>about to eat at my favorite restaurant
>see Halal sign on the door
>never eat there again
About to eat at my favorite restaurant
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Halal meat is just fine and doesn't hurt us with its existence. Stop overreacting.
good man.
Hello Abdullah, enjoying the women in your new home?
it's literally animal torture. good move. not to mention you shouldnt support any business that sympathizes with these types of people.
It hurts the animal though.
Top Swede
Are the owners Muslim? I always thought that was a requirement for halal cuisine.
>implying you give a fuck about Christian butchers
Literally the only rational opposition to halal.
>arguing with a barbarian
most are illiterate so i'll assume he is the smartest in the country or ... more likely... a coal burning self hating white ham
Fuck you, fuck your god, you are unwelcome in our countries. We whites are still under war, we are divided by israel. Israel divides you, you are much closer, fuck them and their families not flee to ours for short term benefit. If Islam wants to survive, destroy Israel rather than destroy the west you fucking dumb sandnigger fucks,
halal meat is made through inhmane and unlawful slaughter of animals. It is disgusting and it condones animal torture
halal is fine itself it just means permissable but if it's branded halal that comes with a certification which is a religious tax and in some cases the money will get funnelled through to terrorist organisations
also halal slaughter is fucking terrible, we even stopped our live cattle exports to indonesia at one point because they were using sledgehammers to bash the animals to death
Keep YESing young Swede
>business wants to make more money by having options that cater to additional markets
>customers don't want to support muslim friendly stores
I like you (:
fucking hell that's awful... I'm not one to get horrified by most things but that... I didn't think it was possible to hate islam more than i already do. nice job proving me wrong.
I thought halal slaughter was only through knife where you have to cut the nerve or capillary nerves in the neck or something? I don't think bashing the animal can be considered halal desu.
> sees cuckpost
> looks at flag
Doesn't halal mean like a quick clean death?
Yeah, and it's only supposed to be done by a human just like in primitive times. You can't automate that shit using machines like in the video.
no halal just means it's ok for muslims to eat (no pork products gelatine etc), as for slaughter they are supposed to bleed the animal completely which is why they usually cut the throat open and let it bleed everywhere the meat is sometimes blessed aswell
so it really comes down to paying more for animal cruelty and religious bullshit
Far from it, 3 things define halal slaughter:
1) the animal has to be pure
2) the name of Allah has to be praised during the slaughter
3) the animals need to be cut in the neck and left to bleed out untill the animal dies
If they would just chop of the head I'd be fine with it but no halal slaughter involves the animals to bleed to death and yeah a cow can take several minutes to bleed out.
What if you prefer your beef drained of its lifeblood via jugular evisceration by a sadistic camel fucker?
They stun the animal and pray before slitting it's throat, much less barbaric than how we get our food from east Asia
You don't know what you are taking about, I ain't a Paki or Muslim either so you can't dismiss the fact that factory farming is more barbaric by name calling
It's well documented that stunning is often either carried out improperly or not carried out at all.
It's also not actually required by law for religious slaughter if I remember correctly.
KEK, this guy is baiting you so hard and you're all falling for it. Here's a (You)
It would be easier and quicker to kill a stunned animal.
From a business point of view, the benefit of stunning an animal outweighs to cost of stunning the animal
>two "Indian" restaurants in my small town
>one's run by hindi hindus the other by paki muslims speaking god knows what
>the latter is more popular
>the food is worse
>It would be easier and quicker to kill a stunned animal.
I'm sure, but the fact is that improper stunning that simply causes pain to the animal or simply not stunning at all is widespread and well documented.
Furthermore, over 15% of halal meat is produced without stunning the slaughtered animals and is legal because of religious exceptions. 15% is no small number.