Really makes you think.
Really makes you think
>War ravaged Germany after an unjust war
>West Germany rebuilt by Americans, neglecting to show conditions prewar under Hitler
>Modern day nice parts of German that I'm not entirely convinced ARE Germany
>Soviet Ravaged ghetto part of Poland
Jesus leaf cmon..
a fucking leaf
China has a wall and look it at it the people are starving and working for 2 cents an hour.
Canada doesn't have a wall and accepts immigrants and it is very rich and prosperous.
wall btfo
fucking kek m80
Canada doesnt have a Wall and half the country burnt to the ground, looks like America needs a wall more than ever to keep fires out.
Because frankly Migrants are generally hard workers and integrate fine in Europe. But most of these right wing governments that are sprouting are rather selfish and think about themselves than helping others.
>germany 2100
You should write:
>50 years with socialism
Poland is just what happens when you're under the foot of Russia for decades. Takes a while to recover from that.
>conditions prewar under Hitler
The nazis ran the german economy straight into the ground. They had to invade other countries and steal their resources just to sustain themselves.
The fire is good for the economy because it provides more jobs rebuilding the things that burned and putting the fire out. It's like you don't know basic economics.
>soviet polish slums
>vs the americanized jewish banking state of deutschland
>Move On
way to play out an already unfunny meme in only 2 days Sup Forums
>as opposed to pre war germany where it was a better financial investment to burn money to stay warm than to actually try to spend it on anything
>leafs in charge of trolling
Try 10 years under post-war reparations.
Don't you have a fire to put out, Trudeau?
>look at our colourful shit!
Fuck off Ahmed.
It's not trolling if they're genuinely retarded.
Jose, is that you?
you missed the "Mugabe eats birthday cake in front of starvation" article faggot
That was the early 1920s. By the 1930s the economy was well on it's way to recovery until the nazis took power. Weimar germany was also a golden age of arts and culture.
And yet I don't see many Mongolian hordes pillaging the Chinese country side, do you?
post it then faget
nice historical revisionism senpai, looks like socialism is the way to go!! :)))))
It makes me think how shitty this meme is.
>2 things happened at the same time so it must be a direct correlation!!!
Are leafs even trying anymore?
At least the Australians are original and can come up with good b8 threads.
and the black market of animals
Holy fuck I'm a leaf as well and this shit is cringy to look at why are paid Hillary supports raiding this site?
>Really makes you think.
If you say so. Here:
-the immigrants in Germany gravitated to the west
-Poland does not simply have 0 immigrants, it's got more like 6 000 000 emigrants
-Poland also had a bunch of Russian visitors, particularly in Warsaw
-Warsaw is generally atypical
-That set-up is wildly ILLOGICAL, Poland is being in two compared times at once???
can't help but feel we're forgetting something here...
>"muh communism never been really tried"
Those weren't peaceful refugees like the Mexicans or the Syrians. Not an argument.
You know, it's really apt that you brought this up, get this, I have a SUPER wild story on this topic, you're not gonna believe this, but you sooooo gotta deal with it, because it directly relates to you, weedboy!
Okay, get this...
I was back there, and I have all these massive positive memories! Yeah, ain't that something, that's gotta be diagnosable as massive uncanadian delusionality, riiiiiight? You must totally want me locked up in CAMH, eh?
Uh-oh, what of that?!?
Don't fall for the bait retards, sage and report.
Hey, if the hoser wants to start shit, the hoser wants to start shit! You trying to pacify me or somethin'?
It's just a shill, he didn't even replied in this thread. Sage and report.
Also checked.
It's been tried and it worked.
>Germany 3 years under Hitler
So, proxy? But I'm actually around fucking hosers, they really are like that!
>show nice area of a city and claim it's migrants who helped make it possible
>show shitty area of Portland (which could honesty be anywhere with the claim of it being Portland) and say it has no migrants
>you forgot Portland
It really does. You should see someone. You have metal issues.
Yea, that Germany is cucked.
I like the polish architecture.
Rly maeks u think
About how great the US is and how shitty the soviet union was. gtfo dumb fuck. Give germany 20 years of mass migration and it look so much worse. Holy shit leaf.
>golden age of culture
yeah you could get child sex workers to fuck donkeys and the city was full of leftist artists and writers enjoying the cheap sex and living at the cost of poor destitute germans
You're cucked and we're not so I guess it wasn't so shitty my mexinigger friend.
You mean "reary make you think"
But that can't be right, japan doesn't have enough immigration!
a lithuanian who hasn't bought into NATO propaganda-revisionism and fallen in line for the next world war? what a rarity. sure you're not from serbia or donbass?
Are you implying bright lights and shiny things are an example of a strong and powerful people?
I get it. They're bankrolling the EU, and they're a very powerful nation economically, but otherwise they are a nation of weak willed back broken dispirited degenerates. Their military is practically non-existent. They've barely been re-unified for more than 25 years, and they can't show for shit what the true spirit of a Germanlander is, because they've all been brainwashed for decades.
Now comes the best part; the Germans and the Poles share a lineage of proud warrior spirits. They are not only equals, but worthy in their fortitude. Within each Germanlander is a proud and noble soul waiting to grasp the height of strength.
When will the Germans break the seal that has locked them out of their own hearts? When will the German man and woman stand on that precipice, look the enemy in the eye, and owe their wrath upon those who spoiled their savage proud spirits! I want Germans to be German again!
>it'll never happen
>a fucking leaf
>cherrypicked images with unrelated statements attached
nice meme
you know, up until now I was a #Trumpeter but you have convinced me OP. I am now 100% #Cruzmissle
Here, have this, maybe it'll get through your ignorance.
This picture is just evidence Japs are good news.
An area of Berlin owned by Japs is like a second rate Tokyo, yet Japan with about as many immigrants as poland is even better.
They didn't do that until the war had already started (obviously). It takes a good deal of raw materials to fight on 3 fronts. Against countries with more than a dozen times your landmass. Even after invading local workers were useless because they would strike so frequently.
all this really proves is that germany should have struck first at england
I think deep down hitler was just a good person with good intentions that the english did not reciprocate
FPPBP(first poland post bp)