Hes a minor

>Hes a minor


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Lol what a faggot

telemundo pls


>Using mexican flag
triggered , hope they get killed

Wow, I bet you aren't a spic.

I don't get it.

What did he do that's wrong?

they are using the mexican flag for their chicano leftist anti trump bullshit
they are just making us real mexicans mad

>soft skin from easy life
>has never spent 2 weeks underground
>pretty nails don't work when extracting dat delicious raw ore
>how many ladders have you climbed down?

This mexican doesn't know shit about miners.

Fucking spics

California is too far gone. It needs to be split into east and west.

>He's a minor

So he has the excuse to do anything he wants? I don't get it.

This bugs you?

Tell us more about Americano Chicanos

>cant you see he's a miner looking for a heart of gold

there's no such thing
they are just americans who grew up entitled to free shit, socialism, marxism and reparations
american culture fucks up every ethnic group

This is literally normal at this point. Most mexicans brazenly stomp the U.S flag while parading around their own here.

There is a reason we want to see them kicked out, they are either invaders, or traitors.

what part of that was staging? the fact that the cameraman told the flag is upside-down?

they are not fucking mexicans ffs

Yeah you're right. Hopefully one day we will all wise up and embrace superior Mexican culture.

Plz save us Mexico ;_;

Mexico sees what we are putting up with thanks mexico dont worry we are still building a wall


>kids know better hurr durr

He was positioning them like actors.

Report the news, don't make it.

Honestly America wasn't supposed to be for them.

America would literally be paradise if the ethnic makeup had been allowed to remain over 90% white like it was up until the 1965 immigration act. That shit has turned us into a racially balkanized poweder keg.

fucking spics


Dumb spics don't even know how their flag is oriented. Also that minor should be in jail...in Mexico where he's a citizen.

>tfw I'm a spic living in Cali
>tfw I'm voting Trump
>tfw people think I'm a traitor to "my people"

>tfw I'm American first

This kind of shit is creating new Trump supporters everyday. WTF would wanna side with those scumbag kids? Fuck that, no need to even bring up the race shit

>tfw same and majoring in poli sci
>going to the Trump office to start my political internship career

They are undesirable in mexico, they are undesirable in america. Stop sending your trash and dispose of it properly. Yoi had no trouble making 43 college protestors vanish.

Right on bro, glad to have you.

Based Latinobro. Together we will make it bruh.

>dumb spics waving the Mexican flag thinking real mexicans like or give a shit about them

Illegals aren't your people
They are just criminals unwanted by their country and their host country.

Between this shit and black lives matter protests, I'm now completely convinced that minorities want to be hated.

how hard to understand is this?
who the fuck brainwashed the children of mexican people in the USA to be like this?
they have a wicked and wrong image of mexico and it's amazing how different we are even tho they parents are fully mexicans.

Your people are fellow Americans. You aren't a traitor to shit.

This shit is cyclical. Go back far enough and the second wave of boats to ever reach America got called names for being from the wrong part of England


America. America never changes.

I don't get what exactly they are staging. All that is in the shot is a Mexican flag. Is that supposed to mean something?

Now you are just playing dumb

Irish are confirmed non-white though.

Modern Family

Sure why not. Irish were not white enough then suddenly, out of nowhere, too white.

Hey, if you don't have pink nipples you aren't white either.

Fuck Manny

Tbh as a fellow Californian its gotten so bad I almost hate all spics. I know its unreasonable of me cause there are based ones out there but if today someone says "I will kill every hispanic person on earth". I would say yes without a doubt

>Most mexicans brazenly stomp the U.S flag while parading around their own here.
This. What the fuck. If Mexico is so great then why don't these faggots go back to their own country? Why go through such an insane amount of effort to try to shit all over our country and its people while living here?

>Irish immigrants who assimilated after 1 generation to become white America = Mexican immigrants who want to make America Mexico again, don't assimilate for the most part, and still identify as Mexicans with brown pride 3 generations later

You do realize faggots on here would throw you under the bus and kill you if a literal race war broke out, that is if your actually a mestizo and not some white who calls himself spic, whatever enjoy being hanged by right wing trump squads

my thoughts exactly t b h

>srs bzns

Lol calm down chuckles the violent ones are the leftists where have you been?

If only all immigrants were like you

>beaner triggered by logic resorts to straw manning

all the kids on that show are Cancer

>See illegals and chicanos acting like idiots
>They act like mexico is the greatest nation on earth even though they know shit about our current situation or know anything about our country (I bet they don't even know who's the first president of mexico)
>Can't do anything to stop them
>Can't even apologize
>They appear on national news
>This happens a lot nowadays

Feels bad man

Yeah, but dem boobies

Do they not realize minors can and are tried as adults?

Retards don't even know how the Mexican flag is set up


You're okay mexico bro, keep your chin up.

>I bet they don't even know who's the first president of mexico

10/10 spic stumping method I will use

>Hurr durr lets kill all the shitskins!!!!!
>muh day of the rope

Wonders why I say what I say

They arent Mexicans,

Pochos are hated here, you may genocide them at your hearts content.

If the fags like so much your country they may stay there, fuck them.

>Mexican Flag

When will people learn that a large segment of the illegal immigrant population and 1st generation, sees themselves as belonging to a separate tribe from most Americans.

These people should be tiananmen'd.

Think of it as a fake hate crime.

>someone puts up a noose
>people whine cry racism
>turns out it's no big deal because it was a coloured who put it up

Now in this case, it's people claiming they're anti-Trump if it's something big.

more proof that spics are garbage. and people wonder why we want to genocide them.

>They act like mexico is the greatest nation on earth even though they know shit about our current situation or know anything about our country (I bet they don't even know who's the first president of mexico)

Shit is retarded when they whine about being deport and life being hard because they know nothing about Mexico. As if their illegal parents knew anything about the US.

Even that makes they even more retarded if they praise Mexico but know nothing about it.


My god that fucking nig song at the beginning is so fucking bad.

It literally just says the same 3 words over and over and these stupid brownbread fucktards can't get enough of it

>American election
>Mexican flags

...Fuck this.


Now hopefully this does get some attention

>pink nipples

This should be the standard by which whiteness is judged.

kill all shitskins. Gas the kikes, race war now

>the original spic poster
>tfw you can't handle the bantz

>Why don't you just leave him alone, he's obviously a miner. He's a miner man.

But they hate our country.

Can't we just ship them back to you so that you may have the pleasure of killing them?

They love the free shit.

What if we give them free train rides to the Gulf of Mexico?

As in off a bridge and into the Gulf of Mexico?

Trump insults and says he will deport their loved ones. They have a right to be angry.

Maybe they should go back to Mexico with them I bet they would be happier there.

kek he is ovulating a miner leef him alum

>Bitch: Hey, minor kid, go talk shit and spit on this dude
>Other dude: hey that's not cool
>Bitch: Oh, Oh he's a minor how about you grow up and stop picking on kids

Stupid Bitch.

I don't think so. People come here for a reason. And discrimination isn't one of them.

I couldn't go into a group of these animals, I would be gunning them down.

God I fucking hate Mexicans.

well they aren't muslim and I doubt they want to be on fire, so I guess I won't ever have to deal with them

The reason they get discriminated against is becuase they break the law and give a bad name to us good Hispanics who assimilate and obey the law. So stop with excusses and either assimilate or go back to Mexico its simple as that.

Well, that's what they're going to get if they don't either
a) stop being traitors, subversive agitators, and thugs, and properly integrate into American society, or
b) go the fuck back to Mexico and stay there.

Assimilate, go back, or die.

I am not talking about people who break the law. Most law abiding, legal hispanic folk are upset because Trump is threatening to deport the vast majority of illegals that commit no crime.


>commit no crime
They can get the fuck out and apply for citizenship and come back when/if they get it.

If they fail to attain citizenship, we don't fucking want them here.

I really love how they pulled him back, pretty brutal.

>illegals that commit no crime.


You talk like a fag and your shit is all retarded

Fuck it I'm in cali and I got guns. Should I fuck up these vatos? Will Sup Forums remember me?


Lots of things technically are. Destroying families through deportation is an even worse crime.


They kill each other every day, no one would care if gang members were killed.

Now if someone well known dies, that gets attention

You talk like a homophobe. What century are you from?

Why are so many Hispanics liberal faggots? I'm glad you and a few other anons have said this, it's holding my prejudice in check for now. Literally every Mexican I know hates Trump and thinks he's a racist bigot. Keep fighting the good fight

That's not a crime.

Who says families are torn apart? Why can't they go back to Mexico?

If it makes it better, there are more than 5 million "Dreamers", people who were brought here illegally as kids, that will be deported with their family.

Anchor babies' legality has never been challenged either, so they could end up just as illegal as their parents.

If they love there families so much then they can go with them back to Mexico simple as that it's the only solution.