
I voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. I'm voting for Hillary in 2016. Ask me anything.

When will you finally kill yourself?

I'm not going to.

into the trash it goes

You seem desperate, and I've got a couple extra laying around, so take this. Please, I insist.

I voted for McCain in 2008, Obama in 2012, and am voting for Trump in 2016. Ask me anything.

Into the trash Germany goes if we pull out of NATO like Trump wants.

I voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012 and I feel like he's utterly failed to live up to virtually all of the promises he campaigned on and has done more damage to American race relations that any president in modern history. I was originally voting for Webb and am now supporting Trump.

Why are you such a complete faggot?


How can you support a candidate who began his political career with birtherism? You are a disgrace to Obama.

Thank you user.



The Clinton campaign has become increasingly nervous about the ongoing email investigation. It's time we helped push things in the right direction.

The fact that the Obama administration has not yet pressed criminal charges against Clinton is a stain on his presidency and a sign of obvious corruption. It's time to call them out on this hypocrisy and demand justice!


Pressure the Obama Admin, FBI and the DOJ to press charges against Clinton.


All public and social media outlets that represent these organizations. It's especially important that we do this in public forum such as Face/Book, Twatter, etc

twatter - potus - President Obama
twatter - thejusticedept - Justice Department
twatter - lorettalynch - DOJ Head Loretta Lynch
twatter - FBI twatter

face/book/potus/ - Obama Face/Book
face/book/DOJ/ - Department of Justice

whitehouse(dot)gov / contact - White House Contact Page


-There is more than enough evidence for indictment
-Gen. Petraeus was charged for doing much less
-Clinton put our safety as a nation in serious jeopardy
-Obama's failure to act is a stain on his administration
-Loretta Lynch's failure to act is an obvious sign of corruption and collusion
-The American people are hurt by the lack of justice

President Obama is my idol and hero. I want four more years and I trust Hillary the most to carry on the legacy.

Do you have a medical condition that prevents you from learning from your mistakes?

Because I'm utterly and completely dissatisfied with the job Obama has done as President and I am unwilling to support a candidate who's entire platform is promising another two terms of Obama policies and politics.

Because I care more about economic issues, jobs, and securing our borders and our homes than I care about dumb social issue bullshit like who should be allowed in the girl's dressing room or whether we've met our "quota" for obscure minorities on city councils.

Trump is a fucking asshole... a massive, unapologetic asshole... but at least he hasn't committed treason.

Such a great leader

>You are a disgrace to Obama.
Obama is a disgrace to the United States. Anyone who voted for him to stay in office after his first four years of bullshit has to be a fucking moron.

blah blah blah

She broke a rule not a law. There are no stains on the Obama legacy. Hillary will be elected president.

Are you black?

Nope. I'm a 25 year old heterosexual white male.

Whay does asshole taste like?

Are you just flipping a coin before deciding who to vote for?

Shouldn't you be flogging yourself and asking your black masters for forgiveness? After all, YOU'RE FUCKING A WHITE MALE!

I voted Obama in 08
Romney in 12
Left in 2013
Going Trump in 2016 and if he wins I'll be coming back in 2017


You're a fucking faggot m8

My ancestors were immigrants not slave owners like others where I live.

>into the trash germany goes if it keeps letting in rapefugees like Merkel wants.


When do you realize that you were born to be a cuck?

If people are going to start pushing the email shit hard, I'd say hold off. Keep it at a slow boil.

You'll do a lot more damage if shit hits the fan after the nomination

Why are you the way you are

how many extra chromosomes do you have?



Idiots who believe the white privilege mem don't care. They'll say you enjoyed privileges from a system that oppresses non-whites.

Also slave owners accounted for only about 1% of the population, and included black people.

Are you me with the right to vote in burgerland?

All whites owned slaves you stupid cracker.

I really hope Trump grills her on this consistently. Didn't she say she would look into some emails early in the campaign against Bernie? About time she showed up

Yeah I have but I use that privilege to stand up for those who don't.

What privileges do you have because you are white that a black person does not because they are black? Be specific.

I thought a good portion of the slave owners and merchants were of Jewish heritage? At least thats what the shipping manifests and financiers records stated.

Oh, so now you're saying that we can't stand up for ourselves so you have to do it for us. Typical fucking racist cracker logic there.

Are you a babyboomer?

>If not:

Do you intend to never have kids?

>If not:

Why to you want your kids to have it harder than you?

They are incarcerated at disproportionate rates.

>being this much of a war hyping faggot
Only external threat to Germany are immigrants and NATO has done nothing but worsened that problem.

Can I speak to your wife's son?

My kids would be much worse off if Trump wins.

Russia is a threat.

how many times were you dropped on your head as a child

My gf only has a daughter.

They commit a disproportionate amount of crime. Do you believe that they should be held to lower standards than non-blacks?

For that matter, whites are incarcerated at a disproportionate rate compared to Asians. Should whites start demanding an end to Asian privilege?

>russia is a threat
maybe to precious lgbt and ukrainian feefees

eat shit libtard


Good. Let the cucks die.

LGBT rights are human rights and Ukraine is a sovereign nation that deserves protection from its beligerent neighbor.

Pls don't leave Putin will personally come and strangle every European

I'm with her!

How come you don't like talking to black people?

he is hitler.

Read more.

The global (the USD) economy needs rebalancing. Preferably in our lifetime, not our kid's. The status quo prolongs that from happening, potentially making it worse.

I talk to black people all the time. I live in a predominantly African-American area.

you fucking ignored me you pussy ass cracker. i asked you a question and you never fucking answered it.

Oy vey

how black is she? chocolate milkshake or midnight type nigger? How much did you pay for your cuckshed?

Oh well.

Let me guess you wanna them wanna be nigga crackers that like to steal our heritage and listen to rap music, right?

She's half hispanic.

Explain to me how Trump is like Hitler.

Fucking racist pussy cracker. Just pretending to be liberal when in reality in you're a fucking racist like all the others.

I try not to act like a black person because I'm not one and I don't want to offend but yes I do enjoy rap music. I also smoke marijuana.

Nigga pls. I'm as Liberal as they come except when compared to some Sanders supporters.

>"O-one of my friends is black! I can't be racist!"

I demand you give all of your money to the UNCF to atone for your racism.

Is it a fetish for you? Like, do you get hard from the flames?

>try not to act like a black person
>listens to rap music and smokes weed
So you admit you act like us but try not too. Why do you feel the need to keep stealing our culture, cracker?

I was actually talking about Putin but yes Trump is like Hitler too. He scapegoats and encourages violence. He seeks to return to a time when America was supposedly great just like Hitler did.

I enjoy the culture. I don't want to steal it.

No it's not.

So you think you can call me a nigger cause you define yourself as liberal and decided to help us po' black folk. Golly Gee masta, that's so nice of you.

But you are stealing it you stupid fucking cracker. You just admitted to it.

>implying there is anything wrong with enforcing immigration laws
>implying letting people that believe in shariah law and sympathize with radical jihadists is good
>implying he encourages violence when 6 riot police teams have been called to stop violent protests at his rallies and none against his opponents.

try a bit harder bud.

Hitler is a weird guy when he can be in 3 places at the same time; Dead, Russia and USA. I wonder where he appears the 4th time.