If Muslims are so bad and Muslims are going to ruin Europe, how come this Muslim city looks better than 99% of European cities?
If Muslims are so bad and Muslims are going to ruin Europe...
next question
Apefrica also has a lot of oil, but Africans still live in poop huts.
Russia also has many natural resources yet most of Russia looks like a run down slum.
Also the complaint is less about whether or not they will ruin it and more whether or not they will take it over.
If an alien civilization came to Earth and took over the land forcing us into servitude, but built magnificent cities and wonders of architecture, I'd still say Earth had been ruined for human s.
Slave Labor
Are you retarded? Europe is letting in hundreds of thousands of uneducated, unskilled "refugees" into countries with the biggest welfare benefits. They're leeching off the welfare system, and raping and killing people.
muslims in their own countries = good
muslims in europe = bad
Slave labor and money extracted from cuck governments.
meant to reply to op
yep, slave Filipino labor.
whitelets getting blown the fuck out
Yes looks nice, maybe they should go there.
The secound the money runs out this unsustainable city will be swolloed by chaos and sand
>Slave Labor
Because Europeans are such strangers to that....
>literally a spooky empty city
Oil money.
Sounds like your country lol
You are right that looks great. Europe should invade it :^)
Dubai has no sewer.
They tried to create a major metropolitan city without a basic sewage system.
There are miles upon miles of trucks full of shit constantly trying to leave the city because there is no sewer.
That's what I picture when told of modern Muslim achievement. Miles of shit.
They took the ancient world root and used a lot of money and slave labour.
You get shit done when ethics are thrown out the window.
I love how people blurt out i-it's all OIL! yeah! OIL! and suddenly shout out "SLAVE LABOR!!" like all of a sudden the people of Sup Forums care about shitskin poo in the loos.
Ok I walked right into that one.
But I was more talking about the geographical placement and their ability to produce food etc.
>how come this Muslim city looks better than 99% of European cities?
a) It doesn't. Dubai is an ugly modern city that looks superficially good in modern fashion that will age like milk, and as soon as you leave the designated rich people areas you realise Dubai is just as ugly as all the Middle Eastern cities
b) Insane oil wealth has given the Emirates the ability to buy both non-Arab architects and engineers and non-Arab labourers to build their city.
>Designed by westerners
>Built by forein slave labor
>Funded by oil extracted by western oil companies sold to western markets
Where do the Muslims come into this equation?
OK I can agree with you on that one.
Russia was 100x worse before communism.
>like all of a sudden the people of Sup Forums care about shitskin poo in the loos.
Somebody once tried to argue with me that Dubai was only nice because they import Indians and Europeans(who are educated and capable) to do all the planning/administrative/technical work for them. Not sure how true this is.
It doesn't look better. It looks new if that's what you mean. Europe's disorganised cities are an indication of the long term success of the societies that build them. Things are built over hundreds of years. Having some foreigners discover and pay for your natural resources and then building some skyscrapers in the desert isn't really indicative of anything.
Its only one city in the middle on nowhere...
And its filled with inbred muslims sooo...good luck. I prefer good company over fancy things. You are just degenerate. Remove yourself.
>Russia was 100x worse before communism.
Nice meme.
The agricultural output of the USSR didn't even match the agricultural output of 1913 Russia until the fucking 1950s.
Pre-ww1, Russia exported 50% of its agricultural produce because it grew so much food. Russia literally fed Europe. Then the commies took over, collectivized everything and people starved.
Are you implying that slavery was widespread in Europe in the last 600 years in the same way it was widespread in Middle East?
Westerners built it, that's why.
Give oil money and slaves to the western architects and they can build this in 30 years.
It's true. In fact, expats make up the majority of the country. The actual locals or "Emiratis" are the minority (of course though they're the ones in power)
Currently, oil accounts for less than 20% of Dubai's GDP.
>Funded by oil extracted by western oil companies sold to western markets
The arabs have their own oil companies you stupid nigger.
>being this jelly
Except "Agricultural output" is not nearly as relevant as it was in 1913 in the industrialized world.
Maybe not in the actual landmass of Europe per se, but you guys colonized Africa and used them as slave labor to make your own country richer, as well as colonizing parts of Asia and sucking wealth out of there, so I don't see the difference.
Don't bother. They think Dubai is still running on oil money. That is likely true for Saudi Arabia but the UAE actually diversified their economy.
>how come this Muslim city looks better than 99% of European cities?
It doesn't. Not if you look closer.
>Except "Agricultural output" is not nearly as relevant as it was in 1913 in the industrialized world.
It is. It's the difference between having plenty to eat and having to wait 12 hours in the freezing cold for a lump of stale bread.
And anyways, industry is overrated. Pre-commie Russia was a much better place because people didn't live in terror and didn't starve. That's more important than steel production, in my opinion.
How many "refugees" has Dubai taken?
africa actually does not have a lot of oil. it has a lot of minerals but that requires a lot of work.
They have a shit ton of oil, they're just too fucking dumb to utilize it.
See : Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea.
A lot. There are also plenty of Syrians in the UAE before and after the crisis.
The obvious answer is oil and pointing out the fact that most of the ME looks like shit.
But I want to mention that European cities look small in comparison to American and Asian cities because they're more interested in preserving the historical milieu and the older buildings. A lot of the buildings/areas are under protection and even in some cases height limits are enforced in places where new buildings are allowed.
Also lots of the population lives in suburbs which covers literally almost all of the area not covered by cities or fields.
Dude, look up what happened with the stadiums they are/were building for world cup 2022. People's passports are taken and they work in dreadful temperatures for nothing. Many died already from building the stadiums.
Also; IT'S !
That's Qatar, not the UAE. Those are different countries.
>The arabs have their own oil companies you stupid nigger.
No shit thats how they maintain control, who do you think they subcontract all the real work to? Or do you really think that a bunch of Arabs with an IQ of 83 are doing all that engineering and management?
>And anyways, industry is overrated.
Look up from grading your english papers and look out your window at the country you're in. That country was built completely on industry/exports.
It's not about how nice it looks, the point I was making is how the cities are representative of the societies that have built them
Because they used oil money to pay white people to build it for them.
Oil dollars and investing heavily in tourism so they have something to fall back on once those wells dry up.
>cities are representative of the societies that have built them
We have large and impressive cities here in America and we're the greatest nation on earth.
literal slave labour
So what? New Zealand, for instance, has no industry. It relies on agriculture. And it's one of the best countries in the world.
Anyways, I will BTFO you easily in one sentence. Ready?
If muslims are the ones who built Dubai and not white engineers paid by oil money, then where are all the great muslim cities in those muslim countries who do not have big oil reserves, like Pakistan?
Dubai is a facade. The basically were going for a singapore of the middle east using a 'build it and they will come' strategy. If you've ever driven into the city you would instantly notice the problem, it is literally just a cluster of skyscrapers in the middle of the desert. It hemorrhages money and they partition and shut down half the city during the off season. Even the tower is largely vacant.
dubai ain't bigger than new york city
(OP) #
Oil, indian cheap labour verging on slavery,
Emiratis are smart enough to allow germanics to run their businesses. My brother who is an engineer went to dubai to get a job after graduating since there was an oversaturation of engineers in Australia , 5 years later, he ended up making 300gs in management. Dubai is run by Europeans and asians, whilst the Arabs there have easy cushy jobs in the airport or some other place, they get a grand of welfare, and they are paid to study overseas. They have the easy life because their lifestyle is subsidised by cheap indian labour and European ingenuity.
Different country, same kind of shitty cities with the same kind of people. In Dubai they made a ski resort for indoor skying and that shit is costing more than it profits but they don't give a shit. People buy expensive skiing gear that they throw in the garbage at the end of the day. Everyone is like that there, they don't plan ahead.
seems like Muslims are doing what Whites secretly want to do
Dubai is smaller than my suburb. I went there a few years ago, during winter i cycled around dubai in a day from the palm islands to down town dubai. Its a small city.
>Or do you really think that a bunch of Arabs with an IQ of 83 are doing all that engineering and management?
Average IQ. I'm sure there are intelligent Arabs capable of doing it. Your average 100 IQ european is not an engineer or successful businessman either.
>If muslims are the ones who built Dubai and not white engineers paid by oil money, then where are all the great muslim cities in those muslim countries who do not have big oil reserves, like Pakistan?
I've been to Pakistan, it's not a bad place. Cheap, clean enough, everyone there was friendly. Also, Pakistan is South Asian, not Arab, builds nuclear weapons, supercomputers, and has the only Muslim winner of the Nobel Physics prize, so they aren't exactly retards.
Pic related, a cool building in Islamabad.
Have you actually been there? It's entirely artificial. It's not covered in dust only because they clear the streets of dust every single day, obsessed with appearance. Many of the buildings are half-finished abandoned building projects. The tower next to the Burj Khalifa was aflame just months ago at the biggest event of the year (NYE).
Why should I be mad about enslaved curry and niggers when all western society was built on the backs of slaves.
Is this fucking Sup Forums or reddit? Jesus fuck
>I've been to Pakistan, it's not a bad place. Cheap, clean enough, everyone there was friendly. Also, Pakistan is South Asian, not Arab, builds nuclear weapons, supercomputers, and has the only Muslim winner of the Nobel Physics prize, so they aren't exactly retards.
You've got to be Pakistani to be so disingenuous. Pakistan is an abject shithole.
Oil and slavery
Thats a 3d rendering you fuckin retard
>how come this Muslim city looks better than 99% of European cities?
Oil + Slaves. Also the city is full of foreigners and ExPats. Basically High Cast Indians. So not the Poos, but the Doctors. The total population of the entire country is less than 2mil as well. So its a bit of a Ayn Rand wank fest.
>As of 2013, only about 15% of the population of the emirate was made up of UAE nationals
>Payed for with oil money
>Planned by Western engineers and architects
>Build by slave labour
And slavery was outlawed in western countries more than a century and a half ago, while it persists to this day in Africa and middle east
Just admit you don't give a shit about slavery and like being an edgelord on a Taiwanese manga comic forum
Oil, slave labor, European architects.
Besides, the city isn't as good as it looks on the photographs. There's this really strange atmosphere and you almost can't breathe there. Worst holiday of my life.
... so I don't see the difference.
Look harder. Arab slave trade lasted twice as long and its bodycount was twice as big when compared to the transatlantic one but Arabs had fuck all to show for it. Conditions in Arab countries only improved after oil was discovered:
“My grandfather rode a camel, my father rode a camel, I drive a Mercedes, my son drives a Land Rover, his son will drive a Land Rover, but his son will ride a camel.”
- Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum, the founding father of Dubai
The only Arab countries that are not half way towards being a failed state are the ones rich in oil and even then that is not always the case.
Once the oil is gone Arabs will go back to being retarded savages (see quote above). Hardly surprising considering that they are half a notch above niggers anyway which is the main reason why Arab counties cannot diversify their economies in the same way European nations can. They lack intellectual prowess, hardly surprising considering that they are full of Arabs. Please refer to the above map for reference.
We don't actually care about the slave labor part, we just offer it as an explanation of Dubai's success. Shitskins can still go die.
Lol.I never said there was anything wrong with emplying currys as cheap labour. In fact, i think Australia should start start using cheap labour in many areas like construction since high wages for labourers is whats limiting Australian cities from building epic skylines. My city is richer than dubai, yet we have some ugly ass economical buildings because labourere here ask 25 dollars an hour to pick up a brick and it becomes unfeasible to build beautiful skylines. Not to mention everything is so expensive here.
Architecture != culture
>Implying Europeans didn't design everything
>Be Ahmed
>Family owns lots of sand and lots of oil
>Sell oil to western devils
>Pay western devils to design city
>Pay Chinese devils to build it
>Take away passports and visas from poo in the loos for free slaves
>Muhammad's tower is bigger than yours
>Blame great Satan of the west for such outrageous oppression
>If X is true, how come Y?
Saged and reported
>You've got to be Pakistani to be so disingenuous. Pakistan is an abject shithole.
My bad, kek I look like a retard now. Pic related is Karachi. Maybe not first world, but not an African shithole.
Ken. It's a fucking 3td rate intersection. Where are all the skyscrapers. Have you seen the documentaries of kiddies getting fucked on the street in Islamabad and Karachi? Paki land is worse than Afghanistan.
>UAE uses Indian slave labor
>Around 40% of Indians in the UAE are white collar professionals.[12] In addition to employment-based migrants from India, many Indian entrepreneurs in the UAE have established successful national franchises, the notable ones such as Landmark Group, Lulu Hypermarkets, Jashanmal, Ajmal Perfumes, Jumbo Electronics, Choithram's, the Varkey Group, Alukkas and New Medical Centre.
>By 1996, at least 150 Indian companies were operating in the Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA),[7] and even today, more than 50% of work force are Indian only in one of the most successful and role model Free Trade Zone of world. Over 25% of Indian workers in the UAE were engaged in manufacturing, transport and related professions, while 20% were engaged in professional and technical fields.[16] The 2005 Merrill Lynch report estimated that there were approximately 33,000 Indian millionaires living in the UAE.[17] Indian expats typically save most of their earnings through employment benefits on accommodation and transport, and income tax free provisions of the UAE.[7] As a result, a majority of the money is remitted for the maintenance of migrants' households in India. In 2005, an estimated US$7 billion was remitted, about half of which was sent through informal hawala channels. About 70% of all remittances from the UAE (or US$5 billion) was sent to India, with 60% alone being remitted to Kerala.[18]
They seem to be doing alright to me.
And actually, it was only the antebellum period that slaves were employed in farms. The trans slave trade and slavery didnt build America, the only region were slavery was common(the south), is now considered a shithole by Americans. Most developed cities in America didnt have slavery. Industrialisation was the reason the west had rapid development when compared to the rest of the world. African kingdoms and Arabs used slaves for much of their history, yet before the discovery of oil, these regions were considered undeveloped shitholes
>African kingdoms and Arabs used slaves for much of their history, yet before the discovery of oil, these regions were considered undeveloped shitholes
Africa is still a shithole, and the Arabs were more advanced than Europe or the rest of Asia in many fields for parts of history, but I'd rather this not devolve into yet another "the Islamic Golden Age was a myth, they stole everything from India and Persia" thread.
Islamic Golden Age ended as soon as they replaced scientifical knowledge with quaranic knowledge.
It ended when they figured out their book.
Anyone who's actually been to Dubai knows that it's one of the worst cities on earth to visit. I'd rather go to some polluted shithole in China than spend a day in Dubai.
I'm sure Dubai is a fine city if you're a millionaire and the ruling elite want to jew you for shekels.
I sure as fuck wouldn't want to be caught in there streets without money, though. The arabs would behead or enslave you.
built by westerners with western money and western techniques, it's closer to a european city than a muslim city
next question
it's a shitty "upscale" shopping mall in the middle of a miserable theocracy. it's a fucking horrifying city, only attractive to people desperate for work or the most vulgar of the middle class.
>looking better
If that's what you think
>one single city
>most buildings were designed by European architects
Oil money
Western engineering skills
South-East Asian slave labour
>they get a grand of welfare
its mostly 2 things that determine this OP
1)who is showing up a spectrum from young to old and male and female or mostly just 20-35 year old males pretending to be 15 year olds
2) how much they believe. if they buy your islam bullshit to much they believe they are entitled to rape any woman traveling alone or who isnt covering her ankles and wrist with clothing
in the nicest most wealthy places that islam controls these 2 things are probably less of a concern nut when you open the flood gates to a region its important to understand that your probably going to be getting 1 demographic more than others. so the 20-35 year old male zealots are bad people who need to be gassed
>or the most vulgar of the middle class.
Not often I say this but you've hit the nail squarely on the head yank.
OK, so if everything in Dubai is designed by westerners, how come there are no cities in Europe, Canada, and Australia, which have much more land area, that look even half as good as Dubai?
>Dubai looks good
Well your troll fell apart right there.
There are loads of cities in Italy that look better than any Arab city you could care to mention; Florence, Palermo, Rome, Turin, Verona, Perugia, Venice...
You know that guy who wins the lottery then blows it all in a year? On super tacky shit like a big mansion with gold plated furniture and 30 sports cars.
If that guy was a city, he would be Dubai
Because we haven't come and bombed it to shit.
Oil money and built by yuropean engineers. They only claim to have built them because the laborers were shitskins.
>look even half as good
Fucking sewer system was designed by locals, actually.
It failed and they now truck all sewage out of that city in tankers.
Half the buildings aren't even hooked up to the high-pressure water, because there aren't enough hookups, which means fire danger.