A prison shouldn't be a "hotel", it should involve work. People who don't work, should only get the bare minimum (bread and water) until they start working.
And why are prisons made of concrete like normal buildings? Tents and wooden shags should be ok, no? Plus 30 prisoners per barrack.
Why is prison not punishment any more?
Michael Myers
I believe they do work. Sewing clothes, making things ouf of wood and shit.
Of course we could make like Reich and let them build roads but this ain't exactly the libertarian paradise yet, so the roads are being made already.
Michael Sanchez
In texas we have our prisoners making most of our license plates and shit like that..
Sebastian Lee
Most of the US prisoners do work, It's basically how the compete with chyna, a new form of slave labor.
Nathan Ross
Work sets you free.
Andrew Parker
>Of course we could make like Reich and let them build roads but this ain't exactly the libertarian paradise yet, so the roads are being made already.
Germany still has some roads built in the 1930s which still work and were made by workers. You do not need machines to build the best roads and bridges ever.
And what about picking fruit and vegetables on fields? Or working in mines?
Dylan Peterson
Because liberals have killed the purpose of the prison system. The purpose of prisons was to PUNISH people and cause them to self-reflect and reevaluate their lives.
Prisons nowadays are summer camps because "muh rehabilitation".
Aiden Wright
>Work sets you free.
That sentence has become a bad sentence. But isn't it true? If you are in prison and work hard, you should be freed earlier than those who do not work hard.
Jack Robinson
The answer to all of your questions is either prison "rights" groups or niggers.
Levi Lee
Why not just use inmates to dig 20 m deep trench on the border instead of wall?
Christian Brooks
how the fuck do you get jacked in prison? are they feeding growth hormones to these fuckers
Jonathan Sanders
Too much risk of escape, I'd imagine. I mean you could chain them all together and shit like that, but I don't think you could trust most lifers with a pick axe or shovel in their hand. Theyll fuck up the next closest guy just cuz.
Leo Harris
>flag hehehe
Ryan Gonzalez
>people with biggest incentive to run away >put them on the border of a failed state
Connor Hall
It makes too much sense.
That's why it won't happen. Libtards don't do common sense.
Leo Smith
Some places use prisoners to build roads.
Zachary Hall
All you have in prison is time. Working out is a good distraction from the constant boredom and fear. After doing it for 10-20 years most guys would end up pretty big.
Logan Allen
Most people don't come out of prison jacked, thats a trope. Maybe in low security or white collar type prisons they'll have weights and somewhat decent food, but most prisons don't have weights and have crappy, fatty foods. Prisoners eitger come out fat or super scrappy from the bodyweight workouts
Noah Allen
Thank you Hillary.
Evan Gonzalez
>I don't think you could trust most lifers with a pick axe or shovel in their hand The number of murderers in prison make up less than 1% of the total prison population.
You can give them work that does not include axes and shovels. Like picking fruits and vegetables or building walls and housing.
Jaxon Ross
>A prison shouldn't be a "hotel", it should involve work. People who don't work, should only get the bare minimum (bread and water) until they start working.
Nope. Everybody in prison must work. If they refuse, you do the following: >Dig a hole 2-3 meters deep >Attach prisoner to the ground >Put a water pump inside >Start pouring water
If he doesn't pump he'll drown, and thus he must work. This is an old burger method btw, really effective.
Logan Diaz
obviously, don't understand why is so fucking hard to get them to grow their own food and shit. of course any work they would do, could not be connected to outside markets
Sebastian Fisher
i agree. but the last time we let germans make labour camps the jews ended up making a fortune
Jordan Kelly
Ayden Taylor
>why are prisons made of concrete like normal buildings? Tents and wooden shags should be ok
Canvas walls will surely prevent them from escaping and rioting.
Kevin Johnson
>A prison shouldn't be a "hotel", it should involve work
Good job retard, you are making murderers and pedos generate more testosterone into their bodies.
Isaiah Long
Josiah Bell
>Instead of prisons, create work camps
Hunter Perez
Levi Nelson
Shhh that's the plan
Mason Cooper
>old burger method And they say Americans don't have a heritage
Henry Davis
>why are prisons made of concrete like normal buildings? you have to be able to restrict the prisoners movements. havent you ever heard of lockdown? yea you cant do that if its just tents. a prison riot could happen at any time even when they are suppose to be stuck in their cells. they get put in prison for breaking rules what makes you think they will follow them when in prison?
Gabriel Wilson
How old are you Prisons in America are known for being sources of labor. They have farms, factories, and even call centers in prisons. Not only that but prisons have put life insurance policies on inmates so they cash in on their deaths.
Brayden Thompson
>why don't prisons involve involuntary work? comes down to your definition of a prison are prisons for punishment or rehabilitation of criminals?
according to the current definition in west prisons are for rehabilitation. this might work in some civilized countries like nordics but in a country like united states, where murder rates are even higher than turkey, rehabilitation based penal system obviously does not work
instead they should be working prisoners off heavily, especially people with death-row should be given the choice of working in extremely dangerous jobs for the rest of their lives instead
Lincoln Price
I actually like the idea of how the gulag was run. Obviously it wouldn't be like Stalin where innocents would go there (it would still be full trial etc) and we would make sure they aren't worked to literal death but I think we should base the workings of our prisons off of gulag labour camps
Prisoners should be forced to do work worth more than what it costs to keep them in prison thus generating revenue instead of costing tax dollars
I believe harsh punishments will deter crime. There was once a country who's king would impale people on spikes for even petty theft. As a test of his policies he set up a well with a golden cup in a poor village. Anyone could drink from the golden cup but had to leave it at the well when they were finished with it. 3 years passed. He checked and the cup hadn't been stolen
Concrete makes sense as a building material due to its strength and cheapness. It's much easier to cut through wood than tunnel through concrete
Joseph Bailey
>havent you ever heard of lockdown? Have you ever thought why POW camps were tents and wooden barracks with machine gun posts checking for people trying to escape?
Mason Cook
Many guards well armed. Have tracking collars as well so they can't hide. Make an example of runners by executing them in front of the rest of the inmates so as to keep them from trying anything
Noah Hill
Arbeit macht frei
Levi Parker
Because it was during the war. And POW camps housed soldiers and while many would try to escape they were still mostly sane normal people who did nothing wrong except for being in the wrong army in the wrong era at the wrong time and being captured. Most had no intention of anything like rioting and when inside a nation at war that wouldn't be a good idea anyway
Modern prisons are full of people who are fucked in the head have no problem breaking the rules on the outside and so sure as hell won't in the inside. Plus they usually outnumber the guards and have more intention of chimping out and being violent than they have for actually escaping
Ryan Perez
>undermining the job market with government work programs Going against the free market again? You commies are going too far.
Andrew Price
>wanting prisoners to take jobs >in a high supply low demand employee economy
Adam Sullivan
I'm pretty sure the biggest opponents of prison labour were not bleeding heart liberals, but companies that didn't like the competition.
Lucas Torres
Because prisons are about rehabilitation. You could have the worst work camp in the world, and that still wouldn't dissuade criminals from crime.
William Ortiz
Bentley Morgan
>Because prisons are about rehabilitation.
Work is rehabilitation. It is the best way to teach criminals how to behave in society.
Thomas Thomas
thats an interesting idea, they could have their own self sufficient camps. without thinking much about it i guess it could cause trouble when they are not dependant on the outside government. guards would have to be very very good
Cooper King
>Modern prisons are full of people who are fucked in the head have no problem breaking the rules on the outside That is why you have guards with guns who can shoot them.
Ryder Murphy
You can work and study in prison. You're saying that we should make prisons worse, and that prison by being more of a punishment would, what, stop crime?
Look at South America, their prisons are literally some of the worst places on earth, and yet they have an abundance of crime.
>You can judge a society by how well it treats its prisoners.
Kayden Perez
arbeit macht frei you son of a bitch you tried it one time in history and no-one was happy
Michael White
Great idea if you want to make the prison Industrial complex more powerful. Just wait until your ass is more valuable behind bars than it is shitposting on the internet.
Wyatt Bailey
The conditions in US prisons are pretty hard compared to Northern Europe The sentences are much longer And the facilities are privatized, with prison lobby groups funding politicians in favour of harder punishments.
The US system is designed to make the prisoners come out worse than when they went in.
Their youth penal system is also harsh, so even the young offenders are worsened instead of rehabilitated.
Sure the Danish system, for instance, might seem very very soft, but we only have re-offend rates maybe 30%, whereas in the US the rate is over 60%.
This saves taxpayer money and keeps the population of criminals low, which makes my country safe.
Tl:dr - rehabilitation works when the justice system is designed to rehabilitate
Cooper White
unfortunately, the states have very, very limited ability to effect the border. Thats the difference between a state and a country in the EU. States control a lot about what goes on in that state, but anything that counts as interstate or international is handled by the fed.
Elijah Williams
>Great idea if you want to make the prison Industrial complex more powerful. Just wait until your ass is more valuable behind bars than it is shitposting on the internet.
So? We still have judges as gatekeepers. Courts are not run by private industries.
Alexander Ward
>arbeit macht frei you son of a bitch >you tried it one time in history and no-one was happy
And yet most countries had work camps for ages before the 1930s. the Romans had work camps for criminals for fucks sake!
Benjamin Harris
Because judges aren't already taking bribes.
Cooper Brooks
>Look at South America, their prisons are literally some of the worst places on earth, and yet they have an abundance of crime. Correlation is not causation.
If you make people work in prison, that will not make those people more or less likely to commit crimes once they come out per se. It probably makes them less likely to commit crimes, if you hand them money for their work when they leave prison.
Matthew Ward
ww2 has become the foundation of a religion and it represents the destruction of the old world and the old practices, the nazis and germany were a sacrificial lamb to cleanse themselves of the sins of the past so they can begin anew with their globalist empires
Hunter Carter
>Courts are not run by private industries. US prisons are. They are for-profit organisations. And they buy judges. Or secure the election of sheriffs and judges that favour hard punishments. Which is one of the reasons the US has so many prisoners. Because employing prisoners for 50 cents an hour, while having no right to refuse work or strike, is incredibly profitable.
Christian Mitchell
>Because judges aren't already taking bribes. They are not. Fuck you for suggesting judges are all corrupt, they are not.
Henry Nguyen
GULAG That's what you're thinking of.
Frankly, the only think wrong with the Gulags was the "justice" system that set people to them. If you eliminate political prisoners from the formula, Gulags work pretty well.
Owen Ortiz
Not all of them, but you dont need them to be. All you need to do is lobby and bully the county so they elect a hard line judge. Offer them some parks and some more money for dem programs, and you have yourself a secured election.
This is how every election in the USA works. The lobby group with the most money, wins. Up until now, that is. Which is why Trump defeating Jeb Bush has been so interesting, and Trump doing as well as he does while not spending over much on lobbying is so surprising.
Ian Evans
>work camps >look at flag Checks out.
Also yes, you are right. Just remember that when the burgers or russians come and bomb everything to shit, YOU will be blamed for starving prisoners in your 'death camps'.
Brayden Sanchez
>you need to do is lobby and bully the county so they elect a hard line judge.
Hard line judges still have to obey the law. If someone is innocent, a hard line judge will not have the possibility to convict that person.
But a hard line judge can give a rapist 12 years of hard labor instead of 3 years of cosy prison couch. And that is WHAT WE WANT.
Thomas Hernandez
>Why is prison not punishment any more?
Because we actually found out that punishing people for 20 years and then letting them free in the society ends up on them making crimes again while rehabilitating them leads to rehabilitated people. Who would have known.
Also they do work.
Ayden Martin
I love the way Austria somehow managed to shift the blame entirely on Germany, despite being responsible for both world wars.
Landon Nelson
Oh this was a joke thread.
Kinda sad that there are still actually people like that though.
Juan Gray
how is austria responsable for ww2 ?
Landon Phillips
>The eternal austrian, bane of the germanic people.
Easton Morgan
> judges cannot convinc the innocent
Err, innocent people end up in jail all the time. DNA tests showed that plenty of executed prisoners in the US were innocent.
They still fried or were gassed or otherwise killed.
Judges make mistakes, police mske mistakes, witnesses make mistakes and lie.
Ayden Edwards
hitler was an austrian
Parker Howard
Actually hundreds of cases that have already been found out which isn't exactly a surprise considering how fucked up the American "justice" system is.
Alexander Evans
He can also give someone 20 years in prison for posession of drugs. Which is maybe a bit much. And that happens regularly in the US, applying the maximum penalty for small crimes. Why? Because the prison system needs that cheap labour.
Logan Watson
Not only was Hitler an Austrian, a lot of the most radical right wing activists in the 1920s were Austrians. They moved back and forth to Germany, fomenting for the right.
Half of the Stahlhelm leaderhsip was Austrian (the informal 500,000 strong reserves of the Reichswehr, organized in a Freikorps).
Benjamin Lopez
in most prisons prisoners actually do work. hell I live near a low security prison that has a restaurant close by where all the waiters and cooks are convicts. best stake I've ever had tbph my famalam.
>And why are prisons made of concrete like normal buildings? tents and wooden shags should be ok.
because it's super cheap to pour out a shitload of concrete compared to having to hire hundreds of additional guards you'd need to stop people from waltzing out of tents and wooden shacks
Brayden Rodriguez
>Mexico >failed state
You dont know what that means.
Noah Rodriguez
so what , still german .
Parker Butler
>look at OP pic >see orange jumpsuits >immediately think of ISIS executions anyone else?
Bentley Thomas
>compared to having to hire hundreds of additional guards What are automatic machine guns?
Chase James
yeah and african americans are still american
Michael Flores
>20 years in prison for posession of drugs. Which is maybe a bit much. Does not work in Europe or the US. 1., there are maximum sentences for drug possession and 2. there are appellate courts.
Jason Campbell
>Err, innocent people end up in jail all the time. Fewer than 1% of prison inmates are innocent.
Blake Price
What are humanitarian laws? get the fuck out of here you edgy shit.
Kayden Hernandez
It incentives private prisons to lobby for more laws to get more people in prison because now they have free slave labor.
Logan Myers
>German talking about 'work' camps
Austin Perez
>I live near a low security prison that has a restaurant close by where all the waiters and cooks are convicts.
Sounds comfy desu. My neighborhood prison just has a store where you can buy all kinds of shit made by the prisoners.
Daniel Baker
I can go and look up a bunch of examples of people getting the maximum penalty for posession in the USA. And Im pretty sure maximum prison penalties are set at the state level. Meaning you can lobby the state to make harsher maximum penalties.
Jose Wilson
IF someone gets the MAXIMUM allowed penalty, I do not have a problem with that. If the government says the maximum prison sentence e.g. for theft is 5 years, why should a thief not get 5 years?
Ayden White
Because dindus.
Liam Walker
They might be hotels in some countries but here or in the us, most prisons are overpopulated shitholes. Half of the people in prison (moderate criminals) shouldn't be in prison at all and instead be forced to work for the state. Prison should only be for high level criminals. But it needs to look like a prison.
Jackson Ward
Prisoners usually leave prison in a worse state than they entered, mentally that is. If you give them work, aka a purpose, they may get around and want to better themselves.
If you maltreat them, you'll end up frustrating some, leading to more crime. The rest won't commit crime out of fear, which isn't the best readon desu
Nicholas Stewart
>The rest won't commit crime out of fear, which isn't the best readon desu Its the only reason. I only dont go around burning mosques and shooting leftist politicians because I fear state reprisal.
Noah Richardson
This. Prison isn't meant to rehabilitate by giving them shit that some law-abiding and tax-paying citizens don't even get. It's supposed to rehabilitate through punishment.
Provision of bare necessities/essentials such as small food portions (mostly bread), water only, windowless cubicle of a room, and so on is more than sufficient.
Subjecting them to hard and/or dangerous labor, as a way for them to pay their debt to society, is also necessary. It is to teach them that there are consequences. Have them do dangerous work, like working on mines where there's a possibility of being buried alive. Have them do hard work by working on farms and harvesting crops, which leads to the reduction of reliance on migrant laborers and keeps prices down--this could be Trump's solution to the dependence of the agricultural sector on illegal Mexicans doing such work, as the prisoners would replace them. Of course, they won't get compensation, other than repaying the victims that they've wronged and society in general. Making license plates and other pussy work just doesn't cut it.
You want them to be extremely weak and afraid of going back when they get out.
You want them to beg people for honest work (digging ditches, if they have to), because they don't want to consider crime as an option anymore. That they would rather do the work that Mexicans do than to commit a crime and go back again.
You want them to prefer suicide than going back, if shit isn't just going right and they're tempted to resort to crime again.
You would know that the rehabilitation-punishment is working if you see ex-cons working in the fields or other hard/dangerous labor, or committing suicide.
Isaiah Gomez
>prison >punishment
Prison should be about redemption to get people back into society to work and pay taxes. It's better for the economy anyways because people wouldn't have to compete against slave laborers for work.
Carter Powell
Don't remember typing desu at the end of my sentence, dunno how it got there
Yea good point, I should've been clearer tho, I was talking about the people who have been in prison, and don't do the exact same shit again out of fear, and not because they want to be a valuable citizen. I'm sure you'll get your chance to shoot shit when hell breaks lose.
Ayden Lewis
You can't possibly be that big of a cuck.
William Martin
>being this new
Kayden Wilson
Kinda figured it was a thing, also not really new, just don't post much
Benjamin Sanders
You're an idiot who thinks prisoners are all the same. Prison with no job during or after it pretty much means you'll go back to criminality. Plain punishment has been proven fucking useless. Hope you end up in jail someday faggot, see how your ideology stands there. Faggot.
Ethan Howard
Redemption works way better than rehabilitation. There's no point in blowing a bunch of money on people that will never contribute to society again. It's a bad investment.
Jaxson Roberts
Agreed When wrongdoing occurs, the convict should be required to pay back the damages. When a murder occurs it means someone dead can't pay taxes and then we are supposed to send someone to hotel for free. regards finnfag