Is he the king of Sup Forums or nah?

Is he the king of Sup Forums or nah?


not king or queen, more like a queef

king/queen of being a fucking tragedy, so yes, king/queen of Sup Forums

>Is he the king of Sup Forums or nah?
Looks like the king of Faggotville


found the rapist



Sonichu is God! All hail Sonichu!




Chris Chan is the one part of Sup Forums that has truly made me happy, sad, angry and a mix of other emotions, he is the neet of all neets and he is the rightful king of Sup Forums, all hail Chris Chan, all hail Sonichu.

That looks like a spawn of satan awaiting death

That my friend is the holy Sonic Totem, a very holy symbol in Chrisology

Thats probably a sacred breeding ground for bacteria

What? This guy is...

I've always felt bad for Chris-chan since he was just some retard who was enabled my so many outside forces, mostly Sup Forums/Encyclopedia Dramatica/his mother. Creepy sure, but I think it would have been less so had there not been so much trolling going on.

He's a shitty person that hides behind autism.
Thats pretty much it
