why do kikes want us to quit smoking?
Why do kikes want us to quit smoking?
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It reminds them of the holocaust too much.
because I breath your smoke, ashtray.
They don't want to pay for your healthcare
> i am a person against smoking
the jews want us to smoke
>i am a person who wants to smoke
why do the jews want me to stop smoking
They don't. The money they make with your lung cancer alone puts dollar signs in their eyes.
Sick burn
Sup Forums in a nutshell.
They want us to snoje weed as it damages our dna and they are obsessed with genetics and eugenics.
They want us to stop smoming cigarettes as it does give a testosterone boost and nullifies effects of artificial hormones they have put in tap water. Also, despite what they say, women find it attractive and do enjoy the smell. To quote a fine femake friend "smells like a man should, not all pretty or bad ax body spray bullshit smell."
god i love Sup Forums
because it sharpens your mind for a small period of time
what did he mean by this?
Nicotine is a nootropic
this only applies if you use a patch or vaporize the nicotine, though
all the other shit in tobacco counteracts it
nicotine itself is fine to take as a regular stimulant, like caffeine, but smoking cigarettes is fucking retarded however you look at it
Stress plus ciggs are bad for you. If you are fit sure, smoke sometimes. But if you are unhealthy and have high stress don't do it. I have learned this. My gums got fucked up and now I'm a health freak trying to become immortal.
The other shit is gonna fuck up your lungs but it's not gonna stop the nootropic effect from happening retard.
I never said quit or continue smoking.
Here's a crazy idea: the majority of the cig industry is owned by the Catholic Church and the Jews have been working to ensure that their new world order takes over by cutting thir profits with harsh regulations as such and have been doing this for a long time.
Just a crazy idea that my uncle once told me.
divide and conquer?
to justify increased premiums?
to justify authoritarian rule?
Le immunodeficient slovenian philosopher said something about it that made sense, check jewtube. Basically not everything is da jooz, use ur thinker.
>muh jews
even if they did want you to do something, it would be to continue to smoke, funneling money into their smoking companies.
you to stop smoking and start vaping, again funneling money into their companies.
you don't get it do you?
decades ago, democrats and republicans respectfuly disagreed, but could still be friends, now they are at eachothers throats
decades ago, smokers and non-smokers were friends, now they are at eachothers throats
the more division you can create, the easier it is to rule
Its actually simple. The kikes want us to smoke but they also want us to want to stop smoking. This way the government will make smoking illegal but people will still be addicted.
Selling cigarettes will be driven underground so there will be less taxes to be paid and the jewry will then keep more of their profit so they can buy more seats in the senate and invest in another interracial Disney movie.
After that Jewnet Jewllen will just print money to give it to black people and sandniggers so white womyn will get impregnated and the white man will have to take care of these abominations.
At least that is my opinion.
Which never happened by the way
Retarded nigger, learn your history.
Nazi Germany had hard policies against smoking. After the end of WWII, US Tobacco Companies flooded the German black market, and even sent them for no monetary compensation due to the Marshall Plan. Anti-Smoking ads and campaigns are typically run and funded by the tobacco companies themselves, which ultimately prove to be fruitless in the endeavor (usually getting more people to smoke than stop).
tobacco has a mild MAOI that increases the effects of nicotine you fucking idiot