Should Americans learn to speak Spanish?

Should Americans learn to speak Spanish?

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Sure why not. I did.
Latin America is a fun place to visit.
Just don't want the US to become Latin America

That is one of the ugliest trannies I have ever seen.

I think it's the brown skin that makes it look extra-disgusting.

I'm not learn that shitty spic language.

>learn a third-world language

no thanks


All immigrants here should speak English. Do you know if you get an Obama phone, the papers that come with it have a Spanish side, and separate set up hotline for none English speaking people.

It's a mess.



Isn't that Selena senpai?
Obviously immigrants, all of them should take english. Should it be govt sponsored?

No idea.

But make it mandatory

T. Anchor Baby

Of course not.

Spanish should learn how to speak American.

You haven't seen many women to think that's ugly then. She's not 10/10, but she's not hideous.

Yes, with the growing population of Hispanic people in America they should accommodate the growing population with their native language - Spanish. By diversifying language and with people create a better and cohesive society instead of them vs us mentality. It would be a great start for America.

Why would we learn to speak Spanish when they're the ones coming here? They want a job or welfare - they have to speak English.

>not knowing what third world means
stupid ignorant fuck


No reason to make the floor cleaner's job any easier. Probably just use your ability to ask you for a raise.

Non whites should get out.

Parts of Jalisco, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Urgaguay and Chile are whiter than ANY Stormfront photo. That's a FACT

Why should they? It would be beneficial to learn it (like any language), but honestly, the immigrants coming in should assimilate and learn english.

(Hispanic) "white"


Integrate or get the fuck out.

If I ever were to move to central or south america... yeah, I'd learn spanish.

The reason so many people get pissed at mexicans and other central american trsah is that you come here... and don't even bother to learn a word of English.

I've met people in Florida that have been here for over 10 years and can hardly put a sentence together.

Disgraceful and utterly disrespectful.

You gotta go back and speak all the "spanish" you want in countries where it's the official language.

Nice try shitface, stormfront is for old people, dailystormer is the real stuff

Nope they are European White 100%
Not a drop of Indian blood in them

>you should have to learn someone elses language "because"
Okay :^)

The USA has no Official National language.

Considering how the USA is rapidly turning into Latin America v2.0 . . . it makes sense for them to learn Spanish.

Tourist hotels

Knowing Spanish is a marketable asset in the workplace in any given field not because you will be conversing with native speakers, but rather, employers believe you to be disciplined. Learning another language takes dedication and rigor which signifies that you will preform well in whatever job you are tasked with.

I personally would not hire monolingual plebs.

No national language means lawyers rule. Their organization chooses which language to speak in. You could literally be saying yes by saying no if a lawyer wrote that into a contract that you signed but didn't read

Whatever you do, don't talk shit about my Selena. Texasbro here.
I graduated high school 1995. Many classic faps were had when I would think about my sweet hispanic waifu Selena back in those teen days. It was a more innocent time for fapping. She may have died too soon, but she will always live snuggled in my heart.
WARNING: this video may be too nice for you. This was a musical talent before whores-of-the-month dominated all pop music.
Dat feel when she was killed :(

Yes, it is the future.


>t. American of taco descent

You might want to think about learning English first.




Making Spanish a teachable language in schools across America was a terrible mistake. We shouldn't have to cater to violent leeches that invade across the border. When someone is too god damn lazy to learn the language of this country, they should struggle and feel out of place. They should go to a store and be told "Sorry, spic, I don't fucking speak beaner. You are shit out of luck."

I already know both. Very useful for learning new jokes and puns.