Are Germans welcome in Poland? Or do you hate us like you hate Muslims? How hard is it to learn the Polish language? I don't wanna live in the Kalifat Germany anymore! Even if Merkel loses the next time a government is voted, the damage is all ready done. It was allready done over 50 years ago when we called foreign workers over and let them stay after the work was done. We now have whole city's that are no go areas full of Muslims. Please poland people let me life amongst you in Poland. I will even wear the traditional Polish Adidas jump suite.
Are Germans welcome in Poland? Or do you hate us like you hate Muslims? How hard is it to learn the Polish language...
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You fucked up your own country, made it trash, and just want to flee to the next sweet spot. No better than the refugees especially adter looking down on the Polish for centuries.
Im sure you will all be welcomed warmly.
Been to over 50 countries. Was treated the best in Poland. Seriously.
Polish girls love the BBC.
>After police published Mol's photo and an alert before the start of court proceedings, Warsaw HIV testing centers were "invaded by young women". A few said that they knew Mol. Some of the HIV tests have been positive. According to the police inspector who had been monitoring the tests and the case: "Some women very quickly started to suffer drug-resistant tonsillitis and fungal infections. They looked wasted, some lost as many as 15 kilograms and were deeply traumatized, impeding us taking the witness statements. 18 additional likely victims have been identified thereby".[32]Genetic tests of the virus from the infectees and Simon proved that it was specific to Cameroon.[33]
>Record number of HIV virus cases were detected in the centralMazoviaregion and the wholePolandin January 2007.[34]Simon Mol's had visited Gdańsk in September 2006, where he helped organize the anti-racist "Music against Intolerance and Violence" festival. After publishing Mol's epidemiological alert, the number of HIV tests in the Gdańsk provincial centers exceeded 100, day in day out, including two worried males who learnt that their partners had slept with Mol, while the usual number had been hovering over a dozen cases daily beforehand.[35]
Pic related, Simon Mol
It was the government not the people who did that. Our media is doing the rest, by telling everyone we should never vote for right wing party's because they must be pure evil. The one right wing party we have left is crazy and doesn't even know how to do shit. The once conservative party's are now left wing scum party's so there is nothing to vote.
Maybe you'll get a new eloquent leader again Kraut, someone to unite your people without needing the shitty media
I think Polish should invite the Germans in and then throw you pieces of shit in camps and starve you to death.
After all the times you people have tried to fuck over Poland, 4 partitions, and your pressure for them to suck brown dick; I would be grateful if Poland invaded your sorry cuck country and wiped out everyone for lebensraum you piece of shit.
why dont you move to murica like i do?
Poland wont be save for long, eu will force this shit on them earlier or later.
Fucking hell. You know it's bad when France gives leadership advice
Act normal (no faggotry,racemixing,sjw, be catholic etc), learn the language (it's hard) and you'll be fine.
Let's face it, shitskins and EU is now a way bigger problem than our old grudges. White people must work together.
I'm sure Poland has enough Gypsies, they don't need any Turkish to add to their problems, Germany.
It's not really advice, I just hope that you get a good leader before senile Merkel ruins your country.
Recently had a holiday in poland with bros, got drunk as hell on great beer and kissed a fucking 9/10 22yr old girl who, had she been british, would have called the police if I smiled at her and wasnt a footballer/millionaire model/black.
Cant wait to go back next year. Best country ever.
We don't really hate you. We dislike you for what you did to us during WW2, but that's not hatred. You would not get randomly beat up, maybe some drunk guy, or ultra nationalists.
You will not get accepted fully unless you learn to speak polish efficiently. Which you will not since it's top 3 hardest languages in the world.
Our anger at EU and Germany gov could end up spewing onto you yourself if you end up here. We do know it wasn't the individual germans who did take over our media and destroyed our industry, but we could get carried over.
Also. I'd prefer if you stood in your country and fought for it. The problem with immigration from richer regions/lands/countries to the poorer ones is that you bring your beliefs to them. Im talking about your expectations about stuff. And you'd want us to introduce them back here. Which we don't want since we can see what happened in the West.
Hans, we are poor. You'd not live like you live in Germany. The average salary here is around 400 euro. And the prices in stores are not that much lower than in Germany.
Stay strong deutchbro. Be vocal about what you percieve as wrong in Germany. But do it in media, however shitty they are, try to convince your friends to whats happening with your country. It all falls onto you, the redpilled germans, to fix Germany. It will not magically happen on itself when Trump gets elected. And if you guys fail to do so, it'll keep going worse and worse.
Hey, not the same Hans as above, but thanks for your kind and honest words.
Best luck in staying strong. I always look eastwards if I look for hope.
Germans are muslims and leftists. The fact is that you fucked up your own country and now want to flee to ours. Wouldn't be the first time you came to our country and destroyed stuff. First you'll demand the right to vote and be treated equally, then you'll vote to have sharia in your neighborhoods, and before long to have it in ours. Burn in hell, Fritz.
Germany and Poland are right next to each other. Why don't you just drive over there and find out for yourself? Seriously, it's like a 10 minute drive. Maybe a couple hours if you live in western Germany. Probably shorter by train.
Plus, Frankfurt is directly on the border and as I recall that's one of Germany's biggest cities so there's a good chance you live there or near there anyway.
Why would you even ask this on Sup Forums
Nice to see the US geography lessons are as good as always.
There are 2 (possibly more) Frankfurts.
THE Frankfurt isnt on the border
>muh gubmint
No, fuck off. No one wants you here. You ruined the Europe three times already.
I'm tired of you German ucks
Reopen Dachau and jump in the oven faggot
Do the world a favour
I don't hate Germans, some who associate your people with the government that is fucking you over might dislike you, but there iis very little strong feelings left here. I'm even encountering pity for your current situation.
If you were going to be vocal in your critique of Merkel and multiculturalism then you'd be well received even among nationalists imo.
Germans are as welcome in Poland as in Switzerland.
fuck you
I really hope kalifat fucks up Germany the way Germany fucked up Poland during WW2. I really do. My whole family fought your nazi scum nation. DIE
t. Polish toilet cleaner.
>They looked wasted, some lost as many as 15 kilograms and were deeply traumatized, impeding us taking the witness statements. 18 additional likely victims have been identified thereby"
ahahhaha some leftist antiracist cunts paid toll. now they cant have kids, their life is over. EPIC.
>moving to 60% white country which is going to be majority nonwhite in just 20 years. Where iterracial crime is on record numbers. Where feminist and antiracist policies are pursued. Where women are absolut materialistic trash,
you are idiot.
No fix your own problems you typical German pussy
Natives will love you...
Don't worry we don't wear tracksuits.
Like that guy said you would have to speak polish very efficiently to be considered one of us. If its really so bad in Germany you can try coming here I guess.
What the fuck, Poland.
Based Simon is our man. He got rid of coalburners.
Also interested here but for french people, are we welcome there ?
Also i heard poland is very religious, is it ok not to be christened and not going to church in poland ?
Can one say he is atheist in public ?
If it gets too bad here, we will change it.
We're Germans, we work on things.
Now if refugees were stationed in Poland, they wouldn't do shit about it. They never do. They don't even care about their own country. That's why Poland is, and always has been, so shitty as it is.
The Pole has no work ethic.
Of course, kek we are not that religious.
Literally dindu
If there are nigs coming to Poland everyone of them should have AIDS. Natural selaction and culling the weak (and retarded). Mudsharks are social pariahs but that is not enough, they need to all die from AIDS.
The only thing your kind is "working on" is destroying all of europe you fucking piece of shit. The poles are miles better than you.
not religious =/= atheist
Atheists are 3edgy5you fedoras and femnazis attacking christianity (and sucking cocks of islam). As long as you are not part of them noone will have a problem with you.
No one likes Germans. No one.
>wanting to move to Poland now when EU hatred and Germany hatred is reaching its peak
I dunno, Hans, that doesn't seem very wise. I mean, people generally understand that it isn't a common German's fault, but things are starting to get heated. When Germany inevitably fucks up again in its usual grand style - and it really is a matter of 'when,' not 'if' - it's possible you'll be affected.
Plus, Slavic languages are almost impossible-tier. You will always sound like a retard even if you master our grammar (haha), because there are so many strange sounds. Unless you're exceptionally talented at language-learning, you will always out yourself as a foreigner whenever you open your mouth.
Nah. But you will have problem with get marry. You need book with 40 signs of local priest ( one sign per msza) we call it nauki przedmalzenskie. Ofc you can find some corrupted priest
Organize an uprising you lazy cunts. You still have a chance to win before the EU army gets formed. Jesus fucking Christ it's as if conquering France twice didn't teach you anything.
>girl on the left
>The Pole has no work ethic.
Look where your wonderful thousand year work ethic has got the Duetsches Volk, Klaus. Just look.
You have to understand though, to an American Euro countries look tiny. We traverse states and whatnot for work and play all the time. Alot of Americans just expect Europeans to travel around willy nilly as well.
I'm an atheist, and I'm very vocal about it. People who go to church are mostly 50+
Ok this should be alright i'm not that kind of "atheism preacher", i just don't care about faith that's all.
This seems more like what i am talking about, in France less than on third of civial mariages are catholic, peoples just marry at the town hall that's all, no church involved in the process.
Also >Corrupted priest
is corruption a big deal in poland ? with cops and/or administration ?
If you really want to feel more accepted, pick some silesian region (especially southern side) to settle. Silesians are historically bound to Germany, their folkore and local dialect are steeped with german influences, and some cities still have some post-german architecture (mostly churches or bridges). You will find many german vistors often there too.
We are not poor, but not wealthy either. We are struggling between poor easter block, and wealthy wester paradise. 50 years of communism caused enough damage to our economy and also mentality. You will find that some polish people are cheaters, wiseguys, or even thieves. Well, after almost one century under occupation, some things that once provided survival, are still sticked into our culture (but they are slowly passing away fortunetely).
We have beautiful women, they like foreigners, wealthy germans too, so don't worry. Just keep your hygene at the high levels, don't be so rude, don't be sissy, and have some bit of hidden romantic side. And have money, because polish women dont like unsuccesful peasants. Add +30 to being handsome if you are working in IT.
Some final words - no, we don't keep much grudge against nazis, especialy younger generations. Older ones - well, it depends on what nazis did to their families.
You shouldn't have forced Germany to pay reparations, along with US and France without some means got economic survivability. I'm American and even I know that.
People in Poland are generally loyal to their family/friends, and you get preferential treatment at administration or police station if you're "one of them".
But It's not that bad yet, modern liberal poison is only halfway through so we don't have as much censorship as you do, you can call somebody a faggot and it's not a big deal, of course the lefties are using the same rhetoric(calling everybody sexist, racist and stuff), but it's not yet mainstream
In the great war, of course
>implying any of the war reperations actually went to poland
>implying you didn't deserve to pay for reparations after you destroyed huge parts of europe
Can Australians come?
I'm a devout traddy catholic who goes to his latin mass weekly and am a qualified lawyer (here) and also have taught english in south america (speak spanish, as well as german and croat)
Will polacks hate me for being shit at your language because its hardmode? Will I get mad props for making a solid attempt?
Will I be able to get a polish wife and call our children good wholesome polish names?
Preparing for the inevitability of the 2016 federal election
>can pick any country
>wants to move to Poland
We don't wear the Adidas shit. You're thinking of Russia and Russian accessories.
Well, Poland second language is english. We really don't have any international relations with Aussies. Well, some ppl will be suprised that you have picked our country, and not some better and closer ones. But you are welcome.
Ps. We don't have kangaroos.
Ahmed please.
We have a work ethic but it gets stifled by our shitty employment laws and contracts.
>get umowa o prace
>enjoy paying taxes through the nose
>get umowa o dzielo
>litwerally the hired help contract which means you can be let go at any time for any reason
Just move to the US ya stupid cunt
Chicks will fucking love your accent
If you live in a big city (Krakow, Warsaw. etc) you can speak English with most of the locals.
If you get a job that offers Polish lessons for employees then you can learn Polish that way and get mad props for attempting to learn the language. Just look for a multinational company where English is required.
As for getting a wife, you should be fine as long as you aren't fucked in the head or been beaten with the ugly stick. Just avoid women going to clubs or ones with tattoos and you should be fine.
We have some corruption but it's not as bad as it used to be during the commie era. Most of it is on the political level as everywhere else I presume,
Just remember that poles are inherently butthurt and banter isn't a day-to-day practice unless you're on good terms with someone and they're sure that you're being ironic. Being a cynical bullying cunt will get you places though. I can assure you of that based on my own experiences that include showing such behaviour and getting rewarded for it.
>praising polish women
I hate to break it to you but women are subhuman trash no matter the nationality. The recent generations experienced a lot of western marxist brainwashing and weren't kept on a leash so a lot of them are golddigging evil cunts. You'll have to stick with the attention-seeking introverted types instead of the outgoing clubbing thots. It's going to consume more of your time but trust me - they're the cutest most cuddlable things on this shit Earth.
Are red-pilled Swedes welcome in Poland?
I'm not an expert on the history between our countries but I guess we don't have a beef.
>we don't have a beef
>what is The Deluge
Also good advice for foreigners.
We are not smiling without any reason. If you do, some may thing, you are laughing at him, or you want something from him.
We are not looking at each other for long without any reason. Bit more longer eye contact with uknown person means readiness for rivalry.
Also, we aren't much pleasant without big reasons. We won't thank you or greet you if is not neccessary. Yeah, Brites us as rude persons because of that. They are thanking and asslicking by default. We are not.
>Are Germans welcome in Poland?
Pretend you're Norse or some shit. That will get you a pass.
>Or do you hate us like you hate Muslims?
Actually, we hate you more. It's just that it's trendy to beat up muslims nowadays.
>How hard is it to learn the Polish language?
Don't even bother. Seriously. Most Poles can't write really well until they're 16.
>I don't wanna live in the Kalifat Germany anymore!
Sucks to be you.
>Even if Merkel loses the next time a government is voted, the damage is all ready done.
Quit being a bitch. Poland is now repairing the damage done by the previous party in charge.
>It was allready done over 50 years ago when we called foreign workers over and let them stay after the work was done.
Try communism for your whole country instead of half of it, and then try selling your country apart for the next 25 years.
>We now have whole city's that are no go areas full of Muslims.
It's your fault, Hans.
>Please poland people let me life amongst you in Poland.
Good luck, I guess.
>I will even wear the traditional Polish Adidas jump suite.
Just don't squat like a western spy.
Burn the coal, pay the toll!
>Huge parts of Europe
Are you literally retarded?
The western front was in a no man's land the russian front went through a no man's land.
There was nearly no damage done in that war compared to WW2, the reparations come from the expenses of the war material and armies.
Germany is usually pretty similar to this even tho down people try to be decent, but I really kekked since you really sound like you're describing some sort of gorillas
well you didn't say anything about ww1, chuck, you only said "great war", i just assumed it was the 2nd great war cause it's more relevant
We took in 3500 jews from Poland in 1968-1970 which saved you from some kikery and cuckening. Remember that
No you fucked up Germany stupid Amerifat.
>In the great war, of course
It was literally the only thing in the post you replied to you moron.
>what are IDs
I'm a different user
>Im sure you will all be welcomed warmly.
I certainly will be, because I was born in the USA.
fuck off and stop polluting gene pools with your mixed nigger genes you faggot.
not only that but you are abandoning your last stand for your own fucking country
you want to go to poland because they're nationalist? well I doubt that, you're literally abandoning your own country you pseudo patriot fuck
The world is in ruins just because of people like yourself, go kill yourself you complete fuck
What the fuck is your problem then? We were referring to two different wars, must be the fact that you got cucked by ahmed again?
Please use your butthurt to do something constructive, maybe close your country's borders would be a good start?
yeah, part of these jews were prosecutors and judges who killed polish patriots and you don't want to give them back so we can repay them for their services
Should have punted them off to Finland.
Now they just kike at us from Sweden.
"hur dur but muh gubberment forced us to accept rapefugees we dindu nuffin"
jesus, i swear krauts are fucking annoying autists
why dont you cleanse them, after everything theyve done
I thought you were reffering to WW1.
Now that you have clarified you were referring to WW2 I called you a dumb moron.
That's all, there's no problem here and I'm not butthurt
OP, you should try.
All I can say is that the Polish people are the nicest people in the EU.
Had many holidays there, have many friends there. The most people don't give a fuck what happened 70y ago, like myself too. And in every I city I was, I was accepted by the natives.
he was a big person in antifa movement so some trashy leftist girls had sex with him.
Nothing with value was lost
I'd rather die killing the sandniggers with my own bare hands than leave my country.
I don't care if jews/freemasons/medias are responsible, I'm not leaving even if it means death.
Nice post (Y)
every foreign person who tries to learn polish gets mad props.
>we wuz just following guv'mint orders and shiet
How well did that work out for you last time Hans? Poles should form blocking detachments on the border and shoot any cowards trying to flee. Your weakness of will is the disease that damned your nation to destruction. Only a suicidal madman would let you in to poison the body politic of the new host country.
Well, I would accept this criticism from one of the sucessful nations around the world...
>including two worried males who learnt that their partners had slept with Mol
Fuck, I feel bad for the innocent.
its "sooner" or later breh.
Pick up a gun and do something about it you little bitch.