having a high IQ is burdensome and I would rather be a blind lowlife unintelligent cuck with zero concept of absolutely anything.
having a high IQ is burdensome and I would rather be a blind lowlife unintelligent cuck with zero concept of absolutely anything.
Other urls found in this thread:
High IQ leads to being unhappy and/or successful
This is why we invented alcohol, you stupid fuck.
No, low IQ people tend to be unhappy. They tend to be unhappy because life is confusing for them, and what they don't understand they chalk off to "injustice".
Being intelligent means that you possess the capacity to self-reflect, which is the only way to achieve true happiness.
I've always had a high IQ and didn't become unhappy until I became aware of the world around me. Ignorance makes you happy.
shieeeet mayne luk a dis whiute boi mayne we wuz kangs and shieeeet muh dik nigga
u wize boys enby ups neegas youu lil peasuntt
If there were no social welfare and if prisons would actually be work camps and not "hotels", then I am sure you rather want a high IQ rather than a low IQ.
>this post
How? High IQ generally means higher income
Money == Happiness in all cases.
Hate your job? You're smart enough to start a business or invest your money (or time) into something that'll make you happier with more money.
Think of all of the stupid people who are insanely successful (mainly, successful meaning rich). That's clearly the easier way to live.
I do believe the saying 'too smart for your own good' is grounded in reality.
True, but you'd also be a nigger with a low IQ. Is the tradeoff worth it?
>Money == Happiness in all cases.
That's the biggest lie ever propagated by the materialists and marxists.
High intelligence doesn't mean anything if you aren't apt in life.
And it's more than likely that you're simply too stupid to see a lack of intelligence in your own self.
Not an argument.
What else makes people more happy than material wealth? Family? They'll pass eventually; You can buy a camera to record your memories, or go on memorable vacations with them.
IQ is an old meme. Let it go already
Knowing means you have responsibilities. If you don't care about others, and don't have any desire to improve their lives (or your own) intelligence is wasted on you and solely a burden.
Money=Comfort, not happiness
High intelligence people think too much to be happy for more than a few moments at a time. They also are able to see problems that dumb people can't and if the they don't learn to ignore certain ills of the world it will eat at them until they kill themselves or are perpetually depressed
But what about the rich white people who have low IQs. And they're rich. and white.
Is that a more fulfilling life than being rich and white but actually smart/able to comprehend the depth and gravity of our existence?
Despite your "high IQ", you lack the ability to control your emotions.
Grow the fuck up.
This board is 18+
Anyone remotely smart can at least marginally control his/her emotions
i think this is why high IQ is so rare: greater risk of insanity, depression and suicide.
high IQ children have a tough time and need support. google positive disintegration
Low IQ nigger detected. Been back to prison for the third time yet?
Says the Australian.
>Not an argument.
It is an argument.
>What else makes people more happy than material wealth?
One of the most profound questions in the entire field of philosophy. And "having the latest iPhone" is not the answer. There might not even be an answer.
I think to me, happiness (true happiness, not temporary pleasure) comes from having a sense of self-worth. That is being esteemed by others for having a worth. This could be, for instance, being the neighborhood carpenter. Or being the coach of the little league team. I mean why would someone do that? It doesn't pay well. Are all little league coaches borderline depressive nutcases?
Having a family is one such source of happiness because having a family means that you have a wife and children who depend on you. It truly gives your life a meaning.
I think it's much more fulfilling to have the stereotypical house, wife, two kids and dog, than to live a crazy coke-filled hedonistic lifestyle.
I have an iq of 129. And like somebody said, i only became unhappy until i saw how the world was being run. Now i'm slipping into a very deep pmace because stupid people are plenty but people that actually know and care what they're doing are rare.
I hate being in public on my own because people in public are so fucking goddamn retarded.
Sometimes i literally know i am telling the absolute truth about an interedting subject, and because stupid people can't understand what i'm trying to say they think i'm the stupid and crazy one. While these fucks are so stupid and ignorant it makes me want to curl up in a little ball and cry until i die.
Fuck this world, i hope it goes to shit soon enough.
it's not really always that simple
this has nothing to do with your IQ you fucking idiot, this has to do with your personal shortcomings and inabilities to be happy, which are independent of how smart you think you are.
And don't think that it isn't obvious you're looking for attention and validation on an anonymous image board, you stick out like a sore fucking thumb and it's incredibly fucking obvious. Get your shit together you stupid fuck, instead of being a shit on Sup Forums
It's not really a meme.
It's been proven that those separated by at least one standard deviation have problems communicating etc. so it's not like OP is humble bragging
No that's exactly what he's doing.
>Money == Happiness in all cases
mental health is most important, followed by physical health. high intelligence is a risk factor for mental health
obviously extreme poverty is a risk factor for mental and physical health too. IQ of 110 - 130 is probably best if you want happiness. beyond that, risk outweighs reward
This, just easier to be ignorant when you're less intelligent
I really don't get this "I'm too smart for my own good" nonsense. If you're really so clever and disgusted by the world, you should be smart enough to exploit the system and fuck everyone over.
Gotta say I agree
>happiness is random and at best temporary.....an illusion sold by MSM and big government....living in the moment is the best way to live life....money just buys a higher level of misery if you don't know how to use it in a meaningful way...tread your own path wisely.
wow rly maeks u thnk
My Iq is somewhere between 125-130 and for the most part it`s nice to have and be above average intelligence, but it can be fucking depressing as well, for the fact that it makes me think nonstop and see how fucked up shit is in society. Not to mention I get less enjoyment out of things than other people because Im more critical-picky and notice flaws much more than the average person. Im very analytical.
Dumbing myself down when talking to certain people, especially women, who are definitely the dumber sex, is fucking sad and awkward. I hate having an above average IQ sometimes. But its good for having the potential to be successful and whatnot in terms of career.
I would not want it any higher though.
>Dumbing myself down... is fucking sad and awkward
So why do you do that?
>Despite your "high IQ", you lack the ability to control your emotions. Anyone remotely smart can at least marginally control his/her emotions
That's not how it works. People with high IQs are better at solving things with complexity, faster.
Not that stupid people could understand this: But imagine, not that you could, having a 135 IQ. Even in an all-white country (100 IQ), 99% of the people you interact with are boring. You have to go through 12 years of school being smarter than everyone in your classroom, and all of your teachers, too. Your chances of finding at least a 120+ IQ spouse who you can bear to share a house and conversation with makes dating 20x more selective. All forms of media and advertising are made to be consumed by naiive people who are far easier to influence without reason.
so you want to be a woman OP?
IQ and income are very, very weakly related. Having a high IQ doesn't suddenly make you more motivated, ambitious, or well connected.
>you should be smart enough to exploit the system and fuck everyone over.
That implies a lack of morals. Some people who are smart enough to exploit the system and fuck everyone over, choose not to because they are empathetic.
>do unto others as you would have do unto you
>IQ and income are very, very weakly related
Why would you come here and lie on purpose? IQ and income ARE correlated, moreso than socioeconomic background of parents and income.
It makes you more likely to be : motivated, ambitious, or well connected
Yes it does, IQ is the one of the biggest determining factors for success and is linked to being ambitious.
But self-reflection leads to suicide
>As the Japanese would know
Fair enough, but then shouldn't those people have the capacity to actually create some good in the world? It seems that the overarching feeling of this thread is that after some point, the only solution for "smart" people is to not participate in society
Can confirm, high IQ here and not feeling very happy in general. I've known the world is being thrown down the drain for 70 years by J--s and their puppets. All the happy I know IRL don't realize that and live on with their simple minded lives.
as someone with high iq, not living in robot land, and a liberal arts degree under the belt, I can confirm that drinking away my troubles does not help in my self-reflections as I also have anxiety issues.
>create some good in the world
As fucked up as this is going to sound, that is why I'm here on Sup Forums. I hope that I may be able to influence someone in a positive way.
Also, go back a read this article:
>I would rather be a blind lowlife unintelligent cuck with zero concept of absolutely anything
Congratulations in that case. Glad you're happy with the way things turns out.
Let me respond to your position with an analogy about hair and the lack thereof.
Having a full head of hair is burdensome (have to cut/style it, clean it, etc.) and I would rather be a bald fuck. It is better to have something and not need it than need something and not have it.
I think that having an above average IQ makes you happier as you are smarter, more successful but can still interact with the average person and fit into your community.
If your IQ is very high, say >130 (top 2%) the opposite would be true as it would be hard to connect with and communicate with the average person. If you have trouble communicating it can hamper your ability to succeed but, more importantly, it makes it hard for you to make friends and fit in with your community.
If you are isolated you feel unhappy. While this might not be the edgelord opinion, and some fedora tipping nihilist will go "hurr durr I'm happy, people are what give your life meaning.
Try not to care about what you can't change. Focus on the things you can control.
People with low iq are easily manipulated which is a good thing because that's how people become social, if you have a high iq you wouldn't even like anyone because you know everyone is a hypocrite and selfish.
I fucking hate having to deal with retards and get autistic about stuff like coding but beyond that I really would not trade it for anything. Too damned useful and I can get shit done.
139 btw
Seems to me like the low IQ guys I know are the ones getting all the pussy, because they are usually in great shape from manual labor and they don't give a fuck.
your intelligence has little to do with how happy you are. happiness is achieved by meeting emotional needs, have you not met those poor as fuck hobos who are just chill and happy.
being intelligent on the other hand also typically means you have the mental capability to worry about shit, but it can also mean you are smart enough to get what you want. intelligence has, ultimately, nothing to do with how happy you are.
lol no. some of the biggest morons i know make more money than the smartest people i know
Nice trips
Also, if you are so intelligent, why not just go to a school for gifted children, or a school that runs a program for gifted children?
Those people are only rich because smarter, richer people make money off of them. If not for their role as living advertisements, none of the Kardashian/Jenner girls would be worth anything, as all their monetary value is derived from their ability to sell products for their handlers. This includes products advertised on media about them.
The dad Kardashian was a moderately successful lawyer but the rest attained nothing on their own.
The key to happiness Sup Forums
Live: Experience life to its fullest
Love: Always have someone/something to love. Give and receive.
Learn: Never stop learning, Always strive to gain knowledge and skills
Having a higher IQ than average allows you to navigate through life more intelligently. This is obviously evolutionary advantageous. So you'd be objectively wrong about a high iq being a 'handicap'. Burdensome is a pretty subjective description highly influenced by your own experience though, so can't comment on that.
>low IQ people tend to be unhappy. They tend to be unhappy because life is confusing for them
I think the mean issue a lot of posters have in this thread is that they're still confused about how the world actually works. But even more so, frustrated because they surely hold their own intelligence in high regards. "How can it be!? I'm intelligent! Even scored 130+ on an online IQ test! Why isn't my immediate environment not sucking my dick over my mighty intellect! REEE!!...".
Now it's pretty easy to make the argument this in itself would make a honest case against the real intelligence of said posters. But lets assume for shit's and giggle's some of them actually are pretty smart and still feel frustrated or hampered by their own intelligence. I personally think the reason for this would be related to a lacking realistic view on the world. If someone would actually be above average intelligent, it probably really isn't that hard for said person to be successful in the REAL world. We collectively spend to much time on the internet, its simply fucking with our worldview. Like, look outside your own window. THAT is reality. That's the REAL world. You yourself probably would make the assumption that someone you would consider intelligent shouldn't have much trouble being successful in THAT world. Of course some luck is necessary. But perseverance is king. Being intelligent allows you to simply wager opportunities more efficiently.
Now if you consider yourself intelligent, it would take a mere change in perspective to see the REAL world for what it truly is. Just stop worrying about all the internet induced illuminati shit.
would also like to point out
apparently you are all very gifted since everyone has an IQ of 130+
The bullshit coming from you guys is kek
Stpd americans when they consider theyr 95 Iq is High. The OP is Fedora tipper anyways.
this thread is fedora general
Being intelligent and ignorant might be the best combination. Unaware of the world's problems with the capacity to reconcile the few you are forced to acknowledge. Being too aware makes it impossible to come to terms with everything in my opinion
The average white male in america has an IQ of 102
including blacks lowers it to 100, not 95
unintenligent people doesn't have that perception of life and always deeply wish they were smart, you can't win
I don't know about that, but high IQ is demonstrably maladaptive from an evolutionary perspective. All the highest IQ nations in the world are going extinct.
>High IQ generally means higher income
Enjoy being outperformed.
It sounds like you're just shit at talking to other humans. There's some pretty good evidence of that in this thread
This. But even with intelligent friends you run into the problem of being more intellectual. Plenty of very intelligent people do not think very deeply (at least not often), and thus are pretty dull to talk with. My most intelligent friend is primarily concerned with baseball.
Basically with more intelligent people you find differences in interests become more significant.
only up to maybe 100k $ is there a measured effect of wealth on overall happiness. After that, addiitonal wealth does not increase happiness significantly. What matters is what you do and believe, not how much money you spend.
>having a high IQ is burdensome
No it isn't.
I'd rather be intelligent so I have the capacity to understand which things are good for my mind, body and spirit famalam
100k income per year ofc
"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked."
Luke 12:48
If you are blessed with a high IQ it is your responsibility to contribute to this world utilizing your gift. I agree, at times ignorance does seem like a favorable path to bliss.
>inb4 circle jerk but its a decent probability that if you even seek out and read up on discussions on Sup Forums or other type forums you are probably more intelligent than the guy pulling green chain at a lumber mill.
I have taken a few IQ tests and qualified for MENSA testing... but IQ is a hard measure because most of it is Raven Matrices that revolve purely around one's ability to critically think and problem solve and completely void of Academics. Which is fine... but sometimes there are drunk rednecks that I know that can solve incredibly difficult IQ test matrices.
What's it all mean?
I work through it by striving to be a leader, I am 29 years old and buy and sell real estate, own cashflow properties, invest in equities and have plans of scaling altruism later in my life. IQ is only painful if you do nothing with it.
i have 86 in past iq test which is like a a- so is okey
children aren't born with the capacity, ability or experience to guide their life as if they were adult. That's retarded. you're retarded, mate.
Always those idiots who think being a sad autist means being smart.
or you could just not be an autist and have empathy. You dont have to be able to solve a sudoku in 5s flat to be interesting to talk to.
In the end, it all comes down to how wise you are, not how intelligent you are.
You have something to say? IQ correlates positively with income. It's a fact. Literally
What are you even on about?
intelligence is overrated when finding a healthy mate places higher emphasis on fit genes over being able to think.
Why else do dumb attractive people have more kids?
>I just turned 16 and this is deep2me
Please stop
Just because they have hobbies does not mean you cannot get them into a "deep" conversation.
What do you mean by deep anyway?
drinking helps, i brew my own beer. I hide my intelligence so people dont bother me. if people ask me something i play dumb most of the time, especially at work. I just dont have patience to explain every little detail to someone knowing that they aren't going to get it anyway. sometimes i cant believe how dumb most people are. i like sitting there watching and listening to other people. its kind of selfish but fuck it is a curse i tell you. It does comes in handy because i can fix just about anything on my car and in my home, electric, heater, plumbing, siding, roofing, window. whatever need fix etc. I dont have to pay anyone to do shit for me. i feel like i just want to go live innawoods somewhere, maybe in the Philippines and have my own little farm.
because they cant afford contraception
Luke 14:25-33
The Cost of Being a Disciple
25 Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said: 26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple. 27 And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.
28 “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? 29 For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, 30 saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish.’
31 “Or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king. Won’t he first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand? 32 If he is not able, he will send a delegation while the other is still a long way off and will ask for terms of peace. 33 In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.
sometimes i cant brethe when i type in computer keyboard
There are plenty of dumb people who somehow have high paying jobs
IQ is actually illrevent to happiness
It's all about temperament, upbringing and personality.
The gutter is littered with geniuses they say
but it's also littered with retards.
>having a high IQ is burdensome and I would rather be a blind lowlife unintelligent cuck with zero concept of absolutely anything.
my thoughts are that you have emotional problems, and instead of confronting them, you hide behind this facade that your unhappiness is actually caused by your (real or imagined) high intelligence
you sound like a pretentious plebbitor. you're probably giving yourself to much credit regarding intelligence.
Amen brother.