Sup Forums, is it possible to be both red pilled and liberal at the same time?
Sup Forums, is it possible to be both red pilled and liberal at the same time?
Only if you're comfortable with knowing what you support is pure evil and then do it anyways..
no. liberalism is based entirely on virtue signaling.
Liberals support Trump?
The reason why is because I went on a date with this girl. Turns out she feels the Bern hard. I give her credit though for making an attempt to back up his points, but nothing convinced me. She ended up calling Trump, whom I'm voting for, a racist sexist pig
So I give her a little red pilled points for trying to actually support her ideas
Only classical liberals are red pilled
Explain please
Bump because I need to know the truth
Allow me to fix that.
The answer is no
To be red-pilled does not indicate a certain ideology, or knowledge of "the truth", it means recognizing that there is an official dogma in society, that many places of power push a certain agenda and a certain interpretation and a certain ideology, in short, realizing that the overton window exists, and choosing to not let it influence your decision on ideology makes you red-pilled.
No amount of little truths can ever make one 'red-pilled' if one fails to understand the fundamental truth. That there is an acceptable range of opinions, and that the people in power push a specific ideology. Why do you think we use a Matrix reference? It refers to realizing an illusion exists. Namely, the illusions of the current ideological power-structure.
You can be liberal and realize that, but it is very difficult, since liberalism is, you know, the current power structure. You CAN, theoretically, acknowledge the overton window and the range of ideas, and the predominance of a set ideology, and yet still decide that the set ideology is your ideology, its just very hard to keep those ideas in tension.
It amounts to saying "I'm my own man who makes up his own mind, its sheer coincidence that I agree with the unwashed masses on everything."
>implying being red pilled is just about the realisation of the ideology structure and has nothing to do with recognising a succesful ideology
>Liberal trying to change meanings so they fit their narrative
How's 1984 you little faggot?
I think there's a very vast difference between modern liberalism, theoretical liberalism, and classical liberalism.
Like, to believe in the tenants of liberalism that Kant illustrated in that governments should be elected by the people, everyone has right of consciousness (free speech, etc.), and the other things he spoke of regarding international politics from a liberal standpoint, would technically make you liberal. But it's a completely different breed from the kind of liberalism you see today.
So yes, you can be a liberal and redpilled, easily. Just that you can't very well be a liberal that follows simply because it's the color of standard they were born under, rather because it's an ideology that they consciously and rationally subscribe to.
While I agree that a theory generally has to be equally valid to be able to justly subscribe to multiple options, I think that the way redpilled is used here has to consider flaws in theories.
I mean, most people claim libertarianism or conservatism can easily be subscribed to while being liberals, but they have huge gaping flaws and points of massive doublethink.
Not one mention of Jews in that nonsense. You don't understand the redpill
In Europe liberal often means center-right or classical liberalism, and liberal right even tends to be against mass immigration. So Id say yes, it is theoretically possible to be liberal and red-pilled, as long as you are not a progressive/leftist liberal.
>Implying red-pill refers to a certain ideology even if the person who believes it is blind cattle.
Fuck off, the word red-pill has always referred to the concept I'm talking about.
Calling yourself a 'Liberal' is to imply you adhere to modern liberalism. The term has been taken over and is used by too many ideologies to know what you're saying when you describe yourself as such.
Being redpilled forces you to find the flaws in ideologies, only that way you can discover a successful ideology.
If she's a punk rock girl, then just nod your head.
If it's some hipster chick with blue hair and a nose ring, it's a litmus test to see if you're gonna be a cuck and agree with her, or man up for yourself and do what you wanna do.
What if she was neither?
>implying I was implying just one ideology
I wasn't. Fuck off and learn to read, retard.
>even if the person who yada yada
What does this have to do with my point that your definition of 'redpilled' does not fit its usage on Sup Forums?
You're wrong.
Not really, no.
Yes I support shit like universal health care but also hate niggers and mudslimes
Except I'm not, thats what the term means. Why do you think monarchists, and libertarians and NatSoc and reactionaries and every other ideology on Sup Forums all claim to be red-pilled, and hardly ever get called out on it by other people?
Because the red pill is not an ideology is a frame of mind. Any ideas came by rationally and by due diligence and weighing the evidence are the red pill, any that are came by through delusion or propaganda are the blue pill.
Someone can believe in the most successful ideology on earth, but if he only believes it because his father believed in it, he's a slave, and blue-pilled in the extreme.
>because the red pill...a frame of mind
I never implied otherwise. The red pill allows to successfully judge whether or not a ideology is successful or realistic.
>someone can beliece in the extreme
Never implied otherwise, faggot
Take this board. Consider that most people despising liberals are just assimilating liberal as evil and them as good and red pilled, they don't care about semantics or political sciences and they probably have a pretty limited idea of what liberalism is.
That work the other way around of course, like liberals assimilating people who don't think like them as fascists or whatever.
It's securing to believe in Manicheism, otherwise you have to question your convictions constantly which requires to be smart and can be mentally exhausting.
That's why I think one can be red-pilled whatever his political thoughts, his vision of how the world should be, as long as acknowledged the "fundamental truth" as said earlier.
Red pilled means you see past the media's deception, Hollywood's subversion, and practically everything that is pushed forth by (modern) LIBERALISM.
If genderdysphoria and cancer had a kid, that kid would be known as liberalism.