What is your reason for supporting Trump, Sup Forums?
What is your reason for supporting Trump, Sup Forums?
makes me feel like i have a big peepee because i'm an edgy 18 year old
Because anything is better than Clinton.
And you're a fag
maybe the 2nd coolest guy in america
He will nuke europe and end this ride once for all
Anything is better than Clinton or Sanders.
>inb4 le third party meme
Because I love my country, I agree with his postions on trade and immigration, and he is hated by all the right people, therefore he is legitmate in his cause. Plus it's fun watching liberals lose their minds over him like the good little sheep they are.
He's going to Make America Great Again.
because wall
I support nationalism, having strong borders, and being cautious of immigrants with religious ideals that are incompatible with the US constitution.
I am also against raising taxes.
That's about it.
to drink a wonderful concoction of nigger/sjw tears in November.
Because SHillary destroyed my cunt and reddit loves bernie
>wants to stop H1b program and have US citizens have those jobs rather than immigrants
>wants the US to use its own resources for energy rather than relying on other countries for their oil and coal
>wants to bring jobs back with tariff
>wants to lower taxes on the working class and working poor
>won't touch social security
>every deal under a trump presidency will be America first
>have other countries pay for our protection
>wants to be tough on illegal immigration
>wants to build a wall
>will appoint supreme court justices that will prevent illegal immigrants to vote for our politicians
>raise wages
>him firing all the incompetent people in DC
most importantly
"Obama you're fired"
His election would result in the single greatest infliction of butthurt the world has ever known. That's enough for me.
What is this variant of pepe called?
Contrarian opposal to left-wing SJW faggots that dismiss everything Trump says as racist when I don't even support Trump.
Honestly I have a problem.
I just hate berniefags and I want them to sudoku
I'm a nationalist.
Literally anyone would be better than Clinton.
he is a troll and its funny to watch him make people squirm.
He actually has the balls to say what he believes without any filter.
Because he might be the antichrist
for teh lulz
Bush - Clinton is the cancer.
Trump is the chemo.
Trump is causing the whole Establishment to lose it's shit.
best election cycle evah
he makes all the right people mad
he's not a politician
he's not paid for by lobbiests
he's exposing the mainstream media
Spite, mostly. :V
these and the fact that I'd prefer a flaming paper bag full of dog shit to Hillary
He will be a disaster and I want to watch the world.burn
>pic is extremely relevant
my parents are voting for him and momma knows best
There are many reasons, but the biggest for me is his tax plan. Right now, as a self-employed individual, I am taxed 35% of all my income. Keep in mind that when I first started my business I was making the same amount I made at my previous job, but at my last job I was only being taxed 15% at the end of the year due to not having to pay the employer's tax. Now that I'm self-employed, I guess the government thinks I have a shit ton of money so they jacked up my taxes by 20%. Trump's plan is to help freelancers, small business owners, and self-employed people like me keep more money so we can expand our business by cutting our taxes down to a flat 15% rate. No more 35%, which would be awesome. If he becomes president, with the income I make now, I could actually afford to hire someone to work for me - maybe even two people paying around $800-1000 a month. Part time work, of course. I ain't that rich! Just speaking for myself: Under Trump I can safely say that I can create two jobs and a lot more down the road which is exactly what he's trying to do. Eventually I could even being to pay people full-time rather than part-time. So yes... Go Trump!
I, one day, will want to stop being a NEET, and likely won't ever be able to if PC culture wins, being a straight white male.
Wall is nice, and the madman even posted a misogynist school shooter toad to his official twitter.
What's not to like?
i'm a racist white supremacist, so any opportunity to disparage non-whites satisfies me greatly.
i will be volunteering for the deportation force as well.
he's the based business man who wields a high power level of meme magic and doesn't even know.
we should teach him how to harness that power.
He pays better.
Think about it.
I want a wall, and I want illegal trash and hoods OUT OUT OUT OUT
Destruction of the established narrative that you need the Liberal0 media to at least not HATE* you to win.
Otherwise, besides the Wall, Trumps kinda a subpar conservative candidate tbqh senpai.
If I vote Hillary it will display an acceptance of dynastic policies for election in the U.S.
He's not related to a Bush or a Clinton
My number one desire in politics is the legalization of all drugs and Trump has voiced support for that in the past.
Because he makes lefties froth at the mouth
Lower taxes, destroy regulations, national unity, international strength. Deportation of illegals and immigration reform, plus a renewed focus on faith and individual liberty. Social consciousness to bring women and democrats along, but without the pussiness of Democrats and socialist Republicans.
Almost perfect platform.
Jesus fucking Christ WHY
Anyone but Hillary. I want her and the endless clinton drama gone!
Mostly to see all the butthurt if he wins, especially from braindead media pundits. Also he seems to want to be president and I'd like to see him happy since he did save the world from a Bush 3.
On the other hand, if he wins the public will shine a brighter light than ever on the "alt right" or whatever you call it. And since it is so entertaining and intuitive, this Sup Forums shit will go mainstream. It could literally be another shoah if he wins.
>Barrier Breakers
Honestly, I just want to watch it all burn.
to relieve pressure building up from blood under the nail
standard procedure, probably felt better than it looks
Because this is the only time we'll have a 4th reich, and I'm not going to be fucking stopped by liberal cucks in eradicating all degeneracy and the influence of zionism in my fucking country.
I live in Texas, and hate how most companies won't even hire you if you don't speak Spanish.
My sister is a teacher, and has to drive 45 minutes to a school for her job, because all the schools nearby require classes to be bi-lingual.
Fuck Mexicans. Even my Mexican friends fucking hate Mexicans. They're all voting for Trump because they left that shithole to get away from these leaching cunts.
I can't vote for trump (flag) but if i could i'd be voting his ass because shillary and gibsmedat-bernie are shit choices and trump seems like the only reasonable one