I'm voting for Trump because I want the US to finally experience some real unrest, maybe the it'll put a fire in some of our bellies and take the fight to the niggers
>thinking facebook memes are fact
I'm for Trump, but Trump some Trump supporters are fucking morons.
"Financialy illterate"
Ah, like the plan of his that would literally cost 1/100th of the war on terror?
I accidentally the entire Vegemite
what should I this dangerous?
I hadn't seen this cartoon, but it's right on the money. Whether we're talking about the bankruptcies (anyone with a conglomerate like Trumps has inevitably had a company under the corporate umbrella go bankrupt (not even mentioning that it's only chapter 11 bankruptcy meaning restructuring, not failure)) or really bullshit claims of racism, nazism, etc.
I mean, I'm probably going to vote for Johnson because I don't like Trump's stances on things like surveillance, but the amount of bullshit claims against him are staggering.
>Lawshanda or you will go to college but will turn into illiterate retards
>implying Lawshanda would be literate if she goes to college
desu Trump would probably win in here or Singapore.
Singapore former ruler (now dead) was pretty much a more authoritarian Trump.
>TFW I've rek'd hundreds of anti-Trump posters today
Feels good.
Are you stupid? Mexico would never pay for the wall. Trump probably won't even build a wall, he's using the wall combined with your complete ignorance and the fact that you may be technically retarded to gather your vote. He is a corporatist and you know that well. The tax money Bernie will come from you will return back to you when you go to college or after you leave the hospital and won't have to sell a kidney to pay the bill. Tax money Trump will get from you will never return back to you.
This is the worst argument ever. I think ad hominem would actually make it netter
Because of increased taxes. The reason I say Sanders is financially illiterate is because of a lot of the statements he makes ("Wall Street caused the 2008 crisis"). It's a relatively widely believed falsehood everywhere except for people who actually study and work in finance. Sanders makes claims that are largely not grounded in fact that some people believe (particularly because they want to believe). Unfortunately for Sanders, there aren't enough people who buy into his bullshit.
>I'm for Trump
Doubtful. You wouldn't be so triggered by an anti-Bernie meme.
The Left in the U.S. is a completely fraudulent enterprise. They rip off everything grass roots conservatives do, then twist it around to fit a "revolutionary communist' pseudo movement, all patting themselves on the back calling themselves 'intellectuals' and 'genesis'.
From DAY 1 with the founding of the Central Bank (Federal Reserve) the Republican Party immediately opposed it. President Wilson (a progressive commie) signed the bill into effect. From this point forward America has been hijacked by the 'Bankers' that these idiotic leftist communist say they're against. Give me a fucking break. You people are the god damn dumbest mother fuckers alive.
It has ALWAYS been the Conservatives who fought against the bankers and globalism.
In 2008 we Conservatives put forth a grass roots candiates by the name of Ron Paul. We were going to audit the Federal Reserve and take down the bloodsuckers on wallstreet. Guess what happened? the fucking communist stopped us. They called us "Racist Hicks", and "Trailer Trash White People". This is who the so called "Left" is. Nothing but a bitch for the globalist and bankers.
12 years old spoiled faggot that didn't go through communism detected.
Except Hitler was a socialist and Drumpf is a capitalist (what Hitler tried to exterminate).
>all the money
maybe if we had your country's GDP
They don't have a choice.
You don't understand what tariffs are, do you? Of course you don't, dumbshit.
>The tax money Bernie will come from you will return back to you when you go to college or after you leave the hospital and won't have to sell a kidney to pay the bill.
That's assuming you're
1.) too retarded to get scholarships - which I already did, and got a bachelor's in CIS and I owe nothing.
2.) You have some catosrophic disease, which is unlikely unless you're a dumbshit who drinks/smokes all the time like a gypsy.
You actually pay more in taxes in your lifetime than you do paying for college or healthcare; and there is no escaping them, it's mandatory.
>that gives a fuck about normal Americans
>dumbass trailer park trash hicks
classic bernout hypocrisy
bernie gives a fuck about normal americans so long as normal americans mean "feminists" and "BLM activists"
this is the guy who said whites don't know what it's like to be poor. this fuck knows less than me about the average american
Socialismul nu e neaparat comunism dobitocule.
Who gives a fuck you retarded clueless faggot.
>Mexico would never pay for the wall
He get the media to fund ~2 billion worth of his campaign, mexico would BUILD WALL whether you like it or not.
It's even illogical of Mexico's interest not to build the wall, a great business deal is where both parties wins.
If you actually think about it, instead of reading your shilling notes, you'll be surprised how likely the WALL would be BUILT.
>The tax money Bernie will come from you will return back to you
The jew is so fucking bad financially he gets 6 figures salary for 30+ years and his net worth is only 1-200k.
Why would anyone sane trusts their money with him.
>post "money": hes gotten from corps
>its fucking nothing
Yep voting for him
Are you telling me out of tens of millions of people there's a possibility of some fucking morons among the bunch? This is unheard of. Please investigate this further.
Da, hai sa taxam oamenii 90% si sa ajungem sa murim de foame ca in Venezuela.
Continua sa sugi din pula lui ma-ta.