Americans will defend this

americans will defend this

why do you post this shitty bait every single fucking day?
no american gives a fuck, faggot.


freedom to express yourself?

if sabretooth wants his tiny wife to dress like a shitty dc character let him

im more upset that he let her dress like the fucking terrible movie meme version and not the superior animated series version

isn't it more likely the christian evangelicals will go fucking apeshit over it?

If he's trying to fuck her, conservative Americans only will defend it.

good dad :)

Yurps will fap to this.

No they wont


i wish my parents let me dress like that when i was a kid

actor from a comic book movie series goes to a comic book convention with his daughter dressed like a comic book character, fackbook "can't even" and tumblr is "literally shaking right now"

OP is a cum drenched whore.


except its his son...

That's his son.


That's all you need to know.

That American in the picture will rip your head off if you run your mouth about this.

Go ahead.. try it.

tumblr is always shaking

you spelt americucks wrong

To get reactions like this

I will not defend this shit. That's a boy. Treat him as a boy. He needs to be a boy.

you do know he is NOT American, right?

I'll defend it and I'm from a more civilized country.

Hey it's ok if my girl wants to go as batman, his son can go as Harley... besides we need a new generation of traps


>freedom to support child abuse absolutely not

Folks in the usa are retarded... but luckily their economy is poised to implode, none of them are prepared to join the real world and they will have no allies and a world full of enemies when they're crippled and impoverished.
It will be fun watching them die from far away, with a glass of wine in my hand...

Lol no I won't

Whats wrong user? Upset that society is leaving you and your """""traditional values""""" behind?


photo out of context.
from some cosplay show.
there nothing really wrong with her comix-wise.
