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I'm a Bernie supporter, or I was. I'm typically a lefty who is all for dem. socialist policies, but this election cycle something is different. Clinton may be satan, but I don't feel like that has shaken my political beliefs. If that was my only issue, I would just write in Bernie because fuck her.
But I find myself being drawn to Trump, he's starting to make sense. I think the wall is retarded, but I appreciate his stance on illegals. I'm a grad student struggling to find the typical summer work I would normally do because illegals are working all of that shit. I used to make alright money over the summer painting houses, now illegals do it. Same with roofing, or even cleaning.
Plus, I value my second amendment rights.

I know this sounds like a blog post, so here's a question:
What else should a leftist who is beginning to lean towards Trump know about his actual policies? What is just yellow journalism regarding his policies?

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You might reconsider the wall. The reason the war on drugs failed is we had to fight the problem once it was already spread throughout the state's. With the wall and the appropriate amount of personnel we would have a much tighter grip on border flow of contraband. That includes weapons flowing into Mexico that enable violence. The strengthening of border security associated with the wall also discourages illegal immigration, which cuts into human trafficking and all the other problems caused by the migration. It's a humanitarian issue as well as an economic and legal one.

Read up my man
I know the left has tried their best to twist his image, but trust me he isn't crazy or racist and like you said he's actually a sensible guy
Just a dude that loves the US

He has my vote and I'm a fucking spic, deep down I know that voting for him is the right thing to do.
I was a lolberul too, voted for the change man twice like an idiot, never again.

Trump also favors a more careful look at trade policy, something shared with Sanders. One of the biggest draws to Trump for me is his desire for less frequent interventions. This is another issue he and Sanders would agree on. Meanwhile, Clinton was part of the administration fueling the Syrian Civil War, Yemeni Civil War, the ousting of Qadaffi, and antagonizing of the Russians as well. A vote for Clinton is a vote for endless war and destabilization

I've voted Democrat all my life, and I'm voting for Trump this time.
Trump is saying the one thing that's important, and one thing the democrats of old would agree with: jobs.
Bernie has talked about bringing jobs back, I actually like that about him. Hillary hasn't talked about jobs.

My primary concern is about the economic feasibility I suppose. Realistically, we can't get the Mexicans to build it without making threats that would ruin what relations we have with them, which is a bad idea considering they are out neighbor.
The wall would cost piles of money we as a country don't have right now. Which I know people will give me a hard time because it is coming from a former Bern fan, but he at least had detailed tax plans laid out to explain where the money for shit would come from.
desu I would pay higher taxes to properly fund the wall.

fug I didn't know Trump was less interventionist. This is a big thing for me.

I was a liberal planning on voting for Sanders late last year. Since then I've become much more cynical about people and realized systems that rely too much on people doing what is expected of them usually fail. I also started caring more about the erosion of rights and values being championed by the democrats and other liberal organizations. Trump has a big opportunity to appeal to a certain subset of Sanders voters come the general election. Most of my friends have had the same evolution as both of you and myself

It's easy, you either vote for a senile old commie who is obsessed with free this free that but has an insane tax plan that would fuck you harder than Milo on a good day.

Or you vote for a broad of Satan himself, who isn't shy to kill Americans or laugh at rape victims as she frees the perpetrator.

Or you vote for Trump, he's bored and wants to show America shit can still be done, but everyone has to work for it in order to 'Make America Great Again'

So make your choice, OP. Commie heaven under Bernout Sanders, Merkel 2.0 under Clinton or the better alternative (but not the easiest one) under Trump

$10 billion is the estimate given by the Clinton News Network. That is a drop in the bucket. Anyway it would reduce costs associated with policing drugs and Trump's non-intervention policy would make up far more money even if that weren't the case. Also keep in mind that cost is spread out over multiple years.

Nothing Trump says or has said is sincere. Period. No one knows his true views.

The only things that might be true are some of his views that he's held in the 80s and has since repeated, like tariffs against China and Japan. Beyond that, anything he says might be genuinely held or might be bullshit.

If you're voting for him, you're voting based on his personality and his ability to be an effective manager and diplomat. Not his policies.

So, judge him as a person, and make your decision. I think he'd make a terrible (yet hilarious) president, but others disagree.

>I think the wall is retarded
This is your problem. You are retarded. You aren't thinking rationally. You're just going on about MUH FEELINGS. No wonder you're a lefty.
There's nothing retarded about a fucking wall. What the fuck is wrong with you? How can you even think your opinion isn't completely worthless if all you can say about Trump is ''wall b dumb n sheeeet''? What the fuck is wrong with you?

This is true for literally any politician. Nobody can be trusted, the only difference is that Trump is clearly more clever than his opponents. I wouldn't be inclined to disagree if you said Trump was even less trustworthy, but then again you're faced with a decision. The disastrous known quantity in Clinton, or the potentially disastrous unknown quantity in Trump. Easy decision for me

I also feel this. However I think the bureaucracy of America is such that truly Trump couldn't do as much damage as people think he could nor would he want too.

It's sort of true (except for Bernie, whose intentions seem to usually be sincere, even if they aren't necessarily practical), but some politicians at least have an underlying theme or message or intention that they genuinely hold. Like Obama did intend to make healthcare available, for example.

Trump's only underlying theme is Trump.

It is unfortunate that Clinton and Trump are both some of the most insincere politicians around. Trump is the far better speaker and strategist, which might net him the victory. He uses a lot of non-verbal cues, and an interesting speaking style, to give an air of authenticity and "rawness" to everything he says, so his lies naturally sound "real" to a lot of people. So, basically the ultimate salesman.

Contrast with the way Clinton or Cruz speak and gesticulate, and you can smell their deceit a mile way.

He probably wouldn't cause a lot of damage (unless he actually caused a serious international incident due to something he said). I'm not going to move to a different country if he gets elected, but I'm definitely not going to vote for him.

>Nothing Trump says or has said is sincere. Period. No one knows his true views.

If that's how you want to cope with the fact that your limp-dick kike couldn't run a proper campaign with all the money in the world, then so be it.

I love seeing Bernouts turn so salty that they have to convince themselves that everyone but their own candidate is some run-of-the-mill, le 1% evil politician who doesn't stand for the people, etc. etc.

bernie is a commie jew so everything he says is poison
hope you are jewing well

Never said I was voting for Bernie (I didn't). Just that he's more sincere than Trump.

If you actually believe the things Trump says and don't realize he's just politicking, you're the definition of a blue-pilled retard.

I'd take a look at John McAfee

Honestly I think the best outcome is for Trump to win and to put McAfee behind cyber security.

You need to vote for what you think is right.

My views don't agree with yours, but there shouldn't be any reason for violence. That's the whole point of Democracy.

What you should stand up for is just that. Once you start getting scared that the other side is going to harm you, you lost. Once you start wishing physical harm upon those who disagree with you, you lost.

If your political belief requires harm upon others to enforce it, you're the bad guy.

>Never said I was voting for Bernie
You didn't have to.

>Just that he's more sincere than Trump.
His track record in the senate says otherwise, but keep believing in the "h-he's an outsider!" rhetoric.

>If you actually believe the things Trump says and don't realize he's just politicking
Literally every politician, Bernie including is "politicking", faggot. Trump is just better at it than Bernie because he knows how to remove himself from the left vs. right bullshit, he knows his demographic, and he knows how to take advantage of the media.

Are you fucking kidding me?
Lets just pay 12x that a year, that sounds good.
Not to mention, these numbers exclude the free healthcare, etc.

Violence? where did I mention that?

A lot of people are trying to build a political empire that will last throughout the ages. It's armchair general shit but instead of war it is politics.

He's been saying since the 2003 invasion of Iraq that intervention is a terrible idea and that it will do nothing but destabilise the region, which it did. A Trump presidency will mean 4 years of focusing on bolstering the American economy instead of wasting trillions of dollars on more pointless wars