
That this invention is single handedly responsible for preventing the birth of MILLIONS of whites.

So if theres anyone to blame for the eventual extinction of the white race it is you Sup Forums.


first post, worst post

its also preventing millions of AIDS

porn did better

>implying Sup Forumsacks get laid

>implying white people are responsible for aids

We all know non-whites don't use the latex jew

that being said, it also prevents you getting stds from your cheating wife

>Preventing yourself to be trapped by the first whore who does not take her contraception on purpose
>preventing you to catch AIDS and other various STD like half of the nigger population

Achmed, it is time to go back.

What about the birth control pill?
Most idiots rawdog these days

if your wife was in a permanent state of pregnancy or recovering from pregnancy perhaps she would be less likely to cheat...

Who the fuck uses condoms?

It also chokes your dick

Condoms are for cucks


Pic related is what has caused the prevention of millions of births of whites, due to loss of marriage values.

Inflation and the move from an agrarian economy is what halted White birthrates. Before the 70s families with more than 2 children was common.

Large White families are no longer economically feasible on a large scale.
It's the future you choose.

Op getting mad at something he's never had to use before

so its poverty or extinction, great choice there...

>responsible for preventing the birth of MILLIONS of whites

Lol no, it's because we allow our woman to be educated you stupid sandnigger

Kill urself

Only cucks use condoms though.

> Educate women
> They become liberal feminists

I think we're the stupid ones senpai.

That invention also helps to reduce the spread of hundreds of millions of STD's

Indeed, Sweden swallows Somali semen straight up

No money to adequately raise and educate children. The thirst for sex is in no way diminished. Fuck a woman without condemning their offspring to live in unbearable conditions .
>Something bad

Liberal feminism is not the result of a good education, but the result of its absence

how bout them based abortions killing more niggers than AIDS and gun combined though?

Let's be honest... If you get one, you deserve it.

It's too bad they're not more deadly T B H

>implying Sup Forums isn't always right

hehe ya because the extinction of the white race is definitely worth not having your balls itch from time to time xD

It's only giving the white race enough time to build the reigns of power to control the whole planet.

Just wait until white people finally completely understand DNA enough to genetically enhance their children and give them faster maturing periods with lower gestation periods while also extending their maximum age and virility, while also copying every other biological plus harvested from the world by allowing them to use their diagnostic equipment.

Before that invention guys just wrapped their dick in the intestines of goats. Worked almost as well anyway.

>using rubber

Get out

Filling them with your nut is the best part.

shitskins use them too and pop babies like crazy
whites are just too infertile due to their shitty genes

>implying i use one
I always roll to impregnate, but after the first time they get mad and buy contra

Everyone shouldnt be a parent OP. Especially the asspies on this shithole

>what is quality over quantity

>mfw I lost my virginity to my girlfriend
>I had condoms with me but she didn't want me to wear them, said she didn't like how they felt
>I was wary and didn't want to but she started fucking crying and telling me how this was the worst birthday ever etc
>Did it
>Holy fuck, sex feels amazing
>A month passes and she breaks up with me
>Sad for a long time, not looking for anyone else
>It eventually passes after 5 or 6 months and I decide to look for a grill again
>One day I notice bumps on the head of my dick
>It's been half a year since I last had sex and I've only ever been with the one girl...surely I didn't catch anything...surely it will go away?
>A month later and the bumps have grown larger and multiplied
>Suck up my pride and go to my doctor and, humiliated, show him my dick and ask him what's wrong
>Yep, STD
>A rare one with some really long name...M-something
>No actual side-effects...other than enormous white wart-like things protruding from the head of my dick
>"It eventually goes away"
>" anywhere from a month to many years"
>"You absolutely cannot be with any sexual partners" (I assume he meant until the bumps eventually disappear, but thinking back I'm not actually sure)
>How could I be with anyone anyway when the first thing they'd see/feel are these giant white bumps on my dick
>mfw this was 5 fucking years ago and they are still fucking there
>Zero sexual activity since then
>Probably zero sexual activity ever again

Wasn't worth losing the KHHV status. Not even close. Never trust a woman who doesn't want you to wear a condom. Never trust a woman, period. Don't make the same mistake I made lads.


Sounds like you would have been safer with an escort (whore)? At least, they would insist on the condom.

Post pics and wiki of what you have

>europeans reproduce responsibly
>the rest of the world is incredibly overpopulated
>hurr why didn't you overpopulate too

Build tall not wide.

Contraception is a mortal sin.
>not having sex with your wife and making children

>>A rare one with some really long name...M-something
Molluscum Contagiosum sounds like. It's a viral infection.

>Catholic detected

Look and laugh.

>wanting to be an r-strategy breeder like some insect or shitskin

fuck off Muhammad

It's better than shitting out all the kids like the niggers do.

also preventing millions of niggers from being born

enjoy extinction.

there can't be more masters than slaves

elite whites will be fine

feels user

>hurr durr who uses condoms
Anyone who doesnt want to have to financially support some kid for 18 years from some bitch you fucked would use a condom
stop being edgy 14 year olds

>the move from an agrarian economy
That happened 100 years before the 1970s. Birth rates were still high throughout the industrial revolution.

This makes me want to pin holes in my own condoms

It is responsible for creating a whole generation of whores and pathetic degenerates.

Nice try Muhammad.

or just pull out

someones else children will take care of you when you will be old, so why rise one...

These "elite" whites are those that cherish immigration and are happy when their daughters marry sandniggers.

The people that were clapping at our train stations when trains full of "syrian" """refugees""" arrived were these "elite" whites. High-middle to upper classes whites are the traitors that will seal the fate of us white people.

Funny enough, Mao was right in the regard to exterminate the intellectual upper classes. They are born nation wreckers.

I don't have children to gift them to you and your progeny. I'm not spending my life raising your saviors you autistic fucking Anglo scum.

If you want something done, do it yourself and stop bitching that others didn't already do it for you.

100% Aryan m8

enjoy your jewcucked existence

>jewcucked existance, not weighed down with horde of children or burning dick
Alright m8, enjoy your Sunday.

>don't sleep with niggers
>humanities aids problem solved


Is that a thing in france?

I can't believe you typed out a green text story for that. It could have been simplified to "I'm a dumbass".

No it couldn't have.

What about drug scum?

Not human.

Krokadile addicts are even less than human.

There is no "krokodil" in Russia anymore. Now it's "spice"/"cпaйc"

