How can white guys even compete?
How can white guys even compete?
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By not wanting to compete with that.
That dude is dying in few years.
t.beta whiteboi
>literally Roids: the posterchild
Dudes' balls must be the size of raisins.
Like this
was getting shredded part of your plan?
Of course!
> Turkey
> Armpit of this planet
>says the germanistan
That's quite a large man.
By not having the body structure of an industrial furnace.
Two the chest, one in the head.
Repeat if necessary, or run him over with the track, either will do.
that's heart attack tier
That guy's a muslim
Nice cherry picking.
captcha: 1488
shut the fuck up you baboon
what was that durkaś name?
Is he from Street Fighter?
I compete by building lean muscle mass and learning marksmanship while his arab buddies do roids and then charge a fortified position with nothing but a few trucks covered in sheet metal and ak47's with old corrosive ammo
Synthol + Turkroach = keks
by being able to wipe our own asses
we did it reddit
Those synthol gainz ain't loyal my Turkroach friend.
Katana folded 20,000 times
Why don't you shut up you son of a whore
that guy's zack "king" khan
he's an "asian" (that's what brits call south asians)
Empty another can Miguel, just to be sure
That's cute. Put on about 150 more pounds of muscle then give me a call.
>not googling Hafþór Júlíus "Thor" Björnsson
Roach BTFO
since it's a turkroach thread i guess i'll shitpost.
Brazil beats goatfuckers with dank memes d:^)
This one's just fat
>being this retarded
How can turks even compete?
I found his wife
Impressive! But is he immune to bullets?
>be Brian Shaw
>go to Eurofag fitness convention
>use highest tech grip strength machine
>break it
That'd be the 3 time worlds strongest man.
Tell him to fight in the ufc
Looks like it worked, good thing we have a stock of those
How can US imperialists infidels compete?
Relative to a second person pronoun.
This really really really looks like synthol. Everything is smooth and plasticky. No definition, no angles. Or photoshop. But there is no way that that man/image is that big.
made me kek
It is Synthol. You can tell by the disgusting shape of his body.
>have god tier giant genetics
>waste it by being a fat shit
I don't know, man. It's not like white men monopolize international strongman competitions or anything.
Really makes you think.
I am now a #CruzMissile
A double tap with an m4
>Big Z hanging around in back
>motherfucker is still a top-3 finisher to this day
The best there ever was, hands down.
He sure ate his khlav kalash when he was young
he a DEVS VVLT though.
her leg deflated
He skips ramadan month.
What are you going on about?
hes actually a christian
synthol has more body morphing...hes just a huge fat shit, stomach and droopy lats are dead giveaway
That's one big roach.
Us burgermeisters have a hard time telling various towelheads apart.
A towelhead is a towelhead is a towelhead.
>mfw Raimonds Bergmanis, strongman in this picture is our minister of defence.