Do you realize that the U.S. is
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is what?
Thats from the netherlands
makes you think
Mike Jones nigga
i'm now a #CruzShip
...the greatest nation that exists or ever will exist?
About what :-)?
The engineers were 19 and 21. They hugged because they were literally about to die. Pretty sad.
They couldn't get down without jumping and before dying they hugged
>no homo
Shouldn't we be making edgy jokes?
Why did they not have parachutes?
How did they get up there in the first place?
How is the pnw?
They climb through the shaft of the windmill, which would have been filled with smoke, they would have suffocated if they even attempted it and would fallen to their death.
About to recover from a serious bout of globalist flu.
>How did they get up there
Ladder on the inside of the pillar,
>What were they doing there
They were up there doing maintenance I'm fairly sure.
about blacks bleaching themselves to look white.
Why didn't they have parachutes?
Obviously the engineers would know if a fire started they would be trapped. Why didn't they bring emergency equipment?
That would be an extremely dangerous low-dive parachute technically.
Besides the insurance costs there's also the training factor as well as the fact that they compensate the danger via safety on the tower itself. It's not like a windmill catching fire is a common occurrence.
For jumps like that life insurance companies deny millionaire stunt takers. They would simply never even consider insuring a windmill repairman jumping from ~1000 feet. That's insanely dangerous
wind turbine sorry haha
Not high enough for a parachute to work
Did they say "no homo"?
a dying empire.
>Do you realize that the U.S. is
>from the netherlands
well you are not wrong...
It is actually, but you need training and the proper chute since they pop it like a second after jumping.
Some radio and cell tower operators do it these days
Poor kids. It is mandatory for all modern buildings to have some sort of redundancy in exit, this should apply here as well.