Does Sup Forums find yellow fever degenerate?
Does Sup Forums find yellow fever degenerate?
Enjoy your stay in the pokey faggot
Stop making the same threads over and fucking over again. If you like Asian's then go to Asia you fucking weeaboo.
I once had it.
But I came here and saw posts from China and the surgery they get. No thanks. Post some to cure me again plz
he's in asia you retard..
Really makes you shitpost huh
How can white women compete?
If you're not yellow and have yellow fever, you're degenerate.
what if i just like sideways pussy
I was speaking to everyone in the thread. Why do you think I didn't reply to the OP you fucking idiot?
I have severe yellow fever. Pls send help.
I've watched this multiple times and i never noticed those two kids in the back...
If that little boy is the object of your yellow fever then yes, user, completely degenerate.
You just blew my mind.
not kids, she's prepping/messing around before a photo shoot
She's super cute but I'll never unsee that unibrow
Asians are white so no.
Where is based nip? I wanna see more of his cute waifus so I can regain faith in humanity.
yes. asians females are the definition of low test unless you're talking about a 10/10 kpop science experiment.
I'll diddle you m8.
Don't more asian women have white fever than white guys have yellow fever?
Sup Forums thinks everything is degenerate.
I personally see the fetishisation of a race degenerate. No issue with dating Asians, but if you're only dating them because they are Asian you have a serious problem.
You're also in for a serious shock. They are not as submissive as you think, and they will control you. You have no money with an Asian gf. It's worse than with any other race.
Japanese women with black men:
Depends which part of asia. Chinese, Japanese, Korean and flips are all very, very different.
kill yourself
My dick is color blind
Yup. Racemixing is degenerate. Japanese grills are cute but never would I.
What's that?
No racism please. Black men love Asian women just as much as white men do.
no and stop posting that
There's nothing degenerate about the High-IQ Master Races (whites and asians) wanting to live together in harmony.
Truly, we should combine forces and eliminate the lesser races (muslims, niggers) once and for all, for the good of planet earth and the human race.
How is that racism, he told you to kill yourself. Seems pretty progressive to me.
This is the 3rd thread in a span of 3-4 hours
> whites are to asian women what blacks are to white women
> it's okay when white people do it
Fuck off whitey
Yes. Any other questions?
the whole suck you dry stereotype is dumb. it comes from idiots ho marry hookers
asian women are more money conscious thn whites. they literally save 40% of thir househokd incoe in ALL countries. america europe japan chija korea ALL have a 40% savings rate. meanwhile whites save about 5% on avervage
by golly where do the yellow women reside at this hour
no one would be able to tell many asians apart from white people if you couldn't see face/nipples/vag
basically the same variations of skin color for koreans, some chinese, and japanese
Yeah bullshit. You can tell an Asian girl by her hair sheen alone. You think I'm kidding? Don't be dumb. Threyre literally different. Even their skin color and texture. You need to stop posting
My white soon-to-be gf has that body. Am I lucky?
Yes it is.
Who that?
whatever makes your dick hard bro
>whites are to asian women what blacks are to white women
Tight pussy, stays younger for longer times. The Asian woman is the best woman.
do you get bored teaching english?
>and another pro Asian racemixing thread
Thanks, JIDF. Guess you understood black/white doesn't work on us.
i think youre overanalyzing it. jews ont care about Sup Forums. these are shitposters who think its funny.
Newfags end believing they are serious.