Defend this, Sup Forums

Defend this, Sup Forums

>Statistics are wrong because they aren't 100% in your favor.

And still less than how many blacks kill blacks.

The ATF killed innocent people at Waco and Ruby Ridge, including dozens of children.

Tim just went after the people responsible. And their kids.

The ATF hasn't killed very many Americans since.

This is how the system is supposed to work.

768 < 3000

He and his ideology were also universally condemned by pretty much everyone. And the left has been using it as an example of the evils of whiteness and christianity for 20 years. In the mean time, muslims broke his kill streak by more than an order of magnitude.

he didn't do it, it was an inside job. Watch the documentary "A Noble Lie." You can't finish that movie and think it wasn't a false flag.

Even if it was him, who cares what his race and religion are? There are assholes all over the world of all races and religions.

That many people get killed in Chicago every few weeks.

Yeah he really should have brought the whole building down, bad luck desu.

He was atheist until the last moment before his death. So he was atheist when he carried out the attack.

Sheep dipped

Who's this?

It wasn't justified, but it was a response to Waco
what was 9/11 a response to?
San Bernadino?

The way of the knife.


He's a hero


Not just a response to Waco, but to the utter hypocrisy of the U.S.' stance on other countries possessing weapons of mass destruction.


>niggers shoot up people
>kill 1 or 2 people at the most
>white man shoots up people
>kills hundreds

niggers btfo. How can they even compete?

>what was 9/11 a response to?
is this supposed to be a rhetorical question?
it's common knowledge that 9/11 was retaliation for years of U.S. intervention in the Middle East.

Not really

Osama was jealous the US was ASKED to help Saudis during ODS

And he was triggered by 2 US female soldiers walking around topless on some shitty beach in the ME

And he was put on trial and got a death sentence, case closed.
Meanwhile the worst serial killers and cannibals in Africa become KANGZ over night.


Anecdotal evidence. The stats are clear on which racial/religious demographics are most likely to carry out terrorism.

As a fedora-tipping lefty, he's just an example of why religion is bad. When we leave the nature of reality up to unfounded beliefs we're just asking for extremists. With extremists comes terrorism.

When a government wages war on its population, one should not be surprised when it fights back.

The ATF flat out murdered people in two separate attacks. He attacked them back.

This is a simple case of blowback. Its the same thing with the sandniggers attacking the Towers. An evil government, killing civilians, draws brutal attacks back.

The ATF slowed the fuck down on its tyrannical bullshit since then. Instead of burning children alive and sniping unarmed mothers, they switched to unlawfully imposing """"""laws""""""" via opinions and "regulations".

People are far less likely to try dumb shit if they know people will kill them for it. Thats the ultimate reason to own arms and ordnance.


He was also starved for poon, just like Elliott.

No one ever talks about Elohim City...

lol believing this

One major difference is that he didn't carry out his attack in the name of religion. Radical islamic terrorists carry out their attacks in the name of religion.
>not even religous personally, agnostic at best.

He defend his beliefs of freedom against the tyrannical government. He reminded the elites that no matter how much they think they control, people can die very easily and very fast.
Comparing him to sandniggers is just disgusting.

Not even a burger and I know this.

I don't need to, because unlike Islamic terrorists who receive praise and adoration in mosques across the world, our society openly vilified his actions and condemned him to a lengthy prison sentence.

Islamic permissiveness of violence is an honest problem.

Just like all other major attacks it was a false flag and the fall guy was either framed or a mkultra victim.

Lol, one edgy faggot blows up a federal building, one time and all Christians are criminals.
>mudslimes kill hundreds of their own kind daily
>kill count approaching the millions in recent memory
Every left cunt here, and those desperate for (you)s goes on about Boo hoo, poor Abdul only got to kill 7 infidels today.

>Implying anyone gives a fuck about what happens in Africa
Stop trying to fit in

>San Bernadino
Two Pakis went full jihad on their co-workers. Personal response to Western degeneracy and intervention in Muslim nations, and perceived "oppression" in the heart liberal, multi-cult Commiefornia (i.e. homicidal culture shock).

A bunch of "French" and "Belgian" sandniggers went to Syria, learned how to shoot AKs and make bombs, then came home to fuck shit up. Response to Western intervention in Muslim nations. The message was: "For every one of us, we will kill 100 of you." (Statistics say otherwise)

Pakis don't particularly like their dothead neighbors.

Indonesia is the most populous Muslim nation. Indonesian Islamists wanted to look cool for Al Qaeda.

ETA and Al Qaeda teamed up to kill peeps. Response to Spain's involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan.

There was no religious motivation, it was in opposition to the federal government.

Actually 9/11 wasn't religious either, just political.

>Its the same thing with the sandniggers attacking the Towers.
>implying it wasn't jew know who..

>Defend this, Sup Forums

He didn't kill people, he killed IRS agents.

Good for him.

>38+ replies

>1 post by OP

Sage bomb this bait