do you respect the silence that serves as the foundation for creativity?
Do you respect the silence that serves as the foundation for creativity?
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explain this man's torso
I respect silence in general, so would you please shut the fuck up?
he keeps it in his bag.
SHUT UP. You're nothing.
You crack a stupid little smile, you little pimp. Go learn to play. You’re flat. You can’t even carry a fucking note. I don’t care about your little horn lip, it doesn’t mean you know how to play. You’re flat. I’ve trained classically, I’ve trained contemporaneously, and you suck.
Someone who gets laid more than you.
>walked bob dylan up on stage.
>knew the grateful dead from 1966.
>NYU film school graduate.
>trained classically.
>trained contemporaneously.
who the fuck are you Sup Forums?
>when you're trained classically and contemporaneously
did he really walk bob dylan up on stage?
Who the fuck are you? You’re nothing. You are nothing. And you will never be anything. Never. How dare you? You miserable, mediocre nothing. Shame on you.
> I don’t care about your little horn lip
what did he mean
>trumpet sounds
>You crack a stupid little smile, you little pimp.
>mfw all these plebs that dont respect the silence
Do all jews know each other?
yeah, they have reptilepathy
he was absolutely 100% in the right. if he were a chad instead of a midget with a heavy new york accent more people would see. you can actually hear the guy playing a few times and it's awful.
Childhood is making fun of this shrill Jewish hobbit and laughing at his anger.
Adulthood is realizing he was absolutely right. Practice playing your stupid trumpet at home and don't disturb the peace and quiet.
I'm a field recordist, so yes.
What torso
This board is like a less justified version of him.
This but unironically
I just realised something. That's fucking porn in his bag. He just came from a fucking porn store. In my entire life that's the only place to give out black plastic bags. He just bought fucking porn mags.
nah, there's a Desert Eagle in it
who are some artists that are trained both classically and contemporaneously
Holy shit he's self aware
pls explain this line to me.
so he was just a lowercase enthusiast
how do i copy this guy's look?
Mike Patton
go to your local barber and ask for the fried sauerkraut
I wonder what this troll would think of the wandelweisser composers
I wonder where this guy is now
he's not a troll, he says the truth
at least he's a good sport about it
People defending him on Sup Forums, but cant lie the video is still funny.
headshops give me black opaque bags when i buy bongs/pipes
Good point although I don't think he would be throwing it around but maybe he bought papers and a playboy
he runs a hippie website called flower power creative
OP is a presumptuous no-talent
i'm weak
>tfw you never knew the Grateful Dead in 1966
>tfw you never walked Bob Dylan up on stage
This video makes me happy I live in a rural area.
If anyone can find me a song that uses this video as a sample, that would be great.
I found an album on bandcamp in the vaporwave section and recorded to tape but then I lost the artist. It's dope too, so sad.
Album samples from movies and internet videos.
This is the ideal male body. You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.
that wasn't even funny
The name of Bob Dylan's publishing company was Dwarf Music
childhood >adulthood desu