So Bongs did it again...
>800 biometric profiles of people suspected of terrorism removed
>due to “handling delays” and “procedural errors”
Think I'm going to leave sooner than I expected
So Bongs did it again...
>800 biometric profiles of people suspected of terrorism removed
>due to “handling delays” and “procedural errors”
Think I'm going to leave sooner than I expected
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Maybe they shouldn't have let that nigra near that shit
All apart of the plan!
Is it such a bad thing? This way former radicals trying to turn over a new leaf have a fresh slate. It's quite nice isn't it?
are you ready for the Ramadan boys?
whoooooooooops lol
Meanwhile in Bongistan, 1000 sperm samples from white donors have "accidentally" been destroyed
I live up North in a City where Muzzies are not so active so I should be safe.
Besides I'm a Pollack and if the SHTF I'll go back to Poland, practically no Muzzies there.
Jesus fuck, Britistan. King Arthur is spinning so fast in his grave at this point, you could power the entire country from it.
The truely sad part is there are actual british people who think the brexit vote isn't already fixed.
Any other flag and I would have assumed you were just having a laugh. But it's not any other flag, it's the Swedish flag. I really hope every last Swede gets exterminated, your people are so pathetic. You make your ancestors weep.
let us take this moment to be thankful that we can't be racist in case the terror suspects HAPPEN to be muslim
Some Paki employee threw it in the trash when no one was watching.
There are actual reports of women who wanted white babies and were given black sperm donors.
Really? Sauce.
Your country and its people are pathetic.
I just tend to ignore them, they brought their own doom to themselves.
Besides you never know, it might actually be Madoowbe or Muhammad shitposting from the comfort of their new flat, compliment of the Swedish gov.
No sauce since on phone but can confirm.
Women were suing everybody.
Have you guys read the article?
It weren't such a simple "accident" as accidentally deleting data from a computer.
t. Muhammad
Looks like our Mayor is getting started.
>t. Muhammad
I'm the OP
Holy fuck.
>Police can apply to keep records indefinitely if the suspect is believed to be potentially dangerous
>Gubmint intentionally drags its feet on the applications
>Data gets erased
There was no accident here.
>helps rapist and white genocide
Whatever happens happens but this shit is just brutally sad. All we can do is watch.
>"accidentally" destroy forensic proof of mudslime/paki rape gangs
>go and arrest a white guy for posting 'hate speech' on the internet after his team lost the big rugby match
I'm really not sure what their goal is because this can only end one way and I don't see how they would profit from that outcome.
You live in ISdon ?
Are the buses with the Islamic prayers actually going round the city?
just a coincidence goyim.
>not sure what their goal is
FFS Germany
>push people to the point where they lose all faith in the justice system and decide to take matters into their own hand instead because the law will just protect the perpetrator
It's already happening in Germany.
And no, the police will not be on their side when shit goes down. My family has a lot of cops in it and they are all pissed off because they do want to do something about it, but their hands are bound by their superiors and even if they do catch someone for once in a situation where it is impossible to look away like they were told to do, the prosecutor will just refuse to bring the case into court.
And I really don't see how they will profit from undermining their own power.
It was an actual "accident". It does look like a typical bureaucracy fail bullshit.
Yeah, or that.
There are enough other cases where they try to shield non-white criminals from consequences and instead go after some teenager for being mean on social media though that I am not 100% sure it really was an accident.
Sorry, I misunderstood what you were saying. If that's really starting to happen that's definitely a good thing
Clearly just an accident. Like the Rotherham evidence.
Turkey's voting for Ramadan
>Like the Rotherham evidence.
What missing Rotherham evidence?
This is news to me.
Also, have source for that?
It's just shitposting mate.
It was an honest mistake. Ahmed slipped and accidentally destroyed that information and evidence. Stop being so racist and hateful.
Muslim country defends muslim criminals against christian victims. What's new?
Nah there was case in bongistan where they were given some retarded guys jizz, he was more of a yellow fellow, the doctor or whoever did it was paki
Kamarád, dobrý vtip
I don't get it either. Maybe they're banking on the native populations remaining peaceful and suicidal. I wouldn't blame them, honestly. Up to this point, there has been little in the way of resistance.
That would be a good thing in the long run. If they feel powerful and invincible enough, they'll reveal themselves too quickly. Muds will chimp out faster than the narrative can make excuses for them à la BLM. Sadiq Khan will be too aggressively nepotistic to ignore à la Obama.
Minutes from council meetings.
Hooray for Labour Councils eh?
I'm starting to think the Vikings were just faggots all along.
Swedes were faggots that got raided
There are cases like that all over the world mate.
I seem to recall that a retarded Somalian had his jizz thrown all over the place too . . .not sure if Sweden or USA.
Fancy a white family ending up with something like that ??? . . .it makes me shudder.
The vikings lost all the real serious battles they fought. They could raid but they had no endurance or staying power. They couldn't fight a prolonged battle if their life depended on it. They relied solely on the ignorance and unpreparedness of their enemies.
I think we're talking about one particular, there hundred of clients and they all received same retarded jizz from Tunisia i think
Only way I see this ending well is for a total collapse of the system, govt, economic and then taking the country back by unrelentingly and ruthless violence. Not sure there are enough men in western europe that have the stones to pull this off anymore.
>trusting the government
o i am laffin
They have been leaving top secret documents on trains and in restaurants for years. If they weren't so retardedly inept I'd be terrified of what they could do to us
Their numbers were few and most of those battles were against entrenched enemies.
>Not sure there are enough men in western europe that have the stones to pull this off anymore.
You don't need many who have the stones to pull it off because thanks to the Mitläufermentalität (do you seriously don't have a word for that specific mindset that leads people to just copying what the others are doing?) they will join in as soon as it looks like it's "acceptable".
After this came out the Labour councillors , resigned, lots of sackings and the Councils affairs were directly transferred to Westminster.
I think what pisses a lot of people off, including myself was that people in Rotherham had to elect a new council.
And they fucking voted in ANOTHER Labour Council????
>because Maggie closed our Pits.
>because My family have always voted Labour.
>because we don't like Tories.
The further North you go - the more lefty and retarded they get.
Depends on what sense of the word you mean. "Copycats" are people who repeat the action, "bandwagoners" are people who automatically adopt an opinion because it is popular, and "politically correct" is a very cynical term that means "what is currently deemed acceptable by the authorities and mass media."
I guess bandwagoners would come close enough.
The only acceptable blunder.
First post, best post. Also, pay denbts.
>Literally pirates raiding shores
>Hurr they lost when actual armies showed up
No shit, The 1700 pirates lost several battles against the British fleet, Because they are fucking pirates.
No, you won't go back.
You'll be shot on sight, fucking britbong.
Andrzeju, nie denerwuj się
>If we Germans should lose this war, they will kill us down to the last man, woman, and child.
in before it was destroyed by a muslim that your government trusted.