Should i move to Mexico or Brazil Sup Forums??.
Mexico Or Brazil Sup Forums??
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Come to Sweden!
>moving to a drug infested shithole
>moving to brazil
Bad,bad choices user. Why are you moving faggot?
>implying Sweden is better
Fuck off sven Ahmed and tyrone are waiting for you
He's not black though
Not moving right now just thinking about it & i wanna get out of the US.for a few years is why i am thinking about it.
Brazil have white parts, mexico don't
There are nice parts to both, obviously.
You'll just have to scour through shitposts about each to determine which culture and climate would suite you best.
Personally I would go for Mexico, I just believe if I were given the same situation I could live more a more comfortable life while having insensitive to be more successful in the future.
It's just the familiarity with Mexico's culture.
BR posters can correct me anytime, it seems they have a real fast paced ethic in the more wealthy areas. And I'm inclined to believe you wont be accepted by others as an outisder.
Clearly I don't know shit, so here's my bump.
Your faggy liberal shit won't be tolerated here.
Go to Brazil.
pls come to sweden
you wouldn't pay enough to go to south Nigger jungle
>And I'm inclined to believe you wont be accepted by others as an outisder.
people here are super cuck with gringos and think they are superior and love them, just like swedes love muslims and blacks, we love white foreigners
>And I'm inclined to believe you wont be accepted by others as an outisder.
Brazil can be the best country in the world if you are a white gringo.
Mexico is safer, wealthier and has a better climate, plus a better economy, which is the most important of all.
Brazil has some parts in the South that are somewhat developed
here in Mexico lives 1 million of old white people.
Sinaloa,Tamaulipas,Michoacan, and Acapulco and you will be ok, burguer eater :)
>Brazil has some parts in the South that are somewhat developed
You're aware that a meme right? And is used mostly to feel better about ourselves.
una amiga fue alla y odian a morir a los yanquis por lo de la dictadura.
I have a gaucho friend, he told me that has geman ancestry, he dont look south amercan.
t. self hating northeasterns that never left their shitholes
Odio profundamente a los abogados y jueces.
Mas respeto tiene el mentor cuanto mas descarado sea y para siempre las cualidades que permiten el ascenso en la piramide como el analisis de texto , la buena memoria y el carisma publico son puestos a disposicion del beneficio personal, de esas ansias que poseen de ganar y despedazar a sus colegas sin importarles todo lo que hay de por medio, nunca pregonan el bien del pueblo y nunca les intereso... En consonancia con el descaro maligno del que hacen alarde a traves de sus montañas de texto para hacer validas sus calumnias, son soretes totalmente apatridos que no sienten amor por la patria... y no tienen problema en hacer uso de su poder para complacer al politico de turno.
A los hijos de abogados que defienden chorros : un tiro en la nuca
A los hijos de los jueces que defienden chorros : un tiro en el estomago y uno en cada pulmon.
Vas a ver como se soluciona la mafia esa.
I'm Gaúcho. This place is very poor. We had some German immigration yeah, my grandmother is German. But this place is not 100% German, it's barely 15% German and that is if you count the mixed ones as well(like me), pure Germans are 5% if not less.
The only advantage South Brazil has over other regions, is that it's less unequal than other regions.
The 3 southern states of Brazil ought to be white if I trust Wikipedia and Brazilian posters. You could move their, considering skin color and crime highly correlate.
I would base my choice on the crime and tax rate
cute :$ :3
will you let me suck your dick???
I've been there to see it with my own eyes
>I would base my choice on the crime and tax rate
Then OP can already scratch South Brazil off his list, because two South Brazilian cities are among the Top 50 most murderous cities on earth.
Los yanquis no querian que nosotros los bananeros fuesemos comunistas, nada mas. Ahora todo America Latina les vuelve a ser cachorro del imperio. Ayer vi este video.
Pero Videla y el gordo ese que culpa a las abuelas de mayo por no cuidar a sus hijos en un cabron, quien es?
2 south brazilians cities that were flooded by immigrants from northeast, just like são paulo, stay outside this 2 cities and you are fine.
also northeast subhumans btfo
Gringo here, I lived in Brazil teaching English. I encourage everyone not to go there, it's full of niggers because Colonial Brazil took more African slaves than every other country combined. Consequently, almost everyone in Brazil is part negro, which means their average IQ is much lower than the average in European and Asian countries. I squandered a year of my life teaching English to Brazilians. I should have stayed in the U.S. and gone to college or joined the military, instead.
but South Brazil is more developed than North Brazil. it happens the same here in Mexico, Here in Monterrey and North Mexico is more white and developed, My grandparents were from Basque country. If you are more European , you are more civilized.
you lived in rio de janeiro*
>If you are more European , you are more civilized.
This doesn't apply to Brazil.
The most developed areas of Brazil have: Lebanese and Japanese.
Cities founded by Germans are relatively poor and stagnated.
yes, Rio and Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais. Rio was beautiful and the people are friendly, but it's too dangerous to live there.
videla aunque halla sido un inepto y nefsto nos salvo de la cubanizacion
los que no mandaron al abismo fueron menem y los kirchner, sobre todo menem
necesitamos un golpe militar NACIONALISTA, no LIBERAL
>not including Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Australia
Since South Africa and the Maghreb are probably the only African countries keeping statistics this list is basically them + the Americas. But still, holy fuck those are a lot of murders. Are they gang related ?
nos mandaron al abismo*
Se comunica a la población que, a partir de la fecha, el país se encuentra bajo el control operacional de la junta militar. Se recomienda a todos los habitantes el estricto acatamiento a las disposiciones y directivas que emanen de autoridad militar, de seguridad o policial, así como extremar el cuidado en evitar acciones y actitudes individuales o de grupo que puedan exigir la intervención drástica del personal en operaciones.
con kichner solo tienes 5% de pobreza y alemania 20% y un IDH muy alto, el mayor de America Latina.
In Brazil, women do stupid shit, like dance around a bottle and bounce up and down on it like it's a cock about to penetrate their gyrating ass and pussy
bueno, a nosotros los mexicanos nos quitaron 2 millones de km2 y el petroleo de Texas y ahora nos somos sus vasallos, porque si no nos invaden y nos hacen jabon jajajajaja
Mostly yes. But a good percentage are robbers shooting people in the face.
Here in Porto Alegre, some powerful gangs have risen in the last few years because of drug trafficking.
If you ever meet any Brazilian women, just stand a bottle on the floor and turn on some dance music.
Mexico is better, it just is. But it's all relative to your bank account numbers. Thought, Brazil it's pretty fuck up now with all the preparation for the Olympics and their president so. If you looking to move out to live, Mexico is way better or if you just looking for some good relaxing vacations.
aun asi con todo lo mierda que fueron los kirchner
seguimos teniendo el sueldo minimo mas alto de toda latinoamerica
>go to the 3 bigger cities, and the most dangerous
>say country is bad
they were all ruined by northeastern immigrants dindus ''looking for a better life''
when you see a brown guy with small and or flat head, you know he is northeastern.
the bottle was a thing more than 10 years ago. there was a song about it.
>bottle goes in pussy
Brazilian logic
>TFW no Brazilian bottle opener
>bottle service, Brazilian style
We communicate to the population , from the date off now the country is under the operational control of the military junta. All inhabitants is recommended strict compliance with the provisions and directives emanating from military authorities , security or police , and extreme care to avoid actions of individual attitudes or group that may require drastic intervention of the operational staff .
claro, populismo en todo su esplendor. Madurocada vez aumenta el salario minimo y genera mucha inflacion.
>thick legs and thick ass gets a thick bottle
Gringo, Did you know that Argentina suffered a lot thanks to your anti communist wars?
>typical brazilian male
>cameron diaz ad in Brazil
>bottle goes in snatch
how much do i need monthly to live a comfortable life in mexico without getting beheaded?
>Brazilian bottle macaco
>Brazilian boi pussy bottle
Mexico is the 9th most visited country, people only get beheaded if you are in the mafia.
>be on vacation in Brazil
>don't want to drink tap water
>order bottled water, thinking it's safer
>get herpes, aids, and zika virus
>thanks Brazil
Mexico surpassed Russia?
>Brazilian national pastime
and any journalist or blogger wishing to tell the truth about their country, i suppose.
or if you happen to be a student in city where the mayor's wife bears a grudge against the educational system.
or if your a woman working in a factory going home from work.
>it's only drug-related crime
NATO is punishing Russia for invading Ukraine.
A Mexican journalist, students , and woman working in maquilas in My city Juarez have more chance to die, but you are white, whites will live good in Mexico.
Holy fuck, OP, don't! It will be the worst decision of your life. There's a reason we are trying to move into the us, and noone else is trying to move out.
Unless you have a lot of money, your life will be filled with degeneracy and poverty all around you.
Also get me a greencard you fucking dick.
I live in the border with Texas. they work 24 hrs to live in a shitty apartment. Nobody is playing in the streets and the people are watching tv all day. Theres no health care nor fun like in Copacabana. They are like zombies. Blacks, whites and Hispanics hates each other.
If I had to choose between the two, it would be Mexico.
-Mexico has less crime.
-The crime that does happen in Mexico doesn't seem to be as violent, or as random, as the crime that happens in Brazil.
-Mexico isn't as black.
-Mexico has a better climate, better beaches, less pollution.
-Mexico probably has better food (I don't know though.)
-Mexico has cheaper consumer goods like electronics. Brazil has some ridiculous import taxes, that can make PS4's cost $1800.
Mexico is on my next to visit list. I've seen so many gore and murder videos in Brazil, that I probably don't feel like going there. Pic related- my Mexican waifu Angel.
the only reason there aren't any blacks in mexico is that god doesn't punish twice
Go to Brazil
I heard the south is pretty developed and they seem to get a lot of fun overall but I need a brazillian to confirm this
the reason is that Spanish dont brought blacks as slaves. Be Mexican is not a punishment its a blessing LMAO
Not much tho. And truly, Americans got it easy here people are polite to them, extra polite to them it is easier for you to get jobs and of course women. You should come to the Caribbean is the best here, there's also girls from all over the world. And the Caribbean is extra secure to the international community. And if you are European you'll be love anywhere.The bad of it honestly is on the north of the country. Southern states are pretty relax, lots of liberties.
Thats fucking crazy. I didnt know Brazil was crackin like that. Its a shame because I really am an ass man and would love to bop some brazilian booty
Does the cartel have a large presence in Central and Southern Mexico?
Maybe but we dont have niggers.
The Cartels currently are strong in the north of Mexico as always, and a little in central Mexico. The point is that in reality everywhere is corrupted yes, but even the """"alliance"""" between the Narco and corrupt government HAVE TO demonstrate and thrive to be a great and secure destination. Why? Because this are one's of the world most visited destinations, and literally a considerable income from our GDP comes from this destinys. We even have host the G20 here for having to be secure.
It's everywhere but things are getting back to mormal, Pax Narca. Relatively peaceful where top gangsters live. Look for Baja California Sur. But it has exceptions. Cabo went to shit when it was flooded from people of thw woest south. Last hurracaine they chimped out like in Katrina. Many gringos and wealthy mexivans left. Sams Club or Costco closed after that. Caribean area is pretty safe. No more murders than some European countries before the recent enrichment. No shit. Take this from a guy who lives in the border with California, i have traveled long throught your country and lived 4 years in Europe.
Sorry my answer should have be: No, not much not really. Not for you, at least not for white people.
Your question is ambiguous.
could i get by with 1000€ a month?