Putin just posed on an Orthodox Throne in Athos, Greece which since Centuries was reserved for Byzantine Emperors only. This and the Classical Concert in reconquered Palmyra makes him a more credible threat and therefore also a more respected adversary for the mudslime barbarians all over the world then all the Dronestrikes and half-assed police actions of the west in the last years. The only thing the shitskinned barbarians respect is strenght and violence.
Or is he taking it even further than we think, will he retake Constantinople and stomp out the Turkroaches? He could do it, Nato is not even obliged to fight in Asia and Turkey isolates itself more and more each day. Crusade when?
Would be nice to work with Russia and make things great again. Can at least dream about it.
Jacob King
He's already courted the Kurds. They'd be useful against the Turks. Kurds get their Kurdistan and Putin gets Constantinople. Fuck yeah. Hopefully Trump rekts useless waste of dollars NATO so it can happen.
Andrew Watson
Putin is not anti-globalist, he's been in bed with Jews for a long time now. Also there are a fuckton of Muslims living in Russia, namely Moscow. Maybe he wants to fight back deep down, who knows, but the reality of the situation does not favor one.
Zachary Hernandez
I can only hope Trump is elected and we work closer with Russia to eliminate the mudslime threat. Western Europe is destroying itself and can get fucked for all I care.
Samuel Murphy
Why is he standing? Looks weird.
Adrian Robinson
>orthodox crusade
Sebastian Nelson
Just about anyone who gets into power has to be in bed with them. All it would take is Trump and Putin both breaking those chains at the same time to cause all this kikery to start crashing down. Hitler almost achieved it with Germany on its own, Russia and the US could together destroy it.
Noah Johnson
Maybe, both countries have the hard-power to make it happen, but I feel like they have a lot of conflicting interests in the Middle East and what not to just cut all ties. It would take a lot of bloodshed and behind-the-door fuckery to make it happen. Not to mention they could get fucking assassinated or escalate more wars just to try to restructure the alliance systems we have going on.
Connor Sanchez
>tfw I studied Byzantine History at least I won't be jobless. Anyone is welcomed over erdoğan tbqh. Today is also the day of Conquest of Constantinople by Turks. 29th of May.
Landon Reyes
From Wiki: >After the Nazi takeover of Greece, the Epistassia, Athos's four-member executive committee, formally asked Hitler to place the Autonomous Monastic State under his personal protection, and Hitler agreed. Mount Athos survived World War II nearly untouched, and for the remainder of the war, the monks of Mount Athos referred to Adolf Hitler as "High Protector of the Holy Mountain" (German: Hoher Protektor des heiligen Berges).
Benjamin Long
Meanwhile the Pope is a cuck actively assisting the Muslim invasion and take over of Western Europe
Caleb Jackson
Russia for world president now. To end this era. In 200 years, we will look back at this time in shame.
Leo Ward
>he's been in bed with Jews for a long time now
He has to, or the Jews take him out of power and Russia goes back to 1995.
>Also there are a fuckton of Muslims living in Russia, namely Moscow.
Cheap labor needed to build Russia.
Hunter Adams
Which region are you from, Turkbro?
Logan Cox
Chalcedon born&raised.
Wyatt Martin
Based. Chalcedon precedes Byzantium/Constantinople as one of the first Greek settlements in Bosphorus. Really want to visit some day.
Liam Thompson
You should, after Erdoğan. Tourism is having a crisis now, due to his fucked up policies. People need to understand he caused this shit. Don't spend your money unless erdoğan is gone. Every coin helps.
Not much classical heritage left here though it is a nice place to live in, upper to middle class non-conservative/religious folk dwell here. South West is better in that regard, Ephesus, Aphrodisias etc
Jackson White
That was Venice's fault. >Crusaders come to the coast realize they don't have enough money to pay to across to the Holy Land >Venice; him, ok you guys, you can pay us by conquering the city of Zadar for us >they did and Venice transports them to Constantinople >crusaders just go aww fuck it, we are staying here and pillaging shit
Burn Venice to the ground.
Cooper Stewart
So, you are saying we should BDS on Turkey?
Austin Mitchell
Pootin shills are the most cucked betas ever. Emperor, lmao.
Owen Jones
I know you fucking Germans like Russians because you have similar mentalities and like being told what to do by the state, but Poland will most likely opt out
Juan Jones
fourth crusade when?
Juan Johnson
NOW!" GODFUCKINGDAMNIT SOMEONE MAKE THE RALLYING CRY NOW! Not tomorrow, not next year, NOW! Right this hour! Pick me up in a truck and give me instructions on the way to the frontline, arm me up and point at the mudslime. Fuck, I don't even need a rifle. I'll carry your ammunition and pick up yours if you go down first, just like in WWII - to HELL with waiting for the crusades!
Anthony Jones
Well there is a lot of native muslims in Russia. Like you know, most of the north Caucasus and the Tatar/Baskir lands.
I don't care about ancient Rome or ideologies. I just want to remove kebab and move our planet towards becoming a T1 civilisation without infighting caused by mudslimes.
Joshua Walker
God, look at the frescoes/murals. Many of them are still there in Hagia Sophia, the fucks just won't let us get at them.
Should have been part of the WW 1 surrender.
Justin Lewis
what a manlet.
Anyway: I would welcome him taking Constantinopel back. Even though he's a manlet.
Jeremiah Foster
kek, he is tiny
Levi Turner
It actually was. The entire eastern Thrace could have been Greek, but Venizelos (our PM at the time) didn't want to get cocky. While there were no Ottoman forces to stop him, he was afraid that getting the entire Thrace would force Ataturk to retaliate, and we would lose the eastern part as well.
To be honest, I think he may have been right. Europe was a shitfest at the time, and I doubt we would really have received that much support at the time. We'd probably end up with less clay.
Ethan Fisher
Gavin Morales
You never learn, do you.
Easton Cruz
This is bullshit. As is 99% of the stuff on Wikipedia for anything controversial, bc the Jews monopolize the editing.
Do you really believe this: "They smashed the silver iconostasis, the icons and the holy books of Hagia Sophia, and seated upon the patriarchal throne a whore who sang coarse songs as they drank wine from the Church's holy vessels..."
do you really believe these men--in a Church not at the time considered heretical -- went, found a whore, and placed here there to "sing bawdy songs?"
The actual story is much more blasé. They weren't paid to there liking, so looted some money and some of the artwork, esp the Venetians-- which turned out to be a good thing, since the Turks did destroy and meltdown everything.
Cooper Mitchell
Atatürk would have marched on his hometown desu
Isaac Lopez
>Turks did destroy and meltdown everything. [citations needed]
William Anderson
>I doubt we would really have received that much support at the time Probably correct in that. It just makes me livid, it's no longer a mosque anyway, it's a fucking museum.
I will bet you that in next 10 years, unless things change, it will become a mosque agains as Ergodan gets cockier and cockier.
To fight the Turks for that city, I would enlist and let myself be used as cannon fodder.
Chase Morgan
This is why I hate those "all Christians should fight over minor differences" posters. Because it only helps nonchristians
Tyler Williams
Look at Hagia Sophia today. Do I just imagine all the frescoes painted over, all the icons gone, and the shitty muslims writing plastered everywhere?
I worked on film "Argo" and got to stay inside Hagia Sophia overnight for 2 nights to change light bulbs for better lighting for the film.
They ended up liking them so much, we didn't have to change them back. All for the one shot of Affleck in "Argo" talking t the Brit spy in front of the one visible icon they left, of Christ.
Zachary Rivera
One day your jungle will have to collapse won't it
Hudson Smith
But the frescoes are being repaired you fag, it's not hard to pull them down if the Ottomans intended to destroy. They were covered in an architectural makeup and now they are being restored.
Jace Morgan
>and now they are being restored. HAgia Sophia is largest and probably holiest church in Chistendom.
Tell me, if we invaded Mecca and made some...redecorating choices, like covering the kabah in crosses, how would Muslims respond?
Henry Taylor
The worst that could happen to us is turning into a small irrelevant country like Pooland.
Michael Green
Beware cockroaches
John Howard
It will be a hegemony of the Trumpian Empire and the Russian Federation.
Ryan Nguyen
They would be butthurt like you are, I don't deny that.
Jordan Gray
The point is, its not "redecoration" its desecration.
Joseph Sanders
Not my emperor. Give me emperor of Prussian descent with experience in corporate finances as the head of our Supreme Court.
Michael Reyes
Most of the Icons were destroyed by, wait for it, Iconoclasts.
As far as I know ottomans basically covered them up with plaster/gypsum. The surviving Icon was recovered beneath it.
Liam Martin
No, it was still used as a holy site. I wouldn't have done so, but Mehmed had the gall to style himself as the Roman Emperor, so he had to use the prayer site of the Emperors.
Parker Diaz
user, they'd be blowing themselves up like Mexican jumping beans, not "butthurt."
In general I don't mind Turks, actually like the Turkish Airlines lounge in Ataturk and some are OK, but don't bullshit me.
Brayden Hall
>used as a holy site Used as a mosque. And a common refrain, when the Sultan took his annual pay with the Janneseries, was "we will meet one day in the Golden Apple" (the apple being Constantinople).
Aaron Thompson
Again not denying that, Muzzies get butthurt over everything and yeah the world would be like a giant popcorn machine if that happened. Nice flag
Luis Peterson
You bastard Russian scum your country is nothing then a great pile of Shit leaded by fucking bald guy from brazzers
Luke Lewis
I think it's the Janissaries getting their pay and the Apple is the Heaven as Ottoman mysticism is based on a Sufi unitarian belief system.
Luke Kelly
Damn, kurwa sure is mad here. You should have at least learned English during your toilet cleaning tours to UK.
Gavin Baker
> Again not denying that > Again
James Collins
Need some help with that Ivan?
Benjamin Edwards
Anthony Allen
>Sufi unitarian belief system probably, but still on based ultimately on conquest, and the goal then Changed to "new" Rome (at the time, Constantinople was still considered the heir to "Rome.")
Also, the entire idea of Janessaries makes me sick. spent a lot of my childhood in Malta, and even they (by far most Catholic nation in world, pride in their defeat of Turks during great siege) are starting to get cucked by the fucking Jesuits.
As they say in Malta, "our Jesuits are your Jews." And it's true.
Benjamin King
also, if Sufi Islam could produce that level of fanaticism, how bad must Wahabbism be?
Henry King
Samuel Watson
Lel Sufis are pretty chill, they whirl around but their spinoffs like Bektashis became the official sect of Janissaries. It's better than mainstream Islam, and far better than Wahhabism, but in the end Islam is Islam.
Evan Hall
You seem like a fairly normal.reasonable guy. What do you think of Ergodan? Will Turkey still be at all "secular" once he gets finished?
Joshua Hughes
I don't know. Back then I didn't give two shits as I thought Erdogan was a populist and he was. But right now he's like a caged animal attacking everything he can get his teeth on, so secular Turks, who are his original source of inferiority complex, will be targeted. I don't see the future bright, he will drag the country down with him, but I think Turks need a big slap in the face to wake up.
Zachary Reed
Did he actually sit on it?
Adam Rogers
Not from you.
Gavin Martin
Better yet, leave the fucking country, thanks.
Kayden Miller
It's really, really odd. I don't follow Turk politics that closely, but the steps he's taken to shit on Ataturk...do you think he just senses which way the wind is blowing and is trying to appeal to the population as Islam is experiencing a "Great Awakening?"
HAve a hard time believing he's any more a "real muslim" then the al-sauds, who will play the game with the Wahabbis so long as they get to keep their billions of dollars and estates in Morocco, Paris, London, etc..
Easton Diaz
Shut up you little whining babies Venice is one of the most important European cities and you're just butthurt croat as always. Why croats always so mad? Serb bit ur ass?
Colton Torres
>do you think he just senses which way the wind is blowing and is trying to appeal to the population as Islam is experiencing a "Great Awakening?" He has been in the power for a long time and indoctrinated a generation, so he doesn't really need to appeal to anyone anymore. He does things that completely contradict what he said a year ago (his was on Kurds when he was advocating peace, his drift with Gulen when they were best buddies) and the people swallow every lie without hesitation. It's the leader cult that's in Turkish nomadic culture, people will respond to him no matter what. He claims to be a victim of military coups but he deposed the elected PM, which is also a coup. He's going for absolute power, but the international pressure is mounting against him. The first blow will be an economic crisis imo, as it's very fragile. >HAve a hard time believing he's any more a "real muslim" then the al-sauds, who will play the game with the Wahabbis so long as they get to keep their billions of dollars and estates in Morocco, Paris, London, etc..
He's not, his only concern is to keep his power and his billions.